well, i have something to say. it involves a little story. okay, on smokey's thread, i posted ' smokey wasnt on for a week!" and i didnt bug her all week. then one of the next commet says ' stop bugging her about it and who geos first in the waiting list" thats one of the most stupidest, meanest answers you can type. blaming other people for nothing. and you dont know the whole story. did i say i was talking to her 24/7? no. so dont asume something without knowing, inless thiers actually good true proof. point is, im sick and tired of people on res and real life commeting something that they dont even know is a a lie. yeah, you might be thinking im stupid. but really, if you think about it, you should think before you commet. also, commeting something you know isn't true and your just ammusing it and its a mean commet, thats not nice. im very sensitive, and this is a real probblem. Same thing happened in the iluvu reramp. you guys know that story.
Hope you guys learned a lesson.