Pokemon Personality Quiz! (Original 150 Outcomes)

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9:13pm Feb 26 2012 (last edited on 9:19pm Feb 26 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 393
This is just for fun. 
You answer the questions and I post what Pokemon I think you would be based on those answers!
No looking ahead. That's cheating and not as fun.

You are taking a stroll and looking around. What do you see?

A. Beautiful city lights and skyscrapers. Hey! You eat good around here.
B. A pond surrounded by trees. The water is cool and so clear, I can see the fish swimming around.
C. Lava! Lots of lava. Not much grass or many trees, but I can't stand to be cold. Don't care much for green anyways.
D. Water. As far as the eyes can see. I like to swim and the under water caves around here are so adventurous!
E. I see mountains, covered in powdered snow. The bodies of water here are frozen and I am on my way to ice skate with my buds.
F. Me? Walking? Pft. Let me sleep before I bite.

You come across a Togepi. Strange to find this little guy here, out of all places. He's crying and looks confused. What do you do?

A. I don't see a Togepi. I'll just keep walking and minding my own business.
B. Awww! Are you okay, little guy?
C. You're coming with me.
D. Omg, whatever it takes to shut it up! ;~;
E. He looks tasty. What?! He's an egg for pete's sake! 
F. Haha! There would be no Togepi where I am.

After that whole escapade is finally over, you hear something rattling in the bushes. Are you nervous?

A. Yes! You wouldn't be? @.@
B. Pft. Bring it.
C. I'm neutral. It could just be a silly little Kakuna... Then again, it could be that dang Jigglypuff. ಠ_ಠ
D. I don't see a bush.
E. *Blasts that bush something powerful* Let's see it wiggle now.
F. I'll just go see what it is.

Before you could do anything, out pops that Jigglypuff!

A. HA! I told you! 
B. Oh, how cute! :3
C. *Walks away*
D. *Blasts it with my most powerful move*
E. Good. I need a nap, anyways.
F. You know... It kinda resembles a cupcake... WHAT?! >;/

After all that, you're walking along and begin to feel hungry...

A. I shoulda ate one of those cute things.
B. Bwahahaha! I'm not hungry.
C. I'm always hungry.
D. I think I'll let someone catch me just so they can feed my butt. T-T
E. I need to find something. Didn't eat those guys because I'm a vegetarian. 
F. Find me a Moomoo. I want something meaty!

You come across an opening. There, you see three houses.

A. I'll just go into the one with the pretty flowers in the front. :3
B. I don't like people. People are in houses. 
C. FOOD! Runs for the door that smells of bacon.
D. *Knocks on the door* Yo, gimme an apple. Bl
E. I have no legs or arms. I'll just scream outside the door.

You have your fill, however you did it. Now all that's on your mind is...
A. -_-zzZ
B. O.O
C. ಠ_ಠ
D. :D
E. >.>
F. <3

The end! Abrupt, right? :p


9:14pm Feb 26 2012 (last edited on 5:21pm Feb 27 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 393
(Feel free to let me know if it's a hit, miss or in between!)

ReapersPlaymate= Chansey!
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alt="" align="none">

Fennikusu= Snorlax!
You cherish your beauty rest and although you tend to get along with people, you're not as fond of them as you are little creatures that need your help. You like to be social, when it's called for, but really, you tend to have things going on that require your attention and yours only. Like sleep. You have a favorite food item or two that you cannot resist and you think about it at least 3 times a week.

Nomzisaur= Marowak!
So, basically, you love your peace and quiet. The more the merrier! You would rather not get involved in other people's (or Pokemon's) issues because it tends to be headache. You're not the one to pick a fight either, but you don't back down very easily if you have a strong point that needs defending. Really, you would rather live your life and enjoy the relaxation of nature, rather than the hustle and bustle of the average, cluttered life. And you are rather happy with that. You don't feel like you need 50 or 60 friends to be happy. But there is something missing...

xRequiemx= Mew!
You take things as they come to you. After all, that's the time to handle them, right? You can't stress what has been done and you can't fix something that isn't there yet. When situations do arise, you usually know if they do need your attention or if fate can work it out without your help. You like cute things. Even the cute things that wind up in grocery stores that you still eat. Sometimes, it seems like you wear your heart on your sleeve and then there are times, it seems like it's taking a quick lunch break. Either way, people find you approachable in some way or another. 

Graveyardfox= Haunter!
Okay. You have a sense of humor that ranges from innocent to even slightly morbid. You like pranks and you're sometimes found lurking about because you are either the one that pulled the prank or you're there for front row seats to it. People are fun. Despite how you come off sometimes, you actually do have a "sweet heart" side. You also like your food. You'll share, but you find yourself watching your friend's intake so they don't eat it all. "I said you could have some, not have it... -_-"  You also are a fan of things that go bump in the night, the stars in the sky and the stars that man has made in the cities. 

