5:40pm Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 6:29pm Mar 4 2011)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/12.gif)
Posts: 393
![](http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQQYHAsBfVn16xufZezHUXxaAicrh9MxociUUcSEK86LAZTKz3Y&t=1) Here, we can challenge eachother to battles and/or set up trades in hopes that we get that much wanted Pokemon in return. Or... We can just chit chat about anything Pokemon! ^-^ I will update this thread frequently so that you do not have to scroll all over creation just to see who has what. Below is a list of Pokemon up for trade and what the owner requests for it. '*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*' Rescreatu Username: ReapersPlaymate ![](http://3rdw.forumsland.com/images/smiles/KyogreShinySprite.gif) ta:image/jpg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBggGBQkIBwgKCQkKDRYODQwMDRoTFBAWHxwtIB8cHh4jJzIqIyUvJR4eKzssLzM1ODg4ISo9QTw2QTI3ODUBCQoKDQsNGQ4OGTUkHiQ1NTU1NTU1NTU1NTU1LzU2NTU1NTU1NTU1NTU1NTYvNTU1NTU1NTUuNTU1NTU1NTU2Nf/AABEIAEAAQAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAADAQADAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgc*censored*MECP/EADMQAAICAQMDAwIDBgcAAAAAAAECAwQRBRIhAAYxEyJBFFEjMmEHFUJxgZEzUmJzodLx/8QAGQEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQ*censored*AB/8QAKREAAgECBAQGAwAAAAAAAAAAAQIDABEEEiExBUFR8BNxgZGxwSJhof/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8AtVm/Vpsi2rMMBcEqJJAu7HnGf5j+/XJbUD2WrrNGZkGWjDjcB9yPPyP79R3W9X1vQ+5noyWRFYqqv4kSlRbUr/indwSTuzj+JcFm9MEYseqahG52zvJD6ySvDIoZCyY2jafAAAGEwNvHgAA3gmwPWqkPDJZkzqw96+gejpX/AGfdyN3BoLLakDXqkhSYZHKkkowGc4x7ctzlGGTjJl3e+tXu4+5LU9aeRYakjR0nikyI9px6iEY5JG7I58DPA6ysbO+Qb0vDhHldk2tV56Oprqf7WILdOrFpsyU53gjntysQ4gYgMYQSMFh4YkYGCPzZ2La2tVua2X0+xYp2K6BRZnkkllxkkxlmYchgCYzvXkhtrKU6KmGZgCTvtXseDZ1BJtfYd8qt3R0ndk90XtRrW/3p+LUrKZE1U7VidQTuDHCqSCG5TIAGG2kDcx6NrlDuCibemWBPCHaNvayMjDyrKwBU+OCBwQfBHQXQoSDS0kZjYqeVeTubtTT+6qccN8SJJC26GxCQskf3AJBGDjkEEeD5AIl+qdhavpOppW9WteiZN31KsYjEvHMg5KgndgAtnafnjqt65q0WhaJa1GcbkrpuC8+5vCrkA4ySBn4z1J27rt3tDhnlZRPeJsuFOQu7x8k8LgAE8AY6awmZmycqpcNM1zkawrsqadY0CnYmiu21FhYxYFQ+kCEJIG/8/BZvcCu4HkfHWJLHSEWynBNWAPlZy+R9sMCB/TrU0+9JqVytRtzenVaQB8cZH2z+vjp4kbStKqmKJIasR/zkAn+vknz5/wDHpHWEgBdTVCWYYc2C3JqF6pp1ipea1GomQyCRdkQYBhyQyNkEEg5zkHnPXfHdni0L6SeQpWVPcvyFH8JP2/T58fzb+56kckgtU6zJSkxtITCuR9h8fccc46WL1CWOKGWpPMspnQQeip3tIclApXkNlcjHyuB0N7G5Ogt33v8AZgFRDJpr15fo9+9P1i/qlHt9dD1y4bNhHW3aaSRZPp1PuSBn5LMCBITkYyoBZTnrF07XtZ7a1bUNWrKkdWIKstORADNHGrMdx5KPucgYIKnIZSVK9JUWv3kqPHDNFIJpDLJJNGJTIxbJ3ZOGzg53Zzk56p/7O9Ik7k+ivmq9bTKUisN5P48kf5VQg5KqwBLHjK7cHLbclEiiytt8mkpFSOEiTz8yenl3tVRvU479KWtLkLIuNwAyp+GGQRkHBB+CB1P9d7FqpcVa9sUXc8RmD8FifiI5GDkMdmSftgAZo/XCeCK1XkgsRpLDKpR43UMrqRggg+QR8dTFYqbg1HhxEkBuhtULtdndzQXZYY68UqmQFLHrbQq8cbCcnx5/1Nw3tI0x2XquBl6Wf91/+nVIbsrQ96GCo9NU8RUrEtaPznJSNlUn9SMnj7deC/oWoXp103dPBXYZl1Ku8cbbMHAUc4l3bc+3aVyQVJCjUcjx3KsdfX5p0cTl5279amDanYt2xotiwySVt4RGG5cqcHBH5sfqfH26Yu0tTrduypataVqFu9HW+kV6rQ+kke7e2N8iklm5JKjAAA8Mzb2rfsw0ut2vImh01OrVsWK9mU75ZZFHKFiQArgFccIC24Lx0kGT940kC53RyD167gqQwOGRlOMEEeD8gZ6eBXERkEajppenITFjgYz+Njyp79HsfvbWIZbVOFtTVg3pWEeB5W25KkcLPtCYP5wAPseXOCCKrXjgrxpFDEoSONFCqigYAAHgAfHUJsfSJEY02yLMQhqSLkEk+djePOfgf8Hp07M77s/Uw6JqSmzPvCRSlz6zKfggj3FfJJPKZOXKsSlKoU2B+/7QMbwx4U8RDdR13FUXo6OjoVRqOjo6OurqOlHu3sT99WjqWkWI6Op7dshdN0dkAe0OPg+BvGSB8NhcN3R1pWKm61tHZGzKbGob3DBqWjwSLrmkSweiQ4sonrVW9xUEv4UHwA2G5BwDjrv0OB4L85c2ajrGmEes4kb1WyyRscZl/C9h55+Dji0yxJPC8UqLJG6lWRhkMD5BHyOsyhoZpao1o23lRYzHDGw5VWIJ3Nn3n2gA8HGc7ic9FabPqRrVB+JyvCYWtrX/2Q==" border="0" alt="" width="1" height="1" align="top" />![](http://3rdw.forumsland.com/images/smiles/KyogreShinySprite.gif)
