Funny moments you'll never forget...

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11:36pm Dec 5 2010

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Posts: 1,161

Hey everybody, De here! This is a thread where to put embarr*censored*ing or funny moments that might make people laugh. There is always something in your life you'll never forget, and I want to hear it! I'm sure other people who need a laugh will enjoy reading about these events. I know I will! Come on, it'll be fun being able to share your story! You never know, you might get good feedback. Anyway, I would also like to announce a winner after the 1000th post. I know, this thread'll be going for a long time! There will also be second and third. The prize for all three of these is knowing you have the funniest story, and you should be proud! I'd like to share my story now.

One day I was swinging on the monkey bars when a little girl named Erin came up to me and hugged me. She started trying to pull me down and then she ended up pulling my pants down including my undies. I let go immediately and pulled up my pants. SOOO EMBARR*censored*ING! 


deviantart: punkeon


4:40am Dec 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15

One Saturday morning, I was with my father and brother. My father was a newspaper nut, and he drove to several different places to find the Sunday paper. When he couldn't find one, he hopped back in the car and said "Why can't I find a Sunday paper on Sunday?". After he said that, my brother blurted out "Uhh, Dad.. It's Saturday!".

And De, I'm a little bit confused. Since this is a contest, can you only post one story or is it unlimited?


10:02pm Dec 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,161
It's unlimited. o3o And lol. xD


deviantart: punkeon


7:07am Dec 8 2010

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Posts: 15
Okay. I'll post another story once someone else does. xD

4:19pm Dec 8 2010

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Posts: 1,120

O_O Wow, De!  That's embarr*censored*ing! lol

I have an embarr*censored*ing moment and a funny moment ;P


My little cousin Luke, he's 4 now but was 3 when this happened.  I was hanging out with my other cousin, who's my age, and all of a sudden in front of EVERYONE (all of my family/some other people) he runs over, sits on my lap, grabs my chest and yells;"WHAT ARE THESE?!?" (I'm a girl, so yeah....)  EVERYONE was laughing and I was like 'T.T'


I was in the band room during lunch and I had forgotten my clarinet, so I was just walking around.  I got really bored while everyone was playing so I started dancing wildly while making funny faces.  Suddenly, I feel someone watching me so I turn and see a little sixth grader staring at me with their jaw open wide.  Not knowing what else to say, I said;"Keep moving, nothing to see here!" while I blushed beet red. 

Everyone started laughing hard, which made the kid stare even more XD


1:26am Dec 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,161
Ohmaigosh Myth, How friggin embarras.sing! And lol, I wouldn't have the gut to do that. But my friend would do that infront of the whole school (800 students) in a heartbeat.


deviantart: punkeon


1:57am Dec 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,588

I have a funny story from yesterday

for those who don't know the eighth December is pretend to be a time traveller day.

My mum was an elizabethan lady, and i was a distopian future teenager anyway mum pretened to be baffled by a car in a car parking building as a car comes past and looks at mum then the car then mum again. 

the ex
pression on the driver's face was priceless!


99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment

6:16pm Dec 9 2010 (last edited on 6:16pm Dec 9 2010)

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Posts: 1,009


"Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King

1:19pm Dec 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,161


deviantart: punkeon


12:48pm Dec 11 2010 (last edited on 12:50pm Dec 11 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 15

When I was in elementary school, I didn't really like my math teacher. I probably never smiled in her cl*censored*.

One day I was heading to her cl*censored*, thinking that it would be the same way it always has been. My *censored*igned seat was in the front row and I despised it. The teacher sat on her stool next to the overhead projector.

The overhead was sitting on a tall tray, about the size of the stool. The teacher gets comfy on the stool, and as she swivels it towards the overhead projector, she falls off the side of the stool and her foot got caught under the overhead tray before she fell, so she kicked both the projector and tray on the floor.

She laying on the floor and everyone is laughing hysterically. The girl next to me asks her if she's okay, and she says "Well, I feel a little stupid!". That's probably the only time I enjoyed being in the front row.

I miss elementary school.


