Book club

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6:18pm Sep 25 2013 (last edited on 6:18pm Sep 25 2013)


Posts: 3,205
Yep, its an
Book club !

come to chat, review and discuss books! 

what's your favourite book and why?
Favourite genre?
Favourite author?
worst you've ever read
recently read
want to read
don't be scared to discuss poetry 
scariest book
funniest book
Just books :D 
books and 

as always stick to site rules xD 


5:25pm Oct 2 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,132
Favorite Book - The Dead of Summer by Camilla Way

It's super amazing and full of twists and turns and WOW PLOT TWIST

Genre - I like cheap romance novels a lot /shot

Author- Clare Bell 8)

Will edit later because lazy~


5:27pm Oct 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 858
I'm currently reading everything Diana Wynne Jones ever wrote, because she was just amazing. First book I read by her was The Chronicles of Chrestomanci Volume 1, and I loved it so much I looked her up to see what else she had written, then found out she had died only months earlier. :.( So I'm reading them slowly and relishing every one.

2:59pm Nov 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 89
cherub: man vs beast
lemony snicket (i know he is fake but i don't know his real name)
the shadow boat (or something like that...)
hunger games
(my mums fault that i can't read it...)

Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow. Other times we have to fail in order to learn. And if we don\'t trip, we won\'t know how to get back up. If we don\'t lose, we\'ll never know how to win.-Sage: The power within

10:34pm Nov 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,071
Threads in the Off-Topic forum are not to be bumped after more than four (4) weeks of inactivity unless you are the person who started the thread.

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