Dragon not that kind of firefly, Firefly is a TV show that was cancelled almost 8 years ago. in that 'verse, a Firefly is a type of spaceship. We are now on one of said firefly spaceships. this one is called serenity
Okay Fireflyverse has a few things you need to be weary of.
1. Reavers, Slightly intellegent Zombies/Canibals from space, they want to eat you
2. the Alliance, the goverment. you don't want to get on the wrong side of them
3. Crew members of serenity to respect/fear.
Mal, River and Jayne. Mal is the captain, don't make him mad or he will probably shoot you or throw you out of the airlock, River, an insane genius, and Jayne, the hired brute force, just don't annoy him and Don't make fun of Jayne's Name.
Have fun