Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Agony Aunt Chezuu

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8:43pm May 24 2009 (last edited on 8:53pm May 24 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 14

Dear Res-ians.


My name is Chezuu, and I am a nice person. I promise D: 

 Anyway, I have noticed that a lot of Res people have problems, from feeling a bit ill to having a friend bothering them, so I've decided to open up an Agony Aunt service. Obviously, all Rmails will be received in confidence and I wont share the contents to anyone (except perhaps a medical professional when needed). 


Some Rmails WILL be posted up on this board, but they will be from (anonymous) and any Rmails that are obvious who the person is from will not be posted. Depending on the sensitivity of the problem depends on whether you will get a private message or a public one. I'd love to help you all solve your problems, so please, if you need help, from an ingrowing toenail to a friend who hasn't been speaking to you, I'll be there for you.


Obviously, no "personal" problems of the uh... human reproductive organs can be answered on site, as this is a site for minors, but if the problem is pressing, then I can be emailed.


Thank you, and I hope you contact me with your problems. If you don't want your problem published, please say, and I'll make sure your problem stays utterly private <3


Auntie Chezuu




As an example of how a public post would look, please see below:


Question by Anonymous:


Dear Chezuu. 

Recently my friend has been ignoring me and talking behind my back. I am feeling really miserable and don't know what to do about it. Please help.


Reply by Auntie Chezuu:


Hi there Anonymous. Have you considered talking to your friend about your problems? What about letting her know that you feel ignored? If she doesn't seem to care, then maybe you should ignore her back and find some new friends. There are plenty of people with similar interests to you, all you've got to do is look for them! I hope you can brighten up and realise that you are better than being treated like this.


Good luck!


8:45pm May 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 215
Yay! :D Auntie Chez is open~ x3 I'll make sure to direct people to you when I can't help them. c: *likes helping too*

"Stay thy blade from the flesh of the innocent. Hide in plain sight. Never compromise the Brotherhood."
Live and die by the Assassin's Creed. Will you take the Leap of Faith?

8:47pm May 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,682

Image and video hosting by Photobucket Made by Ian (Renaissance)

8:49pm May 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,009

*hugs Auntie Chez* ;D


8:50pm May 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 145

I'm adding you to mah quick list so if i sees anyone I can give them your link~

(perhaps you should let people have the option of not having their problem put up in the thread?)


8:52pm May 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 14

Good Point Toshicake o:



9:01pm May 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,682
Good luck with your project.

Image and video hosting by Photobucket Made by Ian (Renaissance)

9:11pm May 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 14

Question by Anonymous


Dear Aunty Chezuu,

I must say, I am in love with my best friend. Or atleast thats what I think. I've knowen him ever since I was in my the Second year of Kindergarden. I told him yesterday over text since I was at a family Party. But the thing is he doesn't like anyone like that at the time. So I'm kind of afraid that I might have broken our friendship. What should I do?


Reply by Auntie Chezuu


Dear Anonymous,

I'm sorry to hear you're in limbo at the moment, and I'll do my best to help. I'd give your friend a little space right now to think things over. After all, it's a big surprise to have your best friend confess feelings for you! I think if you give him the space to figure things out, he'll appreciate it. Obviously, this doesn't mean avoid him! It just means acting as normal with him.

If he makes a positive move in this time, then good for you! But if things stay as normal, it's his polite way of saying that he can't feel the same for you. Never say never though, he might end up having feelings for you later! However, if he flat out avoids you, you must confront him and tell him that you believed he valued your friendship more than that.

Hopefully things'll work out, good luck though.

Auntie Chezuu 


2:00am May 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,731
I love this thing. xD You are awesome Chezuu.


3:29am May 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
Auntie Chezuu sure looks like she has good advice. Remember having a problem a bit like that last one for a while.. xD But. Yoshi, too, shall tell people of Chezness if they have problems. :3

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