Johnny Depp\'s TV pitch for \'innocent\' teens

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4:03pm Feb 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 133

48 Hours Mystery will air a one-hour special dedicated to the WM3 case on Saturday,
Feb. 27, 10PM ET/PT. Johnny Depp will be there to voice what he thinks about the case
of the west Memphis 3.

If it takes a village to raise a child, it also takes one to convict one.
Now and then, it requires a movie star to save one.

Think back 17 long years. Do you remember how every talk show was
obsessed with the same hot topic -- teenage Satanism? Heavy metal, it
was suggested, led to Satanism which naturally led to ritualistic
to read more go here:

I support them, I went to school with Damion's sister and I also have experience with West Memphis Ar police, and let me *censored*ure you, they are not right, and i think they really *censored*ed up with these three.

And just a note, it really doesn't matter who believes they did it or who believes they are innocent. It doesn't even matter if they really did do it or not. The thing is they were convicted because they were different, because they like dark things and heavy metal and wore black and just weren't the same as everyone else, because they liked to talk about witchcraft and practice Wicca. It was because they were different and nothing more that got them put in prison for so many years. There was no physical evidence nothing to prove that they had even been there when the 3 little boys were killed. And now that we have DNA units that can test DNA it even shows that they weren't there and someone else was. They are asking for another trial and to have a chance to have all the evidence looked at. A FAIR trial is what they seek. I think they deserve that. I think that if this goes unchanged that more people will be convicted of things just because they are different and not because they actually did anything, just because the authorities cant figure out who actually did it. I think that is just the most horrible thing ive ever heard that could happen to anyone!

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