That's right. Look who's turning 18. And I'm throwing a PARTY.SO! Get the link to this thread and spread it like wildfire!
Rmail it to your friends, post it in the SB, send it to your cat. Whatever just make sure everyone knows! We want a PARTY up in this place!
Throughout the day we'll have little games and what not., a give away or two, the "cutting of the cake" (omg pixel cake), and may I mention EVERYONE can come and NO PRESENTS ARE REQUIRED. We're just here to have fun!
Save the date 11/11/11
from Midnight (Restime) until 11:59 pm. All DAY!
Awesome give away at Midnight!
Party games from Midnight until 10:00 am. (there will be prizes!)
11:11 am. Cutting of the cake! Those who attend will receive a piece!
Another awesome give away at Noon!
A few spiffy contests with nifty prizes.
List of presents will be posted at 9pm along with a thanks to my wonderful friends.<3
A final fantastical give away at 11pm.
In order to win any of the give aways all you have to do is attend the party, the party games will be posted one per 3 hours and you must participate to win, Contests will be participation once per 2 hours from 1pm to 9pm.
Tell EVERYONE you know and everyone you
don't know! Make sure EVERYONE knows!