As many of you know, there's a place called <--clickable link:)
Well, I do too. And my dragon eggs are dying, and I can't fit the HTML in my siggy for all of them. So, I'm posting them here. Please click all of them. It only takes a second. Literally.:)
If eggs are not clicked:
First egg(green speckled one): dies in 6 days and 1 hour
Second Egg (dark scaly one): dies in 6 days and 1 hour
Third egg: (light grey one): dies in 6 days
Fourth egg: (blue -in puddle- one): dies in 6 days and 22 hours
If you too have dragons/eggs, post em on here, and I'll click em. :D If you want (this is optional), I can show what your egg will hatch into. This is a spoiler. I won't tell you unless you ask me. :3 I'll rmail you. The reason I know them is my previous account, (i forgot the passwordxD), I had most dragons, and can tell you which egg is which. :)
This part is a bit happier. This is my dragon, Puko. She was my first dragon. She won't die, but it'll still be nice if she gets some clicks, too. :)
Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read and click this thread. ily<3