Bye, guys

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11:21pm Dec 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 969

Yeah. Wave goodbye, then take my pets like the greedy little thieves you are.

No, seriously. All my profile pets are free. However, Velken is reserved for Silver and Daha for Foo. And while we're on the user subject, Uwi, as I said, go ahead and rmail me my commission, and AngelKiss, I'd like my commission too. Obviously I'll still be paying for both in pure. <3

Now, to the reason for this thread.

I refuse to give you a reason as to why I'm leaving, so don't even ask. I'm only making this post to let you know I'm off the SB and all these profile pets of mine are free. You don't need to know why I'm not talking anymore, it should be self-explanitory if you've got your eyes open. I promise. If you want to keep talking to me, you can rmail me or IM me. If you want my MSN, just...well. Rmail me. Other than rmail and IM there's no other way to get ahold of me, dears, so just to let you know. I do actually love a handful or two of you. c:

Kay, so pet request away. I don't want any sob stories that say that I should stay because this or that, because knowing some of you that's what you would do and I'm not here for the attention. Again, this is just a...notification, we can call it. Bye now~


11:22pm Dec 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 10,925
Can I have Cutlas? I feel terrible for taking it from you like this, but I've always wanted an Albino Ebi. ^_^

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


11:23pm Dec 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 969

It's not albino, dear, it's cream.


11:24pm Dec 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 10,925

Oh. I see. x3 Paige is fail. Can I have it anyways? o3o

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


11:24pm Dec 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 177
Could I take Laron?Amber uilus?


11:26pm Dec 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 969

Sorry guys, forgot to stock Laron to my show room. There are some pets that are going to struggle along with me. <3 Sorry 'bout that.

And sure, Paige.


11:27pm Dec 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 10,925

THank you billions, Murgy. ^_^

I'm sorry to see you go. ;(

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


11:30pm Dec 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 969

Thanks dear, enjoy.

You guys don't have to ask for the pets, by the way. o3o First come, first serve, take all you want.


11:40pm Dec 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,062

Since you don't want the attention in the sb, I'll post this here.

I'm gonna miss you. Dx I wish you nothing but the best of luck in life, and hope you find good fortune wherever you may go.

Ilu, Asu. <333 



11:40pm Dec 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 79

I really hate to see you go. You were always great company on the SB. I hope you find good memories when you think of Res and it brings a smile to your face. :) I hope to see you around.

~ Marr

Cookie peas?

11:42pm Dec 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 7

Hi Murgy.  Or, rather, goodbye.  I never really talked to you much, but I've seen you around the SB nearly everytime I'm on.  I don't want any of your pets (not that they aren't great, I'm just picky o3o), but I wanted to tell you that you're certain to be missed and remembered.


11:47pm Dec 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 969

Thanks guys, I'm gonna miss you too. <3 But of course, I have my reasons for leaving, and it's a bummer that it affects all my online buddies too.

And Legal, don't worry, I'm a picky beaver too. o3o


12:02am Dec 31 2009

Normal User

Posts: 507

Toodaloo Murgy~

Yer one of the few that are actually strong enough to branch off from this site... lol.

Good luck with whatever you desire to do in real life!

You will surely be missed. <3

12:04am Dec 31 2009

Normal User

Posts: 969

Girls/ Well, I sure am trying, dear. o_o; Tried quitting once and it wound up a 4-month hiatus instead.

I just wanted all my pets to go to people that will actually want them, instead of letting 'em in the forest to never be found or letting them die, or sprout cobwebs in my ranch/showroom.


10:25am Dec 31 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
T.T Murgy.  -holds in sob story- Aw, I'm really going to miss you.  I'll still rmail you when I get the chance though.  Many people seem to be quitting lately, and it's quite...sad.  I wish you the best luck in the real world and hope you visit every now and again.  I'm a little confused though...are you quitting the SB or Res entirely?


3:33pm Dec 31 2009

Normal User

Posts: 969

Love you Petters. o3o You've made the experience slightly easier on me here at Res.

As for leaving, I'm completely leaving the community apart from rmail. Now, that doesn't give anyone who reads this an invite to rmail me for no reason, only mail me if it's important or if we've grown friendly while I was around on the SB and forums. I will still feed my pets, because even though the site doesn't mean much to me anymore, I just can't give some of these pets up. You can think of me as one of those shadow players, y'know...or a younger player. Yes, think of me as if I signed up within the 12- age group. o3o You won't be seeing too much of me around, though, altogether. I do have a busy life these days.

Hopefully that cleared things up, and sorry if I'm just drawing on and making little or a retarded bit of sense. o3o


5:14pm Dec 31 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,962

I'm really sad to see you go, Murgy.  :C  I'm not asking for any pets, but I hope that you decide to return to Res someday.  D;  I know that this is just a "notification," but I can't help myself.  ;|  Goodbye, and good luck!


Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

6:08pm Dec 31 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,036

I don't want any of your pets so I just want to say goodbye. <3

We will all miss you and I wish you luck in your real life. C:


6:27pm Dec 31 2009

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

It's been really nice getting to know you a little better.  No, not here to prey upon your Creatu, just to say good-bye. ;3


7:46pm Dec 31 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
Glad I did. c:  Ah, I see.  Well, I'm glad you'll still be on every now and again.   I will make sure I rmail you though.  When I was 12 I still went around on the forums a lot...busting all my money and getting into art debts, yep. .3. I can understand about you being busy.  Unfortunately, school's starting to onmon at my time, so I'm sort of in the same position.  And you're making sense. :3  I'm one of the people who make no sense at times when I try really hard to. 
Hopefully not now. xD

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