BOOK CLUB! :D (I mostly advise Knux64echidna to take peeks in here)

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5:16am Aug 5 2009

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That was my cousin.

Yeah its like that.I love the wolf book, The Sight is a power that some of the wolves have.It allows them to see the past, present, future if they look in the water and, they can see through a bird's eyes.


6:19pm Aug 5 2009

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Posts: 1,359

I'm already getting confused.  You're right, and I'm sorry about that.

Wow, are you serious?  That's cool!

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2:48am Aug 6 2009

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I know...And when i was reading this book for school (Heidi) i was like,

"I wanna read my wolf book! I don't want to know about Heidi's adventure, i wanna know about Larka's adventure!"


2:05pm Aug 7 2009

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Posts: 1,359
I read this one thing called The Secret Garden, and the book wasn't half bad.

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7:19pm Aug 7 2009

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Posts: 448
Books R not overrated!!!!!!!


2:58pm Aug 8 2009

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Posts: 3
Who ever is in here i will recomend you to read Dead Until Dark but you have to be mature it has some questionable parts in it. It might help if I tell you that True Blood (a show) is based on the book.

3:36pm Aug 8 2009

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I really like the great ga'hoole tree a series about owls who fight to save their sacred tree. It sounds weird but its really quite neat. I also enjoy the harry potter series, and I enjoy the Shadow Chronicles.

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8:05pm Aug 8 2009

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Posts: 3

i would recomend these books to people who dont like to read alot like me

White wolf - its about a white wolf (duh) and how he got captured as little puppy then chased away by indians and got seperated from it master and had to find a new home with wolves. Will he survive in the wild, will he ever see his owner again.

The Haunting of Derek Stone - in a train accedent with his father and brother, Derek Stone was the only one that survived in his family. but then his brother magicly appers and now he hears weird noises in his bad ear.  will he find out who and how his brother survived the train crash and why he is hearing noises in his ear.


10:04pm Aug 8 2009

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Posts: 3,002
i read books about vampires and other things like that.Theyre called cirque du freak

Why the cloud, Sunny?

11:40pm Aug 8 2009

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Posts: 3
i read Cirque Du Freak but im mostly into supernatrual romance novels so if your reading this post you should read Bitten. Most the books i read are in a series. 

1:55am Aug 9 2009

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Posts: 3,002
I luv cirque its a really good book

Why the cloud, Sunny?

2:05am Aug 9 2009 (last edited on 2:13am Aug 9 2009)

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Posts: 3

so does wolfy she loves those kinds of books but i cant stand them they are to long and the words are to small


o and another book that i like and is short is (it also has shows that go with it) :

skeleton creek: its about these 2 kids sarah and ryan (its a diary that ryan wrote) that tryed to solve a mystery but end up getting hurt in the progress. but sarah still wants to find the truth so she goes even deeperr into the mystery. what will happen to ryan and sarah will they figure out the mystery.


3:34pm Aug 11 2009

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Posts: 1,359
Wow... all these books sound good!  I wanna read them all!

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11:32am Aug 13 2009

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Posts: 448
Jeez I've been gone for so long.


3:37pm Aug 13 2009

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Posts: 1,359
Yeah, you missed out on a lot.

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9:09pm Aug 13 2009

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Posts: 448
ya. I noticed.


1:43am Aug 14 2009

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Posts: 1,597
I just bought a warriors book. Its also says on the cover "Firestar's Quest".


9:32am Aug 14 2009

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Posts: 650

OMG i luff the Sight too! It's sad Larka dies Crytle="Cry" /> and Fell Wolfbane? O_O [sorry if ur still reading o_O]

I luff Werewolf Rising -copy paste deion- im too lazy to write it out 

"Werewolf Rising" is the story of Luc, a young boy who is being raised by an uncle and aunt after the tragic death of his parents when he was quite small. Luc is on the verge of his 13th birthday, and suddenly his whole life starts to get weird. First he notices that his sense of smell is sharper and he is stronger. He punches out the school bully who has picked on him forever, and doesn't even realize he's hit him until the kid is on the ground. And he can run--fast. He even wins a race at school, something he has never done before. Luc's best friend can't figure it out, and neither can Luc. 

Instead of being happy for him his uncle, who has never been very kind in the first place, now begins to act extremely hostile towards Luc, who is confused and angered by it. Luc is also being haunted by a nightmare of a hideous monster that, when he confronts it in his dreams, turns out to be himself. 

Enter Ranger, a tall, dark, mysterious man who appears at their front door and literally swoops Luc up and takes him away to go live with his "pack". Luc discovers that he is actually a lycanthian, or werewolf, and that Ranger is his father's brother. He is shocked to discover that his father was a full-blooded shape-shifter and that Luc himself will take wolf-form for the first time on his 13th birthday. There is much to learn before he can do it successfully! Meanwhile, there are those who are afraid of his pack and want to destroy them because they think they are monsters. 

Luc must come to grips with not only a complete life-style change but also with the revelation that the death of his parents may not have been an accident after all. How he chooses to deal with this information will prove who is master, boy or beast... 

Haha VERY good book 

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9:50am Aug 14 2009

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Posts: 1,597

I finished the book already.

Ooohhhh...wanna read that book.


5:55pm Aug 14 2009

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Posts: 1,359
I wanna read dem both!

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