So here I am again for everyone who isn't ancient like me. I use to be on here a lot about three years ago, but then decided to quit. These updates are crazy! mutations, more colors, different creatu, and not to mention the prices seem to have gone up on pets *cough* anyway. I am pleased to be back on this website, and for anyone who remembers me feel free to chat me up! Oh, by the way I should share my total noob story. I thought I had gotten rid of all my pets but apparently I didn't so they went to the graveyard. I was looking at the creatu log after much egg gathering and thought it was telling that the creatu inside of the egg were that color! I was so excited until I realized I didn't have a Malal egg at the moment... Then it hit me *derp* anyway, yeah >.< hi?
Thanks! Yeah it's been a while, and all the buttons are moved around so I'm all lost XD it is still as fun as always though. I will ask if I can't figure something out *pokes website with wrench*
Great by then I will be all use to it again. Oh well, then it's just memorizing the prices of pets and eggs again and I'll be all set. Although I am trying to track down one of the only pets I remember having, just to see where it ended up lol
I took a break right around the time when all these big changes and new effects were coming into play, so I totally understand where you are. If you have any more questions, I'll be around too!
I hope you're enjoying the new Res so far, and I'm sure I'll see you around!
Formerly an Assistant Formerly known as Gravy Aukira enthusiast