Okay, so, my friend Ethan, My friend Marshall, and my friend Sconner have made a little game.
Whoever can recruit as many fallowers on one spacific website is winner.
Why you ask? PSSHHHT. I don't know ._.
Anyways, we where all given a name to call ourselfs and our fallowers.
Mine is Pumkin Ponies. Ethan's is Ghoustly Garbage Bags. Sconner's is Goose Pancakes.
And last but not least, Marshall's is Flying PigSuits.
(I personly think I got the best deal, lol)
My website (as I picked) was Rescreatu o3o.
So, my fellow Resains, Will you join me in my conquest to beat my childhood friends?
(P.S.: Its also fun to be called a Pumkin Pony :D)