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Animal Abuse- Stop it now!

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4:39pm Jul 5 2009 (last edited on 4:42pm Jul 5 2009)

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Posts: 249

We must stop it before it's too late! The sake of our animals lies in our hands. We, as humans, are too caring about ourselves, and never realize that we are pushing animals to their limits; dog fights, fur jackets, and wreckless driving.

Animal abuse starts off by being careless, such as abandoning your own dalmation- not feeding it anymore, then, it rises with illegal dog fights and such. Some of us train our dogs to be distinctive killers, not like the police dog, far worse. Then, we set the animals in little pens and see how much blood they can rip off of eachother. Next, comes the blame. Many of us blame the animal, when it's not really it's fault. Animals do not have a language like us, they only talk for what they have on their bodies, almost like guestures. Some people are even willing to kill the animal. Speaking of kill, uthenization. I do not believe uthenization should be any part in life. We do not deserve to kill a dog just because some of us can't train it. Next thing you know, we kill for fur and shows. How many times have you seen maybe a bear, deer, and even lion head hanging on the wall? Most importantly, the use of fresh tiger skins on your jacket. There's no point in fresh fur if we can already make sythetic fur!

Above all, animal abuse should be stopped. We are too careless, but I know some that are worthy. Most of animals abuse has to deal with the money and others, miscarage. But money isn't everything when you erase a wonderful species of animal that we all may dearly love. And remember:

"Animals eat in chains. Once on race of an animal is gone, the rest will go with it."

I will soon create a party in tribute of this once I gather enough TU. Thank you for your patronage.


6:36pm Jul 5 2009

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Posts: 201

:D Thank goth someone else cares...

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7:33pm Jul 5 2009

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Posts: 6,216
I agree with you. D= It's not fair.  An animal always has a reason for doing what it does, and yet people still say 'Oh, it was all that thing's fault, it's so dangerous we must kill it' and then they murder.  Putting an animal to sleep should only be done if it really will stop the pain (in my opinion) but putting a perfectly healthy animal who supposedly 'did wrong' is terrible.  Thank you for making this board!


9:46pm Jul 5 2009 (last edited on 9:47pm Jul 5 2009)

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Posts: 1,731
As much as I agree with you people and your opinions, I find posting about it on a virtual pet site probably will not do any good. I understand that talking about it or finding people who are also against it might make you feel better, but I doubt that here on a pet site in which the pets can not be abuse and or harmed it will not change much. You are better off starting up something in real life to get others involved, like a club at your school or maybe something for your community. But here, here we cannot do much in the situation, as even if we are against it there is no way for us to donate anything that might change. And besides, I am thinking that most people on this pet site are more of the kind of heart and probably do not have any involvement with abusing or harming animals.


10:05pm Jul 5 2009

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Posts: 694
Why do people hurt innocent pets I never know, I saved my cat from drowning


10:55pm Jul 5 2009

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Posts: 156

"...and wreckless driving."

Generally it's the animal's fault in that case. They walk out in front of traffic before anyone can have time to react safely, and I would much rather hit an animal than swerve into the other lane trying to dodge it and risk damaging my car and injuring myself.


4:03am Jul 6 2009

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Posts: 583

You make the entire human race like they're to blame. xD

I strongly support the rights of both humans and animals but as Uwibami pointed out I don't see how putting this on a pet site would be of any use because a large, large majority of people here would like animals no?

Personally if you are going to try and stop animal abuse would it not be smart to suggest ideas on what to do? Simply condemming people would not really encourage the people who do abuse animals to stop neh? It just pee-pees off people if you haven't noticed.


8:48pm Jul 6 2009

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Posts: 1,775

Not 'we' I doubt any of us looking at this thread participates in pit/cock fights. Humans are animals too. Not all animals use gestures, okay? They aren't stupid. Notice how dogs bark? Well that's their language.

Uthenisation is considered humane and I support it. Uthenisation is mainly used to kill animals that are suffering, normally animals who are injured/sick and have no chance of living. I say putting them out of their misery is good for them. Many pets who are trained to be violent and endanger people's lives (I bet you don't care it they hurt people, but I suppose you would care if I said animals and pets were in danger as well). They will hurt people and these animals have been corrupted and will have a pointless life. I say putting them to rest forever is a good thing. 


Feel the love man D:<


2:54am Jul 7 2009

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Posts: 934

I agree that animal cruelty is bad. I'm a conservationest, but we cannot undo damage that has already been done. I think people have to relize that there are mistakes. You can cl*censored*ify these mistakes by anything from as big as the extinction of the Chinese Tiger to something small like running over a squirl in your local nieghborhood. (But, you have to think: Those kinds of mistakes are understandable.)

I'm faced with fur coats opinions alot, too. Usualy minks are bread especially for that. Personally, I don't agree, but if we just stopped everything, where would those minks go? We would be over run. Sometimes you have to see the argument from both views. It's the same with puppy and kitten mills. If they completely shut down, what would happen? THousands of animals would have to be put down. Yes it's wrong. Infathomably wrong. But you must relize that you can't simply start something and expect the problem to go away. You have to work on it slowly or the problem will only get worse.

I'm for you. Save the animals and stuff, but please do it rasionally. You have to think about things real hard before you decide to commit to something.

As I mentioned, I'm a conservationest, spafificly focusing on tigers. To save them, I think the first step it to legalize pot. Yes, the drug. Why? Because it's also used for hemp, clothes, paper... and it will grow nearly everywhere. Now, you legalize it and put huge taxes on it. Those taxes will go to the education of children on why you shouldn't get hooked on drugs. Don't try it. Not even once. Then, we could start using the hemp for materials and cut down less trees. Then you let people hunt the old, sick, and worthless. Natives use tiger bones for medicines, meat for thier families, and pelts for lethar and verious other things. Then the elderly and worthless are out so the young and prime can take over the terratories and create a stable breading population.


