FRIENDLY Religious Debate

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1:23pm Apr 26 2014

Normal User

Posts: 616

No name-calling.
No insulting people.
Everyone must agree to disagree, not put down others ideas.
Remember that no one knows everything, and you can be wrong too!

This forum is for the INTELLIGENT discussion of ideas, where you may post links to articles, accurate verses from religious text, ect. Do not make things up to support your point. If it gets too testy, please leave and compose yourself before you get out of hand. If it get to a point that I don't like to see, I will take down the forum. Please don't let it get to that point!


1:24pm Apr 26 2014

Normal User

Posts: 616
All I'm saying is that just because I am a woman that chooses not to be silent and submissive to men, doesn't mean I should have to be 'forgiven' for it.


1:52pm Apr 26 2014

Normal User

Posts: 203
It's the way we were created. Eve was created after Adam, to be his partner and companion.
It's not saying that we are inferior to men in the least, just that we have a different role.

This may not completely fall under it, but for the record, most of the "rules" that seem ridiculous to us in the Old Testament fall under the Old Law, and (in the New Testament) Romans 7:6 tells us [that in Jesus' dying for us on the cross]:
"But now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit."
Meaning, we don't have to follow those silly old laws anymore.


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6:24am Apr 27 2014 (last edited on 10:34am Apr 30 2014)


Posts: 3,216

ok right so... always get nervous doing these (how ever much I love religious talks) but ehm yeah gonna be making super sure and saying "no offence", " in my opinion" etc etc alot because it is and don't want people to get all uppity |D
 also im terrible at explaining my feelings so...
OH and cant include everything because I will be here 5ever

I'm not religious, though I find all religions intriguing.
I have been baptised (when I was very young), my family used to go to church though I don't think they ever truly believed in God, we haven't god to church for yonks (yonks being 15ish years xD).
I guess if anything I believe in what I have dubbed "The cult of Mufasa". Basically the circle of life (no offence to anyone in regards of what I dubbed it :o) I think that we live on by giving to other things once we have died and contributing to the continuation of their life and the life of the thinks that they affect and what eat them when they die (pft words). I believe that this is where reincarnation stems from (once again no offence again, just my beliefs and opinions) 
To me this isn't a belief, its just nature. I dont think there is anything after death except the transfer of energy via consumption. I imagine death to be much like passing out, quite literally nothing, and im ok with that, though I can see why the thought is terrifying ^^ 

I also think that the only truly original thing about about Christianity is the church, this is not to say that it isn't a true religion or bad in anyway. everything has roots and things that have inspired it, people who have changed it etc. everything said can be interpreted differently... ( Interpreting the bible literally would be scary)

I have a fantastic book called "Return of the Gods" 
( I should add that I don't believe a word of it though its a brilliant read and makes some amazing points)
It links up all religious stories and texts from around the world, from places where, at a time, they would have no other contact with other parts of the world and then links it all back to aliens ( "Higher beings")
I wont go into detail but its really fascinating and cool and worth the read :D 

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