1:20am Sep 7 2009 (last edited on 10:42am Sep 20 2009)
Normal User
Posts: 369
You should once again be able to hatch males. Thank Teppy and me. The purpose of this thread is to record everybody's hatches and work out just what the gender ratio is, since many people believe it is not 50/50 and is, in fact, skewed. If you would like to partake in this survey thing, reply to this thread ONCE and record the gender of all your hatches each day in one post. Rather than posting over and over, try to keep it in one post by editting it - makes things easier. Hatches should be recorded in this format: Month/day Hatch 1: Gender Hatch 2: Gender Hatch 3: Gender
"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
1:21am Sep 7 2009 (last edited on 12:04am Sep 25 2009)
Normal User
Posts: 369
Sept/7 Hatch 1: Female Sept/8 Hatch 1: Female Sept/9 Hatch 1: Female Sept/10 Hatch 1: Female Sept/11 Hatch 1: Male Sept/12 Hatch 1: Female Sept/13 Hatch 1: Female Sept/14 Hatch 1: Female Sept/15 Hatch 1: Female Sept/16 Hatch 1: Female Sept/17 Hatch 1: Female Sept/18 Hatch 1: Female Sept/19 Hatch 1: Female Sept/20 Hatch 1: Female --- marks the "fix" Sept/21 Hatch 1: Female Sept/22 Hatch 1: Female Sept/23 Hatch 1: Female Sept/24 Hatch 1: Male Sept/25 Hatch 1: Female
"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
1:27am Sep 7 2009
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Posts: 10
September 6th Hatch 1: Female Hatch 2: Female Hatch 3: Male September 7th Hatch 1: Male Hatch 2: Male Hatch 3: Female
1:42am Sep 7 2009
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Posts: 1,092
Sept/7 Hatch 1: Female Hatch 2: Male Hatch 3: Female
8:53am Sep 7 2009 (last edited on 7:20am Sep 14 2009)
Normal User
Posts: 156
8/9 - male 8/10 - female 8/11 - female 8/12 - female 8/13 - female 8/14 - female 8/15 - male 8/16 - female 8/17 - female 8/18 - female 8/20 - female 8/24 - female 8/25 - male 8/26 - female 8/27 - female 8/28 - female 8/30 - female 8/31 - male 9/1 - male 9/2 - male 9/3 - male 9/5 - female 9/6 - female 9/7 - female 9/8 - male 9/9 - male 9/10 - female 9/11 - female 9/12 - female 9/13 - female 9/14 - female Sorry it's a different format, but I only get one hatch per day and it would get pretty tedious to have a fancy header for every single hatch.
9:04am Sep 7 2009
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Posts: 917
9/7- Female. I have only one hatch also.
9:21am Sep 7 2009 (last edited on 9:27am Sep 20 2009)
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Posts: 6,216
I'm saving up for a rancher clas.s token, so for now only one hatch a day. I have been getting mostly females though. :/ September 6th Hatch 1: Female September 7th Hatch 1: Female September 8th Hatch 1: Male September 9th Hatch 1: Female September 10th Hatch 1: Female September 11th Hatch 1: Female September 12th Hatch 1: Female September 13th Hatch 1: Female September 14th Hatch 1: Female September 15th Hatch 1: Female September 16th Hatch 1: Female Septemner 17th Hatch 1: Female September 18th Hatch 1: Female September 19th Hatch 1: Female September 20th Hatch 1: Male XD Short list, eh. Omg, I got a male. o____________o -pure amazement-
Wat. ಠ_à²
11:40am Sep 7 2009 (last edited on 3:41pm Sep 8 2009)
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Posts: 8
I've hatched 6, all female. Edit! I hatched two males and a female today. Wtxup?
7:43pm Sep 7 2009
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Posts: 3
September 07. 1. Female. 2. Female.
3. Female.
8:04pm Sep 7 2009
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Posts: 969
September 1st/ Female, Female, Female September 2nd/ Female, Female, Female September 3rd/ Female, Male, Female September 4th/ Female, Female, Female September 5th/ Female, Female, Female September 6th/ Female, Female, Male September 7th/ Female, Female, Male Lotsa females. x__x
12:11am Sep 8 2009
Normal User
Posts: 5
September 6th Hatch 1 - Female Hatch 2 - Male Hatch 3 - Female September 7th Hatch 1 - Female Hatch 2 - Female Hatch 3 - Female September 8th Hatch 1 - Female Hatch 2 - Male Hatch 3 - Female I believe that's how it went.
1:27am Sep 8 2009 (last edited on 12:11am Sep 20 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
9-8 - Female, female, female 9-9 - Female, male, female 9-10 - Female, female, male 9-20 - Female, female, female I went and got lazy - didn't hatch anything for a bit. x3
1:36am Sep 8 2009
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Posts: 3
September 8. 1. Female. 2. Female. 3. Female.
9:44am Sep 9 2009
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Posts: 5
10:32am Sep 9 2009 (last edited on 9:15am Sep 21 2009)
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Posts: 1,444
September 9/ female September 10/ female September 11/ female September 12/ male September 13/ male September 14/ female, female, female September 15/ female, female, female September 16/ female, female, female September 17/ female, female, female September 18/ female, female, female (I'm sensing a pattern here) September 19/ female, female, female September 20/ female September 21/ female (this is getting annoying)
2:24pm Sep 9 2009
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Posts: 533
Female seems more easy to get.
12:03am Sep 10 2009
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Posts: 1,731
September 10th. 8D Female Female Male
12:24am Sep 10 2009
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Posts: 461
September../10th o3o
Hatch 1:.. Female o-o Hatch 2:Femal.. Hatch 3: Female
7:20am Sep 10 2009 (last edited on 4:45am Sep 19 2009)
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Posts: 437
I keep records starting from Aug. 4. it is too long to post the whole list here, so I just write the actual result. Up to today (Sept. 19.) I hatched: 118 females 23 males For the detailed records (with colours too) see my Malal's and Meiko's pet page here: http://www.rescreatu.com/petpages/index.php?id=983369 http://www.rescreatu.com/petpages/?id=1502768 I haven't hatched a single male since name reset. This gender "problem" is rapidly progressing from slightly annoying to tragic. At least it were the other way around, with more males, I wouldn't care, but I just cannot come up with any interesting character for female pets :(.
11:28am Sep 10 2009 (last edited on 1:05am Sep 11 2009)
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Posts: 54
Sept 10 1st: Female 2nd: Female 3rd: Female (: