So. Hello there fellow resians.
I have a weird, if not profitable idea for the people of res.
My IDEA is that the people of res could all team together and make an animation.
I know, it's weird, but keep reading.
Sooo it would be like a kind of commercial except it would be funny and fun to watch! Like a cartoon, you know. It'd be a lot of work, though. Sooo we'd get people and someone would be the animator and animate it, then we'd apply the au
dio. We'd get the au
dio with soundcloud or youtube or something like that. :3 soo it's not fully formed but I have more stuff to add to the idea later. Soo I just need some opinions. I might not even do it, but I just though it would be cool! So, there.
You can post now. XD
EDIT: So I would really like this to happen, I think it would be fun! So these are the spots open. Posting more as I think of them:
Director: GreenKat! Yaay
Helper Director/Random Person: Me. :3 (neomaemae)
Assistant Director: IpetsLE22
Assistant Director: emowolf2
Assistant Director: none
Floater: none
Floater: none
Floater: none
Animator: none. :'C
Text Manager: GreenKat
sc.ript Helper: IpetsLE22
sc.ript Helper: none