Random Things That Would Scare You At Night. o_o

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4:55pm Nov 18 2010

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Posts: 4,355
the shadows, the shadows on the wall.


1:47pm Nov 20 2010

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Posts: 288
Leaves rustling outside my window at night scare me. Like, when someone is walking around. Which is not common around my neighborhood. o_o My bed is right by my window.


4:40pm Nov 20 2010

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Posts: 479
Instead of putting my clothes in my closet or dresser, I just keep them in the basket I bring them up in.  So after I turn my light off, I oc*censored*ionally think it's a person and turn on the light again to double-check.  XD

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6:05pm Nov 20 2010

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Posts: 122
i agree with sona...that scares me at night. *shivers* i sleep under the covers lol my bf hates it cuz he like suffocates under them LOL


6:29pm Nov 20 2010

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Posts: 2,036
Scratching on the window. O-O It's usually just my cat, but it scares me to death. :o


7:01pm Nov 20 2010 (last edited on 7:01pm Nov 20 2010)

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Posts: 10,925

My hamster bites on the bars of his cage sometimes, which sometimes makes me scream. o3o It sounds like someone's fiddling with the doorknob or something.

Oh. My one friend lives right near train tracks, and when those 1:35 A.M. trains come around, and I'm sleeping over... -shiver- It feels like an earthquake, and sometimes gla.sses fall out of the cupboard downstairs and break or CLINKCLINKCLINK, and I'm freaking out 'cause I think it's an earthquake or something.  

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


7:48pm Nov 22 2010

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Posts: 1,707
God I hate when my hamster does that. :c


9:49pm Nov 22 2010

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Posts: 1,003
once i had a nightmare of a paper cut-out of a 2nd grade drawing of a ufo, i was in absolute terror for 5 seconds after i woke up until i realized what i was scared of XD


9:16pm Nov 23 2010

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Posts: 4,093
My old house was full of mirrors. Literally, the entire upper floor's walls were coated with mirrors that covered the entire wall, except in the bedrooms (most of it was hallway though).

That is the scariest damn thing when you're still awake at three in the morning and you leave the computer room to go back to your bed. And trust me, it doesn't help to be able to see what's behind you. It just makes it worse. ;-;

Also, my brother's tiny, seriously-in-need-of-oiling black cabinet's door had a nasty habit of swinging open suddenly and sharply in the dead of night, which is when I am in my brother's room on his computer. Everyone else is asleep, the computer screen is the only light, and it's right beside the freaking desk. Silence, then BAM!

And my cat. He's pale gingerish, which is surprisingly difficult to see in the dark. He just looks ghostly. When he rushes into the room like a madcat (which is often) and you're not expecting it, it's not fun. :c Plus, he has a tendency to make long scratching noises against some distant door in the house just when everybody but you falls asleep.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

9:52pm Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 10:02pm Nov 23 2010)

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Posts: 2,282

The door opens, its making this whine or cracking noise in the dark... and when you look  to see what it is...

 when its actally your sister just coming out of the bathroom

also, I HATE it when I hear expoding noises, I kept hearing it once one night and choudnt sleep.  i looked at the widow and people are doing fireworks, and it wasn't even fouth of july.


5:47pm Nov 24 2010

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Posts: 5
My hermit crabs are nocturnal and they make so much noise at night moving. It sounds like someone got into the house.

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