6:03pm Dec 31 2012
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Posts: 354
I have two cats and some mice. I don't have any pics though.
10:14pm Jan 3 2013 (last edited on 10:19pm Jan 3 2013)
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Posts: 1,189
this is my dog, and i did my best effort to find the most attractive photo of her that i could ^^
heh no she is special xD i have much better pics, but this, this is much better♥ so, anyways i got Roxy from my second cousin i think? or third... not sure. well she had a German Shepard and she was in heat, and a black lab from over the hill came and um... yeah. so i took roxy, and my neighbor took her brother ^^ she is 2 atm, turning 3 in July :D the end. ♥ OH WAIT. i have a beta fish to named sapphie :3 i took her from my cousin. she was going to flush it :L
1:44pm Jan 4 2013
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Posts: 24
Aww she looks like a sweetie! She must've been really adorable as a puppy. :)
10:37pm Jan 4 2013
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Posts: 678
That up there be my doggie. She is very loud, but lovable. She is quite attached to me. I luffles her. I got her May 2011. She is around 2 years old. Her name is Kari, she is a border collie mix.
Below is Whisper, a fat cat. She is technically my brother's, but he moved out and now she is mine now. When he finds an apartment that allows pets, he will be taking her with him. She is very loud, like my dog x3
Art by Zen
4:23pm Jan 26 2013
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Posts: 1,477
We have 4 cats here in Australia x3 One is a black and ginger color mix, We named her Cammie. She's approx 1 year old now, and we love her to bits! :) Then there's the other 3 kittens! Cammie gave birth to kittens in early October, and they're adorable! We have a ginger kitten, and 2 black ones who loves to sleep and play like any other cat in the world :3 The ginger one has got the nickname 'Ging' One black one has a patch on it's tummy... and for some reason we named her 'Bubbles' The last black kitten doesn't have a name just yet... We're thinking either Star or Midnight, but that could change too! :3 They spend a lot of time together, and are a happy, fluffy, family :D
6:59pm Jan 26 2013 (last edited on 7:03pm Jan 26 2013)
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Posts: 11
I have three pet ducks. c: Left to right: Tia, Squeaky, and Charlotte! Squeaky is named 'Squeaky' because as a baby, whenever I would leave the room she would squeak her head off (she still likes to be loud). And she would give me this face whenever I came back: Are you my mommy?
The one with the black splotches (Pepper) unfortunately got sick at a few days old and didn't make it. :c Anywho, they love swimming, nomming mealworms, and laying in the sunshine. :3
8:53pm Jan 27 2013 (last edited on 9:02pm Jan 27 2013)
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Posts: 59
3dogs 2cats 1fish 2 ginea pigs a bunch of worms
Go to here for R.P. Junior: file://localhost/Users/heidicharlton/Pictures/iPhoto%20Library/Masters/2007/Roll%2046/DSC03409.JPG
I was leaving the adoption center because someone had adopted the cat that I wanted. There was a family coming up-a pregnant woman and a small girl & boy. The little girl was holding a shoebox. The mom asked if we were adopting and of course we said yes. They couldn't keep him since the new baby was coming soon. The little girl was really sad. But Juney was pretty lively!
8:27am Jan 28 2013
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Posts: 100
I got two new kids. Hoban Washburne the Ball Python and Kaylee Frye the Corn Snake. Wash was given to me at the pet store when a couple approached me and asked me if I wanted a Ball Python for free. They couldn't keep him anymore so I said yes. He is ADORABLE. I don't think he was handled a lot, he is very very shy and tends to recoil from any touch. Trying to handle him a little each day so he gets used to it. Kaylee is an Albino Corn Snake and she's the sweetest thing ever. She has a lot of scars from being fed live prey but it definitely doesn't make her shy at all. I watch a lot of movies with her in my arms. PHOTO TIME :D
rnrnCurrent: 989 rn9 Albino - 2 Achro - 5 Calico - 52 Black - 22 Blonde - 68 Cream - 27 Ginger - 94 Sepia - 25 Silver - 20 Dyed - 665 Natural rn
11:59pm Mar 26 2013
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Posts: 20
6:13pm Mar 27 2013
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Posts: 1,673
I have 6 doggies now. 2 chocolate, 2 yellow(dad and son), 1 saint Bernard, 1 Siberian husky. 3 beta fish, I tortoise, 1 geckoe ;) There finished.
Oh and a guenia pig :)
Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them
6:15pm Mar 27 2013
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Posts: 1,673
Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them
1:59pm Mar 29 2013
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Posts: 1,274
HammerBro, by chance where did you get your dog? o3o It looks like it could be my cousin's dog's sister. LOL *he's a border collie mix as well and like the same age*
{And if this is necroposting I'll just take this to rmail D;}
3:02pm Mar 30 2013 (last edited on 8:01pm Mar 30 2013)
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Posts: 139
Oooo so there is a pet picture thread already! 8D Fantastic! Currently, I haaaaave.... Matilda, or 'Tilly' as we call her, the four and a half month old Maltese/Yorkshire Terrier("Morkie")mix: Phoenix, the nearly three year old female Temper(or so I've been told...)albino Leopard Gecko: (old picture is old...this is like, a year and a half ago at least. xD But I just love her ex[injection]pression) And then we have....are you ready for this?...The fish!! In order, they are... Nezumi, Lucifer, Tom Lucifer Rory Watson Pendragon von Jefferson, Nightwing, Sherlock, Mephisto, Steve, Nine, Legolas, Bruce, Merlin, Dice, and Gwaine. Aaaaaand I think thats it for my current fur/scale kids. xD
8:20pm Apr 10 2013
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Posts: 100
Just got two new kids. Digit, a crested gecko hatchling. She's the grandbaby to my other crested gecko. Gender is 100% unknown until she weighs 20 grams. And my Western Hognose male. He's double het for snow. Hatched in 2012 :> Haven't named him yet. Waiting a week until I can hold him frequently and find out what his personality is.
rnrnCurrent: 989 rn9 Albino - 2 Achro - 5 Calico - 52 Black - 22 Blonde - 68 Cream - 27 Ginger - 94 Sepia - 25 Silver - 20 Dyed - 665 Natural rn