Fears & Phobias

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7:01pm Sep 27 2010

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Posts: 853


Man I hope spiders take over the world and kill everyone. That will learn you all.


Also, yes. I've heard many of those stories, Myth. and they terrify the crap out of me and also make me depressed.


 photo 40 - DSZVXzV_zpsj5zwxtwe.jpg

7:07pm Sep 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,120

Sorry!  DX It gave me nightmares.


7:11pm Sep 27 2010 (last edited on 8:04pm Sep 27 2010)

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Posts: 3,642

xD I'll agree that spiders aren't bad. There was one that for whatever reason had me terrified to go to sleep.. but most spiders are just. Delightful. Especially those tiny ones that randomly appear in the bathroom sometimes. x3

And FFFFFFF at squishing. Just as easy to grab a cup and a piece of paper and put 'em back outside. No need to be a meanie.

Anyway. Uhm. I'm.. actually not sure if I'm really afraid of anything. xD The dark gets to me sometimes (darn it with creepypastas), but usually there's not much that gets me really paranoid. Not anything that's around often, at least.

I guess pain gets me though. And bad wounds. Like. I had a growing pocket of blood on my earlobe once (dermatologist-lady said it was a cyst), and for that little while where it was at its worst before we got it taken care of, turning purple and whatnot, I was.. panicked. Almost constantly on the verge of tears.

'S kinda where I got this habit of tapping things with my fingers as fast as I possibly can when I'm flustered. For a couple nights I just sat there, pounding away with my fingernails on anything I could reach. x3

Gladly though, things like that are just sort of rare. Not likely that I'll be getting any more ear-cysts anytime soon. 'Specially since now I know they're pretty easy to stop before they get like that, if they do come up.

... Also. I really don't think about it very often anymore, but. There's this slight fear of going blind. Since I got gla-sses in September last year, my eyes have become pretty much completely dependent on them. If I stop wearing them for any mentionable amount of time, my sight gets a little bit worse. I actually had to get a new preion because of it around January, because the one I had at the time wasn't strong enough anymore.

For a while, I was scared to death at the whole thing. Makes me feel kinda helpless. Like there's nothing I can do to stop it. What if my eyes are slowly getting worse even with the gla-sses?



Lard. Longpost. o_o


7:26pm Sep 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 480
Okay, just saying that clowns don't hurt people. :/ It's a fear. Everyone has them, whether it be clowns or spiders and we can't really help that we have them. Yes, spiders are harmless (most of the time) but that doesn't mean that someone can't be scared. The same with clowns.

Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)

7:42pm Sep 27 2010 (last edited on 7:45pm Sep 27 2010)

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Posts: 853

Well you've clearly never read or seen "It". D:< 

Or heard about "Pogo the Clown"

Clowns can be dangerous. They're people. People can be dangerous. Spiders are on completely different territory. Spiders do not go out of their way to hurt people. People do.

I am going to be stubborn about this. Just making sure this is clear. Cuz I like whining. No other reason other than that. Nobody is "right" here. So don't get upset about it. It's not you. It's me.

I used to scared of spiders too. But I realized that was stupid, because they are harmless and awesome and help the ecosystem. What do clowns do for the ecosystem? Absolutely nothing. But hey, I have stupid fears too. Like my fear of flying bugs getting in my hair. 


Also, Yoshi. Hah. I feared being blind for awhile. But its been five years since I first started wearing gla.sses and my eyes still work. Though, without gla.sses or contacts I can only see like a foot in front of me clearly.

 photo 40 - DSZVXzV_zpsj5zwxtwe.jpg

7:49pm Sep 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,046

FFFFFF Gravys your pic just scared the living Crud out of me. T_T

and I'm scared of them because when I was like, 7 My dad was playing a zombie game, and he was on a boss level. and it was a clown. The whole beginning story made me shiver, but I accidentally walked in the room and it was playing a video after he defeated him. He fell over into still-running dual chainsaws and laughed maniacally as they ripped up his stomach and killed him. O.o

I had nightmares for a week after that, and now Clowns scare the crap out of me.

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

8:49pm Sep 27 2010 (last edited on 8:50pm Sep 27 2010)

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Posts: 302

It may sound silly but I have a fear of garbage/rubbish trucks ((whatever country you are)) Its only from a dream I had when I was little.

But I just hadto add, I Absoloutly LOVE heights, they are fun!


9:43pm Sep 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,426

Alright, well there are the obvious reasons, their stings hurt like heck, can make you throw up or even die, and someone has to pee on you to make it better.

But the real interesting reason is they have no brains. 0_o Just think, their bodies are controlled by their nerves. If someone were to be able to work their way into a Jellyfish's nervous system, then they'd be able to control the Jellyfish. Just think, someone in control of an army of Jellyfish! D:

Pfft, I know, I'm weird, but that's what keeps me up at night xD 

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

1:15pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 398

I never really understood the fear of things like heights, or snakes, or spiders. The only fear that I have that really gets to me is parasites.

I hate the idea of something living inside someone, slowly eating them. It just creeps me out (even if I collect parasite names)


1:55pm Sep 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,120

XD OMG Gravys that clown pic actually made me laugh histerically on the floor for about thirty seconds.



12:09am Sep 29 2010

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Posts: 1,864

Fear of flushing toilets as well x3o

Also, windows.


5:11pm Oct 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 472
Bald heads freak me out...=/


7:47pm Oct 4 2010 (last edited on 7:48pm Oct 4 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
Hah, my sister would be with you there, Gothic. She finds bald heads the creepiest of creepy.
Well. Except Morpheus. But I doubt anyone could dislike Morpheus. ;o


1:43pm Oct 6 2010

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Posts: 5,835

 What freaks me out is when I go to me neices house to sleep over and then have Justin Beiber posters hanging up all over their bedroom walls and I feel like he is watching me...*Shivers*

 I also hate dragonflies for no real reason...They just scare me.

 Hehe...When I was around 6 or something my mom read me this book about these killer clowns. I wasn't scared of clown or anything, but my mom sent it to her friend for her friend's daughter to read and ever since she has been terrified of them.


2:02pm Oct 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,120
That's a children's book? XD


2:10pm Oct 6 2010

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Posts: 5,835
 It wasn't all that scary except for the cover which I think was what mostly scared her...


2:03am Oct 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,036
Oh my gosh I hate clowns! I also saw that picture, Grayvs, and IT HAS FOUR EYES D8


2:10am Oct 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,418
I'm clasterphobic. It sucks. I'm also afraid of Zombies and Justin Bieber.

(Banner made by Kina)

2:24pm Oct 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 486

I feel to lazy to type the names for these, so:

Fear of:


large crowds



being touched




and a HUGE fear of throwing up!

"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass "Um, Ryuzaki?" "I'm a corpse." "Hunh?" "I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC

8:37pm Oct 7 2010 (last edited on 8:40pm Oct 7 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 10,925
Bald heads? Really?
...How come everyone think my dad is scary? ;c 

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

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