ChristineNicole= Charizard!
You're not a very stressed Pokemon, but you don't take chances with anything. You trust yourself over everyone else. It's kind of hard to ruin something for yourself and even if it happens, at least it was you that did it and nobody to get angry at. There are some walls there. They are more visible to others than yourself, which is the ironic part. You're pretty stubborn and usually may not admit making a mistake, but if there is a mistake made, you secretly make note of it and learn from it. At least you do learn from them. 

XAllurcore=  Togepi!
You enjoy friendships and having roots in the dirt. You have a favorite person though that you love to have around and you can totally trust them, which is awesome! You like people and Pokemon and mix well with all of them. You're a regular social Butterfree- er... I mean Togepi! You're not shy. Period. And you even have this one-of-a-kind knack for bringing others out of their shells. You're not really a picky eater, either. Doesn't have to be pretty, as long as it tastes good.

Canetoadance= Pikachu!
You have a heart of gold! But, you don't spread it out thin. You don't just automatically fall in love with whoever says "Hey" to you. You have a select few that you really connect to. And then there's the select few that is on your spit list, or you just don't give a Rattata's butt about. You tend to be kind most of the time though. Also, you don't fear much at all really. Fear isn't felt by you as much as annoyance. All in all, you are a happy little spark plug.

Sirimoyoni= Jigglypuff!
You're a curious Pokemon that loves all things.You'll approach anyone and anything and you tend to be easily amused and become happy with these amusing things. The only issue... It doesn't last long and you're already looking for something else to keep you occupied. Your main interests stay the same, but the others bounce around like a Mexican jumping bean. One minute, it's bottle caps, the next, it's crafts. Also, you are one of those Pokemon that has sang out loud while nobody else is looking or is out of earshot. You're pretty out there and have a really good sense of humor. Some might be overpowered by your bouncy behavior, but it can also be irresistible to others.

Zaefyra= Zubat!
Honestly, not too much is known about you. You probably wouldn't be caught dead wondering around strange places unknown to you, let alone walk up on a stranger's doorstep. You stick to your comfort zone and have a bubble that you like to keep in tact. You don't take kindly to those that burst it and have a reaction that is most unpleasant. Also, when you're on the move, you don't like to be slowed down. If someone wants to commune with you, they usually either have to keep pace with you whilst doing so or wait for you to happen to cross paths again.

Headache= Poliwrath!
You are a swimmer. And you're out deep, with the big fish. You find yourself face to face with situations sometimes as big as Gyrados, so it's given you some pretty tough skin. You do what you need to survive. They may not always be the right things, but usually still the best or the lesser of two evils. You tend to have a more logical, yet "better safe than sorry" approach to many of life's aspects. Not the lovey dovey type, but you do make a darn good friend.

Azylumin= Chansey!
Well, how about that? A fellow Chansey. You have a nurturing, mother-like instinct embedded into your hard drive. You do everything in your power to help someone or something in need and you even tend to try it with people that don't need it. And when it's said that your nurturing isn't necessary, you're fine with it, but for some reason, slightly disappointed. You love strongly and you have a bubbly personality. More times than not, you are seen with a smile on your face. You always try to shed a little light in the shadows for everyone. If you deny someone your help, odds are they don't deserve it. It takes effort to turn you cold.

Skypi= Articuno!
You dislike uncomfortably hot days... With a passion. Cool, crisp air is more breathable than hot and thick with humidity. You're usually quiet. You are more of a learner through observation. You sit at a comfortable distance and people watch. Sometimes, it gets pretty entertaining! You like your personal space though and once a stranger begins to get too close for comfort, you avoid it at almost all costs. It's just kinda creepy, right? You like to be the one to approach, when you feel that it's okay. You also like to travel. You dream of going to one place or another or have already been to quite a few interesting places. Even though you're quiet, when you do talk, what you have to say is pretty interesting. After all. You save up the good stuff.

LaCortoriReturn= Grimer!
ta:image/jpeg;base64,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" alt="" align="none">
So, you're a pretty open Pokemon. Your horizons are incredibly broad and you don't mind broadening them. You like to be around people and enjoy their company, but you don't trust them completely. Even when you try to. They usually do something in the long run that makes you thankful for not giving them your trust 100%. You have many different favorite foods and you sometimes mix odd things together or make your own little creations. For example, chips on a sandwich or you go ape crap with your Oodles of Noodles and give them a personal touch. 

AngelDelight= Ninetails!
Well, now. You are a flame of something ferocious. You are very intelligent and have a way with words. Some people might not even understand some of the things you say. When you have an interest in something, you go through phases at a time of learning more about it. The thing is... You can sometimes have a nasty temper and if someone crosses you, you can hold a pretty impressive grudge, so strong it can even seem to curse them. You're a cool person, but god forbid someone hurt you. We be franz? ;~;

HanaImakura67= Ditto!
You're a tad bit awkward at first, but after you get acquainted with your surroundings, you can blend in pretty well for the most part. You are drawn to things like aviaries and gardens. They're very relaxing and pretty. But, you also have an appreciation for the benefits of city life, especially, the arts! Also, you are pretty heck bent on defending your friends or someone that has nobody else. You're pretty flexible, when you make friends. You like different kinds of people and really don't expect much of them. As long as they respect you.

Guiven= Meowth!
You don't really have sympathy for people, especially the ones that seem to constantly wallow in self pity. BUT, you can't stand to see someone cry about something that you actually feel is a good reason to be upset. You will try to make them feel better and give them logical advice. Also, you don't lead many people. That does NOT mean you are a follower. You pretty much just go with whichever way the wind blows you as an individual. There is the rare instance every now and then, where you feel the need to be the guide and you will voice your opinion and get people on the right track... Or wrong. Hey! You can't win 'em all.


9:20pm Feb 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 815
F. Me? Walking? Pft. Let me sleep before I bite.

B. Awww! Are you okay, little guy?

B. Pft. Bring it.

E. Good. I need a nap, anyways.

B. Bwahahaha! I'm not hungry.

B. I don't like people. People are in houses.

F. <3


9:23pm Feb 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 863
You are taking a stroll and looking around. What do you see?

You come across a Togepi. Strange to find this little guy here, out of all places. He's crying and looks confused. What do you do?

After that whole escapade is finally over, you hear something rattling in the bushes. Are you nervous?

Before you could do anything, out pops that Jigglypuff!

After all that, you're walking along and begin to feel hungry...

You come across an opening. There, you see three houses

You have your fill, however you did it. Now all that's on your mind is...


9:30pm Feb 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,372
I'll bite :D

You are taking a stroll and looking around. What do you see?
B. A pond surrounded by trees. The water is cool and so clear, I can see the fish swimming around.

You come across a Togepi. Strange to find this little guy here, out of all places. He's crying and looks confused. What do you do?
B. Awww! Are you okay, little guy?

After that whole escapade is finally over, you hear something rattling in the bushes. Are you nervous?
F. I'll just go see what it is.

Before you could do anything, out pops that Jigglypuff!
C. *Walks away* 

After all that, you're walking along and begin to feel hungry... 
A. I shoulda ate one of those cute things. 

You come across an opening. There, you see three houses.

C. FOOD! Runs for the door that smells of bacon 

You have your fill, however you did it. Now all that's on your mind is... 

F. <3


9:35pm Feb 26 2012 (last edited on 9:37pm Feb 26 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
You are taking a stroll and looking around. What do you see?
A. Beautiful city lights and skyscrapers. Hey! You eat good around here.

You come across a Togepi. Strange to find this little guy here, out of all places. He's crying and looks confused. What do you do?
B. Awww! Are you okay, little guy?

After that whole escapade is finally over, you hear something rattling in the bushes. Are you nervous?
C. I'm neutral. It could just be a silly little Kakuna... Then again, it could be that dang Jigglypuff. ಠ_ಠ

Before you could do anything, out pops that Jigglypuff!
D. *Blasts it with my most powerful move*

After all that, you're walking along and begin to feel hungry...
F. Find me a Moomoo. I want something meaty!

You come across an opening. There, you see three houses.
C. FOOD! Runs for the door that smells of bacon.

You have your fill, however you did it. Now all that's on your mind is...
E. >.>

Edit:// Changed one answer for mine. o3o Thought it'd fit better.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

9:37pm Feb 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,071
You are taking a stroll and looking around. What do you see?

B. A pond surrounded by trees. The water is cool and so clear, I can see the fish swimming around.

You come across a Togepi. Strange to find this little guy here, out of all places. He's crying and looks confused. What do you do?

A. I don't see a Togepi. I'll just keep walking and minding my own business.

After that whole escapade is finally over, you hear something rattling in the bushes. Are you nervous?

C. I'm neutral. It could just be a silly little Kakuna... Then again, it could be that dang Jigglypuff. ಠ_ಠ

Before you could do anything, out pops that Jigglypuff!

D. *Blasts it with my most powerful move*

After all that, you're walking along and begin to feel hungry...

F. Find me a Moomoo. I want something meaty!

You come across an opening. There, you see three houses.

B. I don't like people. People are in houses. 

You have your fill, however you did it. Now all that's on your mind is...

D. :D


10:37pm Feb 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
You are taking a stroll and looking around. What do you see? 

You come across a Togepi. Strange to find this little guy here, out of all places. He's crying and looks confused. What do you do? 

After that whole escapade is finally over, you hear something rattling in the bushes. Are you nervous? 

Before you could do anything, out pops that Jigglypuff! 

After all that, you're walking along and begin to feel hungry... 

You come across an opening. There, you see three houses.

You have your fill, however you did it. Now all that's on your mind is... 


10:39pm Feb 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 741
F. Me? Walking? Pft. Let me sleep before I bite.
B. Awww! Are you okay, little guy?
B. Pft. Bring it.
C. (Ohgod I hate that thing so much. I'd run. I would run and never look back. But since that isn't an option...) *Walks away*
F. Find me a Moomoo. I want something meaty!
B. I don't like people. People are in houses.
D. :D


10:39pm Feb 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 147
You are taking a stroll and looking around. What do you see?
B. A pond surrounded by trees. The water is cool and so clear, I can see the fish swimming around.
You come across a Togepi. Strange to find this little guy here, out of all places. He's crying and looks confused. What do you do?
C. You're coming with me.
After that whole escapade is finally over, you hear something rattling in the bushes. Are you nervous?
F. I'll just go see what it is.
Before you could do anything, out pops that Jigglypuff!
C. *Walks away*
After all that, you're walking along and begin to feel hungry...
C. I'm always hungry.
You come across an opening. There, you see three houses.
D. *Knocks on the door* Yo, gimme an apple. Bl
You have your fill, however you did it. Now all that's on your mind is...
A. -_-zzZ


Don\'t forget to drink water!

11:37pm Feb 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 606
You are taking a stroll and looking around. What do you see?
B. A pond surrounded by trees. The water is cool and so clear, I can see the fish swimming around.

You come across a Togepi. Strange to find this little guy here, out of all places. He's crying and looks confused. What do you do?
C. You're coming with me.

After that whole escapade is finally over, you hear something rattling in the bushes. Are you nervous?
B. Pft. Bring it.

Before you could do anything, out pops that Jigglypuff!
D. *Blasts it with my most powerful move*

After all that, you're walking along and begin to feel hungry...
C. I'm always hungry.

You come across an opening. There, you see three houses.
B. I don't like people. People are in houses. 

You have your fill, however you did it. Now all that's on your mind is...
E. >.>


11:37pm Feb 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 147
D: I hate Jigglypuff

Don\'t forget to drink water!

11:45pm Feb 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 393
Siri: Sorry. Lol. I figured the Pokemon wasn't your favorite, but is the deion even close? Be honest, I'm curious. Lol. Cane said I was on point with hers and to stop watching her. LOL.


11:46pm Feb 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,131
You are taking a stroll and looking around. What do you see?
D. Water. As far as the eyes can see. I like to swim and the under water caves around here are so adventurous!

You come across a Togepi. Strange to find this little guy here, out of all places. He's crying and looks confused. What do you do?
C. You're coming with me.

After that whole escapade is finally over, you hear something rattling in the bushes. Are you nervous?
E. *Blasts that bush something powerful* Let's see it wiggle now.

Before you could do anything, out pops that Jigglypuff!
F. You know... It kinda resembles a cupcake... WHAT?! >;/

After all that, you're walking along and begin to feel hungry...
B. Bwahahaha! I'm not hungry.

You come across an opening. There, you see three houses.
D. *Knocks on the door* Yo, gimme an apple. Bl

You have your fill, however you did it. Now all that's on your mind is...

B. O.O
C. ಠ_ಠ
D. :D
F. <3

(Those four)

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

12:09am Feb 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 147
Reap: yes, instead of the "singing out loud part" xD

Don\'t forget to drink water!

12:11am Feb 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 393
Siri: Oh. Lol. So, I was close though. Wewt! XD

I sing out loud. Even with people around... I can see the look of "shoot me" on their face. :3


3:01am Feb 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 422
Pu yah fun!
A, B, E, B, C, D,B,


3:02am Feb 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 422


6:54am Feb 27 2012


Posts: 3,217
You are taking a stroll and looking around. What do you see?
E. I see mountains, covered in powdered snow. The bodies of water here are frozen and I am on my way to ice skate with my buds.

You come across a Togepi. Strange to find this little guy here, out of all places. He's crying and looks confused. What do you do?
B. Awww! Are you okay, little guy?

After that whole escapade is finally over, you hear something rattling in the bushes. Are you nervous?

C. I'm neutral. It could just be a silly little Kakuna... Then again, it could be that dang Jigglypuff. ಠ_ಠ

Before you could do anything, out pops that Jigglypuff!

C. *Walks away*

After all that, you're walking along and begin to feel hungry...

F. Find me a Moomoo. I want something meaty!

You come across an opening. There, you see three houses.

B. I don't like people. People are in houses. 

You have your fill, however you did it. Now all that's on your mind is...

B. O.O


12:15pm Feb 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,652
A, B, F, F, B, B, E.

Go to page: 1, 2, 3