Know any other RP sites?

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1:46pm Nov 20 2011 (last edited on 3:06pm Nov 20 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,329

Hello! I love to RP and it seems  like Res RP's are becoming less and less. I see more 1x1's and hardly any new group RPs. So I was just wondering if anyone knows any other sites with the same community feel, but more active RP's and better literacy? I have been on Res for years and I remember all the people who use to be on and active every day, and how many people made creative new RPs. Im just looking for something like that.


~Thanks, Leo


2:39pm Nov 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
I'm honestly not sure what you mean when you say Res's Literacy, because it's kind of gone down the drain with a majority of RPers Leaving/getting Banned. might be good. It's a good community with small/average size, and has Omega (Basic RP), Beta (Semi-Lit), and Alpha (Lit-Advanced) categories so whatever you're talking about I suppose you could find.
It's a basic forum RP setup. is more semi-lit to advanced, depending on what RP you join. They're very big, so chances are you'll never have a problem finding at least one RP that could interest you. Because they're big, there's not much "community" to them, but they're not mean, just not close and it's still possible to make friends with the people you RP with.
It uses a more interesting format than just regular forums. It uses a "Tab" system where each RP has it's own page with tabs for Info, Characters, OOC thread, and IC are with possible different IC threats.
It may seem complex at first, but if you actually want to figure out how it works, it'll be easy.
Also, RPG does a cool thing of saving your character pages to your profile when you create them. Sadly, you can't just create characters freely anymore, you have to have them connected to an RP, but it's still a cool system.

I've been on both of these sites and liked them. I would have stayed on them if it wasn't for personal/school issues.
You should poke around them and see if you like them any. And they also have affiliates you could check out if you don't like those two in particular.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

3:07pm Nov 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,329
Haha I ment the literacy before. I changed it now. And thanks I will be sure to cheek them out! <3

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