BOOK CLUB! :D (I mostly advise Knux64echidna to take peeks in here)

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11:50am Jul 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 448

Hey ppl! Howz it goin? This iz a book club where u can talk about ur fav books and maybe even suggest ppl to read wutever book u dont think that they have read! So far I have read a buncha Vampire books but just recently I finished a book called: 13 Little Blue Envelopes. It was mostly about travel but Itz really good! I suggest ppl reading it!

Oh and Knux64echidna: When u come back frum Canada, remind me to let u borrow a couple of books.


10:49am Jul 2 2009

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Posts: 1,597
I read the books called 39 Clues.I'm done with the 3rd book so i have to wait for my mom to buy me the 4th.The 5th book is coming soon..i think.


1:53pm Jul 2 2009

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Posts: 448
Ohhhhh......I've never heard about that book. Wutz it about?


5:28pm Jul 2 2009

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Posts: 156
I suggest people read Be Here Now.

8:46pm Jul 2 2009

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Posts: 917
Suggestion: Paraclete. It's short, but beautiful.


11:49pm Jul 2 2009

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Posts: 1,597

Its about these 2 kids who could choose between 1mil dollars, or an adventure to find 39 clues.And they picked the clues, but other families (Their other relatives) picked also to go on the adventure so they have to beat them to it.I think they have to travel to Egypt in the fourth book.


7:11am Jul 3 2009

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Posts: 19
I love the books "Impulse" by Ellen Hopkins, pretty much any manga (XD) any Artemis Fowl books, the Harry Potter series, and the "Pendragon" series is pretty good so far.


6:53pm Jul 3 2009

Normal User

Posts: 448
LOL! I luv ur guysez suggestions! I will try and find them in da book store and read them! :D


7:17pm Jul 3 2009

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Posts: 28
I like books

7:18pm Jul 3 2009

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Posts: 2
I does too

7:21pm Jul 3 2009

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Posts: 308
I would say The Host By: Stephanie Meyer...She writes the Twilight series but it's waaaayyyy better! Trust me! I've read it like 30 times now!


11:45pm Jul 3 2009

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Posts: 1,597


6:43pm Jul 4 2009

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Posts: 21
OMG i love the pendagon books 2 !!!!!!!!! Have u read the last 1 yet? and i suggest u should all read the warrio cats books by erin hunter

=^..^= Scorpia =^..^=

10:31pm Jul 4 2009

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Posts: 1,597
I'm not realy fond of cats..


11:43am Jul 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 448
I don't like cats much either but I will take a peek at it. And I soooo wanna read The Host!


2:56pm Jul 7 2009

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Posts: 1,359
I'm finally here, and I'd advise you to read a book called A Dog's Life.  It's about a stray dog making friends and losing them.   Meeting humans both kind and brutal.  Later, the main dog, Squirrel,  is happy in the end.

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6:17pm Jul 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 448
Ya. U lent that to me but I never read it. Was to busy. And furgot it was in my bag.


6:48pm Jul 7 2009

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Posts: 2,671
Twilight series, Warriors, House of Night series, Night World series, I will read pretty much any really thick book

Taking a long break from Res due to Stress levels. Will pop in and out. If you wish to contact me, RMAIL ONLY. I WILL NOT BE ROLEPLAYING. I WILL NOT COME BACK NOT MATTER THE AMOUNT OF BEGGING.

12:04pm Jul 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 448
I likt think books too! And I've already read the Twilight Series and the House of Night Series. Now I just have to read the other 2 u suggested. And I suggest that ppl read Kiss Me Kill Me. Its pretty good. And also Read the Vampire Acadamy Series. Its great! I've read more but my brain is out of it at the moment. I'll tell u guys more later.


10:30am Jul 9 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,597

Oh i wanna read that A Dog's Life book.Sounds...intresting!

I'v also read a book called 100 Cupboards.

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