canadas ranting thread :3

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7:39pm Dec 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,189
ok. gais. if you think about it unicorns COULD have existed at one point in time. like it could have been some weird species of deer... instead of having 2 horns it could have had 1 in the middle of its forehead: like there -->
k so if when the unicorns species died out then the people that found it would have been like " derrr is just a horse |3" "oh yeah whatever lets go eat mutton".  but we wont know T^T


9:35pm Dec 31 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,751
I actually think they found proof of a goat with one horn, so technically, a unicorn xD
They did exist o.O

Hi there

10:07pm Jan 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,189
up ~♥

must think of more things to rant about.

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