Other pet site discussions [Discussion thread]

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4:25pm Dec 31 2013

Normal User

Posts: 11
I play these sites often:
Howrse.com (puppyhearts8)
Sylestia.com (DeathlyFrostbite, my ID is 12176 in case you are interested)
AnimalJam.com (swirlingstar)
I also play these sites *sometimes*:
ClubPenguin (Rayneb0w, I think. xD)
I used to play Pony Island but it got boring :/

There are three dangerous things on this world: Rainbow potatoes, polka-dotted llamas, and completely random people like me. (so watch out) DeviantART: deathly-frostbite.deviantart.com

3:04pm Jan 3 2014 (last edited on 3:47pm Feb 11 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 354
School of Dragons: mythies123
Animaljam: queenny1st
I also play Dragonvale, Dragon City, Dragons world, Dragon Story.... Basically I like dragons  XD 


4:27pm Jan 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 14
I used to be on a bunch of sites, but I keep getting chased off by jerks...

On Valenth/Squiby, one of the two site owners stalked my every post and bullied me until I left the forums, then froze five of my friends and fired my mod friend for something they didn't do because she didn't like that I used deviantart to upload three of the pet banners I made for my friends. So I quit for good.

On Chickensmoothie, I had played for about three years when the forum base became really super catty and defensive. I quit because the drama was so insane it was affecting my personality IRL, and have no intention of returning.

On Marapets, the forum base is arguably worse than Chickensmoothie. I still play, but I avoid the forums like the plague.

I've had similar problems elsewhere, but they weren't pet sites.

7:15pm Feb 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2
I play neopets.

My main account is kiwinut.

My sides are sleepynorma, trucktobig, xx_everardoxlalofan and tigerchuff

I have an account on verpets - sylviau

I have an account on ichumon - inlovewithtigers

And I have an account on marapets - Cryver

My imaginary friend Ever calls me his Chiquilla Linda. :)

7:47pm Mar 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 106
Has anyone heard of Exhibited? It's a site where you breed raptors, and other dinosaurs. I joined as qweee, but have yet to receive my activation e-mail. Anyone else play it? 


4:04am Mar 19 2014 (last edited on 5:47am Apr 13 2014)


Posts: 3,217
Lioden- Zen #9960 
FR- Realm


6:41pm Mar 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,058
Howrse-kewlgurl. :p
\r\n \r\n

11:37pm Apr 26 2014 (last edited on 11:29am Apr 27 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 35
PetRPG: Mew
Chicken Smoothie: Mew
Aywas: Mew (#5181)
Flight Rising: Mew (#42)
Ichumon: Mew
Acitius: Mew
Anatheria: Mew
Corepets: Mew
ChibiPaws: Mew
Khimeros: Mew (#7733)
MisticPets: Mew
Ibbits: Mew
Alacrity Sim: Mew (#1991)
PokeFarm Q: Mew
Paladore: Mew
Felisfire: Mew (#3367)
Neopets: Spritzee
Mycena Cave: Spritzee (#121)
Marapets: Spritzee
IcePets: Spritzee
Verpets: Box


3:14pm Apr 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 3
chickensmoothie: c h e r y l
mweor: cheryl #161294
pokefarm q: cheryl
pine ridge herding: cheryl #660
squiby: xCheryl
eldemore: cheryl


8:07am Apr 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 344
Felisfire: Kalati(#7373)
Sonas: Kalati(#1711)

What I really want to play is FlightRising, and I've been waiting for months to sign up to it. ;_;



1:43am May 3 2014

Normal User

Posts: 129
I play horwse and animal jam

I\'m a narwhal

9:40pm Jun 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 48
I have a Neopets account.. actually 5, which are all linked on my main, tayloi.
I played Marapets, with my account tayloi, but I'm kinda having problems right now.... e-e
My GPXPlus is tayloi.
Basically just look for tayloi and you're bound to find me. xD


4:23am Jul 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1

kako da namestim da imam zivotinju 


9:52pm Oct 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 25
Lol has anyone ever played Mara pets i used to play then i stopped. Lol its kind of creepy in a way XD

10:54pm Mar 31 2015

Normal User

Posts: 3
eldemore: FoxFlame

7:11pm Apr 15 2015

Normal User

Posts: 52
Kingdom Sky


12:36pm Aug 1 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1
I don't like Animal Jam because every time I bought things with a credit card they froze my account. This is ridiculous and I explained to them I'm over 18 and made the purchases myself. I never had that problem on any game site either. I'm on most of the open virtual pet sites but I would have to make a list first as it's long. 

2:36pm Sep 5 2015


Posts: 3,217
kaylune: zen


12:17pm Sep 25 2015 (last edited on 12:18pm Sep 25 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 756
MycenaCave: Wolf
Sylestia: Wolf
Flight Rising: Onslaught
Lioden: Jeopardy (Lion: Onslaught)
Kaylune: Onslaught
ClanHeart: Onslaught


11:23pm Oct 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 50
I play
 Paladore : Scarlotta
Aywas : Mix

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