12:24pm Oct 24 2010
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Posts: 1,003
i've watched anime till i have problems thinking an entire thought in english
12:28pm Oct 24 2010
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Posts: 1,003
rofal copter: shwahshwahshwahshwashwa
me: roflcopter theres a building! swerve swerve! D:
roflcopter: shwaSHWAAAAAAAAAAH(explosion)
me: rooooofl coooopter DX
6:52pm Oct 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 159
I've done that before. :)
What sort of morbidity is this?!
6:20pm Oct 27 2010
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Posts: 1,588
I tried to confuse cleverbot, it kinda failed but i got it to admit to not being human User: 127623. Cleverbot: What's that? User: 127623. Cleverbot: Mine is higher. User: 127623. Cleverbot: I don't think so. User: 127623. Cleverbot: Then I am more intelligent than you. User: 127623. Cleverbot: That's about 35 years, right? User: 127623 I give up. Cleverbot: Belgium :o. User: 127623 bye cleverbot. Cleverbot: The cleverbot isn't human. You are human, I am not. I am cleverbot.
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
7:03pm Oct 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,359
Oh, cleverbot keeps confuzzling meee! Must... get... back at it! *triees* ok, i fail.

Banner created for me by psychosilver288.
11:47pm Oct 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 448
Dang Knux! I'm gone for however long I havent been on Rescreatu and your thread is still going?! I'm impressed! ^^
3:01am Oct 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,588
People come and go but the insane stay
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
10:33am Oct 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,003
*randomly gibbers, frothing at the moulth
5:02pm Oct 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,685
Wow, I almost forgot about this thread. o_o; -is back- 8D
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
5:15pm Oct 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 448
Haha! XD True. True. We insane people have to stick together!
5:48pm Oct 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,588
who else runs the hoards of angry villagers
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
4:49am Oct 30 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 251
Boo. *throws cheese* *froths* Give me chee-eese. Whats that? I'm normal, of course.
10:15am Oct 30 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,685
u no wut,;.fsf. Wow, my above text looks spammy. :D -fail-
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
12:09pm Oct 30 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,359
Yayy! Spamminesssss! that was random. Anyone want some cheese?

Banner created for me by psychosilver288.
12:21pm Oct 30 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,914
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
2:10pm Oct 30 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,685
rageragrearagraefgajafarafarag RAGEld. chewxz chesze. htias is owh ai aty[pe when eithgk ai jdon'taaa know hwo ato spell. Wow, even more spammy looking. 8D -throws cheese at everyone-
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
2:55pm Oct 30 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,588
Happy Halloween peoples here have a hoard of zombies
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
3:39pm Oct 30 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,685
-tries to fight the hoard of zombies- D8 Eeeee! They're trying to bite me and turn me into one of them! Actually they want my brain. ;c
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
5:54pm Oct 30 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,588
Lol *is still safe in fireflyverse* oh wait there is reavers and Jayne
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
11:16am Oct 31 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,685
-throws a bomb at the zombies and quickly runs away- ^0^ Yep, they're all gone. c:
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<