Tentaclely goodness from Roli

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11:55am Feb 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1
Minding my own business when BAM!!! I fell through a random hole on Roliana and slipped into Rescreatu. Just joined and hoping i'll like it ^.^ Everything is abit confusing but i'm sure after a few days of aimlessly wondering around i'll adjust to prowling the forums of Res on late nights. Oh, and as to the od username, I love marine life and tentacled life is amazing! Just a lil about myself: I'm in college, 18, and enjoy a decent rp. Not much I can really think of after that so feel free to leave a post of you'd like ^^

12:58pm Feb 29 2012


Posts: 394
Rescreatu is quite different compared to Roliana but there are a few similar aspects.  After a bit of exploring you should get the hang of it :)

1:40pm Feb 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 5
Hello, fellow Roli-Rescreatu member.

And hi Patrick.

11:32pm Mar 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,034
Welcome to Res thar, sea-life lover! <333 If you need any help/have any questions, feel free to R-mail me anytime. :) I'm Fizzeh. 
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