Quick Question for Final Fantasy Fans o3o

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12:03pm Nov 10 2010 (last edited on 12:10pm Nov 10 2010)

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Posts: 3,426

Okay, so I've never exactly been into the FF series, not sure why, I guess I never got into it. However, now I'm curious. >3<

I'm wondering, in you guys' opinion, what the best game is to start out playing. I'm not necessarily sure that just starting at FFI is the best idea because I want to actually get a good impression of the series as far as graphics, story, and gameplay.

I own a GBC, a GBA, a NDS, a Gamecube, Wii, N64, and a PS2. I'm not really sure which games FF is for, I think PS2 is the main one, but I'm not certain...

Either way, I'd appreciate if you could tell me which game is your favorite or which one you think I should start on and give me a quick summary of what you think. ^_^; 




HypnoxSpazz 5evr

9:02pm Nov 10 2010

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Posts: 310

My personal favorite will always be FFVII for PS1, which they remade for PS3.
Since you have a PS2 I would suggest FFXII, my favorite for PS2, or if you prefer turn-style type battling go for FFX. FFX-2 is also good but make sure you play FFX first.

For GBA get FF Tactics Advance it is my favorite for GBA. For the DS you need to get FF Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift. When I had my DS I played these 2 games religiously.

See my profile for the items I am collecting!

12:18pm Nov 11 2010

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Posts: 373

I also enjoyed the remake of FFIII for the DS as well. c:


7:40pm Nov 12 2010

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Posts: 1,003
Storyline music concept- FF8
graphics gameplay- FF12

those are the two main ones i play, 3 for the ds is good for a cute on-the-go leveler (i had a weird dream i was luneth and i killed arc 0_o)


11:42am Nov 13 2010

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Posts: 6,800
My brother likes 8 and 10 the best.


1:47am Nov 14 2010

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Posts: 853

It's really hard to tell you which to play first. My first Final Fantasy was VII, like most people... and I admit to being one of those fans that thought it was the BEST THING EVAR, and I still do, because... pfft, I'm gonna like what I want, despite what people think.

There are so many Final Fantasy's and most of them are pretty good, but I would suggest you play X first just because it has a very lovely story. It's one of my personal favorites just because of that.

But hey, it doesn't really matter which one you start with. You can always play all of them eventually.

 @JaryK: They did not remake VII for the PS3. They were just showing the graphics engine for the PS3 way back when, it wasn't a remake thing. Unless you're talking about the rerealse, in which case, that is totally true. Dirge of Cereberus is not a remake, either, it is a bad sequel. 

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