Oh. My. Gawd. (rant)

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7:23pm Jun 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 371

So I was on Wajas for like 20 minutes when Patrick started testing the new Shout Box. It was going to fast, so I decided to wait for a while and go play on Wajas and read the Raves and Rants.

Then I tried to come back. My computer is a complete fail, and I opened another tab at least twenty times trying to get it to work.

I decided that I wasn't going to wait for it to load on a tab and just Xed out of the window. Then I opened another one.

FINALLY it opened and let me on Rescreatu. I was so ticked.


8:27pm Jun 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 162
Everyone deals with lag once in a while.


12:14pm Jun 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 371
I've never had a lag that bad before. Never.

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