Day 1. February 4th,2013.
Hey, I'm Jess~ As you know. :)
Well I thought why not post something. I've been wanting to do something like this.
I'll post random things. Like What I did that day, night, or what I've been watching.
Or am up to. I can post random things. If you want to comment, you may!
Just, please be respectful. Nothing hurtful.
So, Today, I actually spent my day sleeping. I've been sick :c so I thought sleep was best. Even if I had to
get up and clean cats, and take 2 of the 3 dogs out.
And then I spent the rest of the day, on Tumblr. -KitsuneJess.
And watching Minecraft videos. :) I watched GuudeBoulderfist
And MCGamer. I think I also watched GenerikB too. xD
I'm into Mindcrack. Which is a Server. If you like Minecraft, maybe give them
a try? :3