If you really think about it, they also put humans in to fight against each other, just for money.
But having said that, I'm against Dog fights and Cock fights. Especially Cock fights, I do not like the idea of the knives strapped to thir ankles. No use complaining about it though, as its illegal, the government has joined in.
So yeah, really we should be saying that we are glad that they have gone down alot. Y'know, live in the moment and all that.
Anywho, I have quite an arguement to strike with the previous post you made,
"Animals only attack us because they're hungry, protecting something, scared or lost their mind to rabies."
Uh, no. I'm sorry, but I did a great deal of Ethelogy in my time (The study of animal behaviour.)
There are alot of reasons for a animal to attack somebody. Snakes kill up to 5o,ooo people a year worldwide and precious few are eaten. Canids and Felines are known both in ancient culltures worldwide and in modern day society for mauling people to death. The basic thing is > Animals run on instincts.
Herbavores have instincts to eat plants. Predators have instincts to kill, not only for food, but to kill. Humans are omnivores, and we kill for fun. So do animals, we aren't the 'Big bad wolf' of the animal world; we are just like other animals, instinct wise.
Let's give an example, quite a recent one. Candice Berger, a primary school teacher in Alaska was jogging through a path and was attacked and mauled to death by a pack of wolves. She had done nothing to provoke the wolves, they ran on instincts and killed her. They had not 'lost their minds', they were doing as predators do, kill. This should serve as an eye-opener.