Brr, it is freezing out here, you have to turn your eyes down just to avoid the blasts of wind. Wait, what was that in the water? Perhaps you should pay more attention next time.
Brr, it is freezing out here, you have to turn your eyes down just to avoid the blasts of wind. Wait, what was that in the water? Perhaps you should pay more attention next time.
Brr, it is freezing out here, you have to turn your eyes down just to avoid the blasts of wind. Wait, what was that in the water? Perhaps you should pay more attention next time.
Brr, it is freezing out here, you have to turn your eyes down just to avoid the blasts of wind. Wait, what was that in the water? Perhaps you should pay more attention next time.
Brr, it is freezing out here, you have to turn your eyes down just to avoid the blasts of wind. Wait, what was that in the water? Perhaps you should pay more attention next time.
Brr, it is freezing out here, you have to turn your eyes down just to avoid the blasts of wind. Wait, what was that in the water? Perhaps you should pay more attention next time.