3:01pm Dec 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 249

De, I will say mine it was a ongoing thing though, anyway here it is:

When I was little like around the age of 2 years old when I went out to public places I would go up to random people and start sniffing them. Like if I was at the docters I would sit on a chair until somebody sat beside me and I would lean over and start sniffing them, everyone thought I was a weirdo!


2:57am Dec 13 2010 (last edited on 2:57am Dec 13 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 620

I have a really, really bad habit of mouthing along to the lyrics of songs I'm listening to on my ipod. Sometimes, if it's a really, really awesome song, I get carried away and actually sing it. And...I can't carry a tune to save my life, which is why I try to only mouth along to the songs in the first place. xD

Anywho, back in highschool we had a silent reading thing right after mid-morning break. You brought a book to whichever you had then and read silently for the first 20 minutes of Some teachers allowed kids to listen to their ipods while reading. 

I'm sure you all know where this is going. 

Well, I was really loving my ipod that morning. Jungle Love by Steve Miller Band, then Take Me to the Captain by Prism, followed by Peace of Mind by Boston and Follow my Heart by REO Speedwagon, on shuffle too, for gawd's sake. Usually my ipod just likes to throw instrumentals at me when it's on shuffle, but not that day, and I was rockin' my socks off. 

But looking back...I would have prefered some Steve Jablonsky instead. xD

Because, right around the end of Follow My Heart...I noticed people were staring at me, everyone in the whole dang was, in fact.  At that point...I realized I had been singing, outloud, to the songs. Probably for most of the silent reading. xD

To make matters worse, after the bell to signal the end of silent reading, my History teacher commented on how I did a wonderful job performing the hits from the 70's and 80's, purely sarcastic, of course. 

I believe that would probably count as funny with a side of embar*censored*ing. xD Back then, I was mortified, but now I kinda laugh at myself. 


2:38pm Dec 15 2010 (last edited on 2:41pm Dec 15 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 4,848
xD I have a funny story that happened a few days ago, my friends and I still laugh at it.  xD
So.. We were all in science clas.s, and we all were going to go on google docks, (A thing where we can all connect together and see each other answer questions and stuff.)  Me and my friend (Let's call him Bob xD) were being disruptive, as always.  So our science teacher (Let's call him Mr. Science) kicked us out so we had to sit outside the office.
So we did, and the teacher's aid guy (Calling him Mr. Aid) gave us laptops and we were on the google docs thing down there.
Bob erased someone's answer by accident, then wrote that he was sorry, it was pretty funny, but it was nothing compared to what would happen next.
He was playing around with the computer, then he wanted to see if something would work.
So he inserted a picture by accident.
The picture was of.
George Bush.
With a nuke behind him.
Since Mr. Aid went upstairs to the Science room to get something, we know this part of the story.  The smart board was on, and he was turned away from it, then he and Mr. Science turned around at the same time and they saw it.
The picture.
Mr. Aid then turned around and saw it come up on all of the other peoples computers.  And, according to Mr. Aid, Mr. Science said in the most pissed of voice ever, "Log him off.  NOW."
We couldn't stop laughing, and even the principle laughed when we told her about it, no one got in trouble, though Mr. Science was really pissed.  xD
...I love my school. 


7:06pm Dec 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 17,364

Lolz. xD

For random random reasons, I love yelling at random people, "I LOVE YOU!!!1!!" xDD You should have seen they're faces! But I only do it to other gurls, 'cause the boys take it the wrong way. xDD


2:19am Dec 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,161
Lol, all of you thats hilarious! xD


deviantart: punkeon


2:21am Dec 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,161
Yesterday I tried out my first stranger rodeo. It was hilarious. xDDD You jump on a random persons back yelling stranger rodeo, and the struggle and buck like a rodeo. Poor man... But it was hilarious.


deviantart: punkeon


9:58pm Dec 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 383
Well We went to Soveriegn Hill in Ballarat and they were showing us what they ate, and it was snake, there were 2 bowls both had something that looked like snake and they were on the floor While some people had the 1st bowl, I had something from the 2nd bowl. What was in it? Well, they were brown and something you'd find in the toilet... and I ate one. Ewwwwww.....

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