Adobe Premiere help PLEEEEASE OMG

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12:37pm Jan 20 2016 (last edited on 12:39pm Jan 20 2016)


Posts: 2,161

Okay so I have a project due in exactly six days that I still have no clue how to do on premiere and I can only work on it at school, which I'm at for six hours a day. I'm also only able to work on this thing for like maaaybe two hours. So, I'm begging y'all for some help ;w;

BASICALLY I need help making a GMV. (game music video oops) Cutting and layering au
dio, cutting clips, effects, etc. If you can help, and have the ability to screenshot, please post a screenshot below circling exactly what does what and how to do it? |D I'm so dumb omg.

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