I'm just tring to make the point that I don't join things like this because I find that people struggle to see different views on the subject. That's the hardest thing. I am agenst animal cruelty, but, please, open your minds.

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)

11:59am Jul 7 2009

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Posts: 448
I agree with all of u guys but I think we should just treat animals like humans. Like my family does with our dog. She is treated mostly like a human. She is like a vegitarian human. She doesnt really like meat. She always eats veggies and fruit though. And she will eat her dog food if shes really hungry. And the only real time she is treated like a dog is when we take her for a walk to go poo poo and pee pee and she has to wear a leash. So basically our does is mainly human. U ppl probably dont care but I'm just making a point.


8:03pm Jul 7 2009

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Posts: 1,775

Your dog shouldn't be treated like that KCAD. What you are doing does count as animal cruelty and you may be fined if police find out (but that really depends what animal cruelty laws there are in your country).

Dogs are omnivorous, so they can digest vegetables. However, that doesn't mean they need vegetables. A dogs diet mainly consists of meat, you must give your dog a balanced diet. Vegetables are not nessecary to maintan a balanced diet for a dog. Please give your dog canned dog food or consult your vet or some books to find out what they need for a balanced diet, if you don't want to feed her dog food. 

She may suffer from your unawareness. You musn't treat her like your species and treat her like a dog in order for her to have a healthy life. Fruits and veggies are healthy for humans, but it isn't the same case for dogs. 

This is animal cruelty, KCAD, even though it doesn't sound like it. Not all animal abusers mean it and everyone should keep that in mind and don't prejudice them. They are not cruel people, you may be abusing animals at this very moment and not even know.


Feel the love man D:<


11:15am Jul 8 2009

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Posts: 14
You guys are right! We're all animals, we're not better then them! I hate how people think they can't think, and humans are the only animals with intelligence! We know stuff they don't and they know stuff we don't! So we're all just as smart! And animal abuse, it's like child abuse. You have no reason for it, and deserve to go to jail for it. Hurting innocent animals is...there's no word horrible enough to describe it. It's like Michael Vik. He fought dogs! That's cruel...and he killed the losers. No, he DESTROYED the losers! By drowning them, hanging them, suffocating them, BURNING THEM!!! It's stupid. I love animals, that's why I want to be a vet. We adopted an abused cat, she was a stray, and you could tell she was abused. She had stab marks on her, and cuts.

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11:54am Jul 8 2009

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Posts: 448
Ya. Ping, I don't think I'm being cruel to my cousin's dog. We try giving her meat but she doesn't really wanna eat it. The only real time she eats dog food and meat is when my uncle is home. And hes not home that often. So wut do u think we should do? Shove dog food down her mouth? No! Thats animal cruelty! So wut other opinions do u have?


5:46pm Jul 8 2009

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Posts: 1,775

Most animal abuse cases are caused by people who didn't mean it, KCAD. You should try to get her to eat as much dog food as possible. Carefully introduce her the dog food in her 'vegetarian' meals. Put a little bit of dog food in her meals and mix it up real good so if she doesn't want to eat meat, then she will starve. Don't pity her when she doesn't eat the food, that's just gonna make this worse. Keep adding more and more dog food into her food as she gets used to it and she'll be eating nothing but dog in a few months. Easy solution.


Feel the love man D:<


3:05am Jul 9 2009

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Posts: 448
Ya but there iz anohtr problem. She doesn't eat by herself. She makes ppl feed her like a baby.


11:26am Jul 9 2009

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Posts: 3



that means the dog is spoiled.

you have to let her know that she cant be treated like a baby.

she has to learn to eat on her own, or she'll never survive.

a natural animal instinct is to eat. mostly, to kill and eat, but considering the fact that she is a house dog I'd say its just to eat.

she shouldnt be fed, because thats spoiling her like a human. its not right. its actually a bit cruel.


1:49pm Jul 9 2009

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Posts: 448

How is it cruel? I dont get it.


8:05pm Jul 9 2009 (last edited on 10:09pm Jul 9 2009)

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Posts: 1,775

It is cruel because you're not letting her live independantly. You are leading her to a poor lifestyle that will cause her to have health problems. Spoiling your dog is bad, very bad. It's another form of animal abuse and you fail to undertand why. I would take that dog away from you if I could, it would be better for her. You are not fitted to be a dog owner at all.

Dogs are to be treated like dogs and humans are to be treated like humans. Every species of animal should be treated like what it is and you should understand that.

Consult a vet or an animal behaviorist to solve her spoilt-ness. They'll get her to eat. Oh and does this dog push you around? Does she listen to you and aknowledge you are her master? If she doesn't, there are going to be problems. Oh and how old is she? If she's over 2 years, that's bad. She shouldn't be treated like a baby, when she's reached adulthood.

Dogs are supposed to be around humans. They've been domesticated and can't live without them. Sure, they were wild, but that was thousands of years ago. Domestic dogs are scavengers and use humans as their source of food. Dogs only kill when they are instructed by humans. Therefore, a dog needs a human to take care of it and dicipline it.Your dog needs to know you are her owner, and you must make sure she listens to you. Don't spoil her.


Feel the love man D:<


10:48am Jul 10 2009

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Posts: 448
Ya but shez not my dog. Shez my cousinz. But she likez our uncle more than everyone. LOL!


6:43pm Jul 15 2009

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Posts: 1,775
Dude, whether it's your cousin's dog or your dog. This dog is still not being taken care of well. Please do something about this. Tell your cousin the dog should be spoiled like this.


Feel the love man D:<

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