Pokemon Species? Kyogre Level: 22 Male/Female/Genderless? Genderless Moves: Water Pulse, Scary Face, Ancient Power, Body Slam. Nickname? None Special Qualities (Example; Shiny, different language, etc.)? Shiny. Seeking: Japanese Pokemon. Would also take TU, Dye Kits, Some CS Items and possibly pets. ==================== Username: Nessie
Pokemon Species? Rattata Level: 17
Moves: Focus Energy, Bite, Pursuit, Hyper Fang.
Nickname? Clover
Special Qualities (Example; Shiny, different language, etc.)? Shinyy
Seeking: Other shinies, Latias and other roaming legendaries. '*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*' In order to set up a trade of your own, please fill this form out... Pokemon Species? Level: Moves: Nickname? Special Qualities (Example; Shiny, different language, etc.)? Seeking: !PLEASE READ! You may either post your friend code here or send a private message to the person you are trading with or battling. Only post your friend code on this thread if you wish to share it with everyone and do not mind anyone and everyone registering you in their Pal Pad. Please do not forget to include what version this friend code is on. *Friend Codes* ReapersPlaymate: (Pokemon Diamond) 0089 1302 7662 Trainers looking for battles: '*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*' ReapersPlaymate Sonador DracoTarcheInazuma Nessie Ashdog554 '*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*' (Just post in red that you are looking for battles so that omeone can RMail you and you two can work out the details)
8:08pm Feb 28 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/56.gif)
Posts: 1,864
Yeeeey. lD
8:31pm Feb 28 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/345.gif)
Posts: 4,355
YO REAPER. I'm looking for a battle :D
10:36pm Feb 28 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/70.gif)
Posts: 1,082
eue I like battles. But I hae to mooch a neighbor's wifi to get a battle going. :C I have no wifi at home. If you see me on at around 6:00 - 8:00PM Res time, feel free to rmail me! C:
12:37am Mar 1 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/12.gif)
Posts: 393
If you guys could send me your Friend Codes, I will add you and we can battle when we are around at the same time. I also have to bum Wi-Fi. XD Which means I have to go accross the street and sit in the parking lot in my car, looking all creepy like. :3 Lol.
12:46pm Mar 1 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/235.gif)
Posts: 2,315
I have wifi but it wont let me use it for pokemon for no reason :C
5:51pm Mar 1 2011 (last edited on 5:53pm Mar 1 2011)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/16.gif)
Posts: 508
I wanna battle too. c: Also, I have a pokemon I wanna trade.
