... I remember surprisingly few of yours, Suga. x3 The only one I really recall after a bit of a skim over the mall them all is inbubitably.
I should upload some more of mine. I only have a few up on Photobucket.. I s'pose I'll just show you gaiz those. :D Fatty post beware; I'm too lazy to make 'em all links.
I 'member I actually made Whit say that one again, just so I could get a screenie. xD
Shoutbox singing ftw. I have one for Bohemian Rhapsody too.
I am so proud of that moment. xD I started a legend. Too bad bushy eyebrows don't exist anymore, and no one can see Flare now since he died. 8(
Used that as my signature for a while. People's reactions were amazing. xD
Yah. Some kid was all, 'brb going toilet,' and it snowballed.
The Ding Dong Song: instant Shoutbox reviver.
My first screenie. *tear* I was such a noob. xD It's also very strange to see Rootie (or Rach or Riddle or whatever else one might call her) talking like that.
Yah. We were talking about Pokemon Stadium minigames. Then Allen showed up.
And that conversation.. was just amazing. xD The start of a few mini-memes too - Drama Llamas, the infernal b@rking, iggles..
And that's all of 'em that are on muh Photobucket. P: