Patrick, for you. From all of us. <3

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10:30pm Aug 9 2013 (last edited on 10:18pm Aug 12 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 945

First, I want to start off with hello and welcome.

Second, if you have read the updates, you know what's going on. 
If you haven't, I suggest you please go and read it. For those of you who have, you know that tough times are tough and that we all need a little support sometimes. A pick-me-up.

We love Patrick, right? Right! That should not even be a question! I know some of you might be a little frustrated in him, but you still love him for creating this beautiful website, that he continues to update as often as he can.

Life can be stressful! I would know! We all know! We have all  been stressed out for something and some point in time in your life, it happens. If you haven't.. well good for you! I'm happy for you! 

So back to the point. Patrick needs us. In the update he says that the res community is his favorite attribute of the whole website. Why? Because we are kind, supportive, friendly to others and give help when needed and not needed! We are the best team that I have ever seen! Not even my school has a strong bond built like we do!

In your hometown, there are people who start things to give back to the community. That, my friends, is what we are going to do. Now, I don't mean going around and picking up trash, no...

I mean if you did that too that would be great for the environment o.o

Anyway! We are going to make the Rescreatu community better than ever!

"But Merlin, how do we do that? The Res community is already awesomesauce!"

I know my friends, I know it is. But We didn't stop at going to the moon, no, we sent bots to Mars. While the moon is great, Mars is phenomenal.
Lets go to Mars! ... so too speak.

So here is what we are going to do! Well, what YOU are going to do.
You are going to email me you signature! Heres how:
Sign a piece of paper. Then take a picture of it and send it to me. It doesn't matter if it's backwards - I can make it un-backwards. :3 You may include pictures, (No color - you'll see why in a moment) a thank you note, and/or anything you deem appropriate. If you are able to, you may also sign with Photoshop (Or something like it) but please please please make it a transparent background! again, no color!  

Once I have all of your guy's signatures, I'm going to put them together on a few pages. And then print it! Printer only does Black and white, so.. yeah. There will be a front cover, pages, and a back cover <3

After I print it, I will mail the letters to Pat! Great, right? It will be like on of those home made gifts little kids bring their grandma's and the grandmas pretend to like it kinda thing x3

my email is

I would have you Rmail, but I've decided that once I read the alert for it I might forget it, but email I always check because my friend likes to say hi to me everyday... >< so it's always spammed. If you don't have an email, You can Rmai it. <33

Send away!                  


11:29am Aug 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
moved to more appropriate category


5:12pm Aug 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
I'll send one. <3


10:20pm Aug 12 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136

thanks for reminding me uwu <3


7:09pm Nov 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 393
I will need a little time on this, as I need to get my hands on a camera. Also, I am unsure if I can do a transparent background, but I can do a plain, white one.


9:04am Nov 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 350
Oh goodness! This is fabulous. Patrick is going to be double reminded that he is loved because I have a topic about giving him a gift as well, ahaha. It's a little different though, and for Christmas.

I'll make my signature and send it if I can remember when I have free time!


"Yes, I am indeed an artist! What drew you to that conclusion?"

5:32pm Nov 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,071
Threads in the Off-Topic forum are not to be bumped after more than four (4) weeks of inactivity unless you are the person who started the thread.

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