Pokemon Species? Rattata Level: 17
Moves: Focus Energy, Bite, Pursuit, Hyper Fang.
Nickname? Clover
Special Qualities (Example; Shiny, different language, etc.)? Shinyy
Seeking: Other shinies, Latias and other roaming legendaries.
11:42pm Mar 3 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/234.gif)
Posts: 12,384
Ehhh. Looking for a battle. Rmail me for my FC. :3 That is if nobody here minds that I use legendaries. Cuz they make up nearly my whole team. >_>;; (Not use to my other teams yet. :c Just this one.) And if anyones wonnnderring~ My Team: Arceus: Lvl 100. Quirky. Multitype. Moves: Judgement, Rockclimb, Hyperbeam, Recover. Giratina: Lvl 100. (Rest is secret. ^^;;) Palkia: Lvl 100 Dialga: Lvl 100 Articuno: Lvl 100 Dragonite: Lvl 100
12:33am Mar 4 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/70.gif)
Posts: 1,082
D'aw. Legendaries are no fun. XD
11:31am Mar 4 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/345.gif)
Posts: 4,355
Ash: -Draw drop- BUT my Shaymin could pown you into mud!
5:58pm Mar 4 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/34.gif)
Posts: 4,685
im ofering a pikchu 4 trade nd sry 4 my bad gramar nd speling.im only 8 yrs old.i wuld also lik e to batlle pls.my pokamn r pikachu(iwant 1 las battle wiht it be4 i trade it),rosrade,gyrdos,infernape,luxray,and hapiny(its 2 cute 2 evulv).
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:01pm Mar 4 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/132.gif)
Posts: 4,893
-Snuck in, being off topic and such, pointing dramatically at saryapink.- I call bullcrud for lack of grammar. :L
i’m such a gamer uwu
6:28pm Mar 4 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/12.gif)
Posts: 393
Anyone online and wanna battle right now? (Note the time stamp on my post. Lol.)
6:29pm Mar 4 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/34.gif)
Posts: 4,685
I hope you guys knew that was a joke. o_o; I'm not actually 8 years old, I'm not offering a Pikachu for trade, thats not my Pokemon team, none of that was true. xD But I do love Pokemon, and I'll probably ask for a battle or offer a Pokemon sometime later. ;D
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:30pm Mar 4 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/132.gif)
Posts: 4,893
I know. I tend to point out the obvious. Bad habit of mine. :( Kudos for making all of those typoes. Even if I tried, I would fail even making one typo. xD
i’m such a gamer uwu
6:31pm Mar 4 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/12.gif)
Posts: 393
Ahaha! That was awesome. Jenny called it. I don't think anyone believed it, Pinkeh. :p
6:59pm Mar 4 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/34.gif)
Posts: 4,685
Oh, thank goodness no one actually believed it. xD Also if I were to transfer a Pokemon from Pearl to Platinum and teach it a move (by tutor) that it can't learn in Pearl and then transfer it back to Pearl, would it still have the move? Just wondering.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
7:30pm Mar 4 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/234.gif)
Posts: 12,384
Sona: No it couldn't! xD My Arceus would beat it DOOWWN! >D @Draco: It's not like legendaries are any stronger than other pokemon. It's the only team I'm use to battling with. xDAnd legends tend to have cruddy effects. Like pressure. Who gives a crud about pressure. And about legendaries... They all seem so great, and then another one comes along and out-gods them. xDD ...SARYA! o: -Tackles-
9:53pm Mar 4 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/181.gif)
Posts: 17,364
How do I find my Friend code? xDD For Diamond and Soulsilver?
![DoodlePicture3](http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab324/Lysa_q/DoodlePicture3-1.jpg) \r\n
10:00pm Mar 4 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/181.gif)
Posts: 17,364
I be zozo. ![](http://www.gtsplus.net/files/images/sprites/male-shiny/074.gif)
Pokemon Species? Geodude Level: 16 Moves: Mud Sport, Rock Polish, Rock Throw, Magnitude. Nickname? Nope. Special Qualities (Example; Shiny, different language, etc.)? Shiny. Seeking: Umm...Mabye a shiny Lucario/Riolu/Luxray/Rayquaza/Absol? xDD
ALSO--I have twi Lugias, one Ho-Oh, Quilava and Rapidash for tade also!
![DoodlePicture3](http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab324/Lysa_q/DoodlePicture3-1.jpg) \r\n