Whee. Back in school for two days, and already I have hours of homework. But that's what I get for taking the second-hardest math cla-ss we have. I'm not looking forward to Calculus next year. xD
But still. I'm happy. Very happy. I have something to keep me busy, I get to see my local friends (although in the Shoutbox's defense, I could certainly never get tired of talking with you amazing idiots about spicy bacon faces and having to pee), and I get to work my hand at more improvement in drawing. I can't even begin to say how aggravating it was, not having anything to push me along a little faster. I hate feeling like I'm in a slump and not improving.
Also. I finally get to make stupid dirty jokes again. :D I only got to make one or two all summer. Now.. whoo. I'm in guttermind heaven. Where every other comment receives a 'That's what she said,' whether it deserved it or not.