Ok when you first start be a merchant to earn tons then later switch into a rancher to have fun and be rich from your merchant profits. When you first start you should explore to find an egg then take the egg you find. Go to the hatchery listed under My Account in the navigation box on the left side of the screen then click incubate to incubate the egg. You should wait until it says ready underneath the egg. But if you are not patient go to creatu list on the top of the hatchery (In the hatchery) and select the planet that you found the egg so they will list the right pets then under the next list click the name of the egg such as gondra egg you would click gondra. Then you will see a picture of the egg you found and it would say 35 incubation points or something else and then thats the mimimum number of points you should wait so if it says 34 incubation minutes then wait until your egg in the hatchery says that number underneath. Remember diffrent pets earn points quicker than others. But you can also see other pets not just the ones you found for example you want a pet that can be found in Scria then click Scria and then select any name of any pet and you will see its egg. If you want to see it as a baby or something else in the last list click baby, middle, or adult. Hope this helped if you have any questions please post it below.

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