Pets :3

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8:28pm Nov 19 2010 (last edited on 8:29pm Nov 19 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 201

Welll, I can go on and on and on and on about my lovelies and furbabies <3 So I figured I'd start a thread. Sooo, lemme introduce my aminals <3

Mason Botswana Waffles

Mason, my temp. leopard gecko <3 I got him for my birthday, back in June. He isn't that old and I am considering breeding him. I was gonna do it sooner butttt, money got in the way. He probably has about 18 years left so what's the rush? Plus, he's always just gonna be a pet :3


^-^ In this picture, he was shedding his skin :P I'll try to get more pictures later. Recently he's grown more grumping and solitary so it's hard to catch him in a good picture-taking mood. Maybe it's just the hormones of him growing up XD


Eric Northman

I don't have any pictures of Eric yet ): I need to get him a bigger aquarium. But take my word for it, he is a GORGEOUS male betta splendens <3 He lives up to his name, since he is named after the sexy True Blood character, Eric Northman. Right now he lives in a vase. I can tell he hates it, but this Christmas I plan on getting him a five gallon aquarium. His diet is blood worms, dried shrimp (not his favorite), and dry betta pellets.


Keety is my, ofcourse, kitty. :P At first he was a four week old stray, that climbed up in my mother's care and almost died, three times. He wouldn't let us touch him, but one night he was meowing outside my window, freezing, so I rushed out there and grabbed him... getting my arm pretty scratched up -.- Now he is about nine weeks? Maybe more. Can't really remember :/ He is HYPER alll the time and loves to jump out and "surprise" you  out of a corner. He can get annoying but when he is in one of his sweet and lovable moods he is the purrrfect keety <3 


 ^-^ Right here he was stuck in my mom's car..




Java is a papillon, dachshund mix I rescued after I had to rehome my lab, Bubby. I think it was last.. November? Yes. So we've had him for a year. We got him from a high kill shelter, and think he was from a puppy mill or HORRIBLE breeder. He was an under-bite, anxiety, and he is hand-shy. Therefor we think he has been abused. That doesn't matter anymore, because now he is in his forever home :)



^-^ Java and Cody, the baby. :P


^-^ Trying out the "The-Dog" pose.


Sissy was.. my first dog. She is quite old now but that doesn't slow her down! Literally. Once she gets out, she gets OUTT. But she's been doing a good job at staying inside the fence.. Well. We got her from a petstore as a first inexperianced dog owner. She's been through hell, no lie. She's been pregnant& had a miscarriage, hit by a car while she was pregnant, lost for weeks at a time, attacked by three other dogs countless other times, and almost starved to death because when we went on vacation the pet sitters didn't do their job.. but now she's fat and healthy :)  And I PROMISE you none of that unlucky stuff will happen ever again. 


 ^-^ her laying on my tummy.

Maisy R.I.P.

Maisy.. she was there when no one else was there for me. It was when I was younger, but I still looked up to her. We rescued her eight years ago? She was a puppymill rescue and had cancer. Her owner was pregnant and didn't have the time for her and was gonna put her down since she was already eight. I couldn't let her go, even if I didn't know her. It was wrong for her to just end her already long life when she could have so many years left. She lived eight more years. She helped me through heartbreak, family deaths, family problems, and every other awful thing I went through. I could honestly say that I looked at her like she was a mother. My mom was never there for me, and I was young, so that kind of falls into place. She wasn't JUST a dog. But now she's gone. She p*censored*ed away March 09, 2010. R.I.P Maisy, and I can't wait to see you again <3


^-^ Over-weight but still beautiful. <3 

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8:30pm Nov 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 201
Ahh. It streched. I'll try to fix it later XD

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