New Dog.

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7:05am Jun 3 2010

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Posts: 1,576

Omg I'm getting a dog ^_^

I need a small to medium , shorthaired one, with average excercise demanded. And plus, female or male? Advantages ? And omg what should I name it :C I'm like gonna name it Carmen or something because Glam is ossum :C


9:58am Jun 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 360
Get a beagle. :)  If it's to be an inside pet.

✿A weed is but an unloved flower✿

8:19pm Jun 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,088

You could get a beagle, daschund, chihuahua (short-haired), pug....

I think chihuahua shorthair would be best since it is (very) small, has short hair and doesn't need much exercise. I'm not too sure about the exercise of the other 3 breeds...


8:52pm Jun 3 2010

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Posts: 2,046
Black lab/ Bull Mastiff Mix. 8D Oooooorrrr A Toy fox terrier.

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

11:06pm Jun 3 2010 (last edited on 11:07pm Jun 3 2010)

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Posts: 1,775

I wouldn't get a daschund... I have one and generally they are very demanding dogs. You must pay attention to it or it'll throw a tantrum. If you have another dog they'll be all like 'YOU DON'T LOVE ME? YOU MUST LOVE ME! D<'. Plus they're from Germany, a temperate country with extreme changes in weather. So around March, they start shedding a load ( can fill a whole bag full of hs hair after one brushing). They also run really fast and if you get a large big boned male (which I have D8), he will rip your arms off when you go on walkies. They're small, but they can do that. However, I do like him 'cause he's very pretty and likes posing for photos xD

Chihuahuas are hard to train because they it's kinda hard to get point across to them; but they're very very very loyal. I wouldn't recommend any terrier of any sort. Most terriers enjoy digging (however my aunt's silky terrier doesn't).

Beagles are a better choice; bit calmer and a tad easier to train. Spaniels are also nice things to have. They're intelligent and extremely loyal. They're also friendly (but they're hyper). I also prefer females, they don't pee everywhere or get into fights as often. Females tend to know when to stop fighting, they don't exactly want to kill each other if they get into fights. Males always have a need to prove they're tough and *censored*ert authority when they see other dogs.

However, I am a fan of long haired dogs so I'm not really the best person to speak on this matter *coughI'dgetapoodleorashihtzucough*.


Feel the love man D:<


3:35am Jun 4 2010 (last edited on 3:36am Jun 4 2010)

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Posts: 2,556
A dachund is loyal...Its also known as a weiner dog...They come in long and short hair...THey are really cute too. But they Can be demanding...But my grandma had one and it was good to her.

ZZAZZ the Level 153 Charizard 'M
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3:40am Jun 4 2010

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Posts: 2,556

And Ping i agree on the chiuaua thing. they can be vicious. I know someone who got their hand punctured by a chiuaua

The  thing about spaniels? not really,i have seen/met several lazy unhyper spaniels too,SO that is kinda STereotypeing.

ZZAZZ the Level 153 Charizard 'M
Adopt a glitch pokemon at glitch city labs!

3:49am Jun 4 2010

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Posts: 1,775
My sister's spaniel was plagued with arthritus and old age. She was still hyper a few days before she died.


Feel the love man D:<

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