6:05pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 28
Why do people on here want to role-play about vampires and cats? I'm really tired of only seeing wolf, warriors, shape-shifting, and vampire role-plays. What's wrong with regular high school or something based on a anime or something like that? Open discussion I would love you here your opinion.
6:36pm Feb 26 2010
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Well, because people like those. xD I dunno, I would like to see more original RPs too. Me and Scourge88 have just a simple Stray dog RP, and it's great.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
6:55pm Feb 26 2010 (last edited on 6:56pm Feb 26 2010)
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Yeh. It used to be a ton different, but within past months, things have become a whole lot more.. common. I think it started 'round early 2009 - I kept hearing of friends being all frustrated that people were copying their ideas around that time. Now it just seems like there are never any ideas to steal. Almost all of those that come up have already been done nine thousand times before. I've been trying to get more involved again lately, but it's hard for me. I can't keep up anymore; where I used to be able to post every fifteen minutes or so, now it usually takes me several hours to write something up. Yes, the increased time means increased quality, but it still saddens me that I'm so prone to be left behind.
8:29pm Feb 26 2010
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Yeah I enjoyed it when a old pet site -no longer existing o.e- I used to go to had different types of role-plays and none of them are the same. Now when I come here they are all the same and it sucks because people don't want to join the different ones because they want to do the common ones. D:<
8:49pm Feb 26 2010
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Yeah, i used to be on a greta roleplaying site that shut down =[ but yeah, i've noticed quite a bit of repetitiveness. I mean, most seem original... but theres alot of warrors, wolf mating and 'i'm bored, anyone wanna rp?' out there... i started to try to think of awesome plots for some really good rp's, and i think i may look through old rp's to see if i can revive any of them, in fact i just brought in a stary dog rp with angel and demon wolves for any given power or whatever.. y'know... i would be fine with the over excessive warrior roleplays, its just the fact that no one keeps with them... and they die out and get remade, and remade
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
9:27pm Feb 26 2010
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I have gotten tired of warrior rps. I don't really know what to rp any more because it seems that when I come up with my own idea for a plot NO ONE joins! Sometimes I want to just roleplay with myself or something. I just made a Medieval rp because there are like...None of those and I think that maybe a mummy adventure rp would be fun but I don't know if anyone would join it because I don't think one has ever been made before! I like science fiction movies and stuff and I don't see a lot of science fiction around unless it is shape shifting creatu of soemthing and that isn't even realy science fiction!D8<
10:08pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 258
I would sooooo join a mummy adventure rp!
10:09pm Feb 26 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/25.gif)
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Really? Cool! I should make one then.XD
10:40pm Feb 26 2010
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Are there really no medieval roleplays? Lard, those used to be like, all over - just with different plots and general settings and whatnot. ... I'm coming so close to ranting here. Your comment about no one wanting to join a roleplay with plot kinda got me there. x3 Ravaged Sky seems to have escaped such a fate, but I've had that issue so darn many times in relatively recent attempts to create roleplays. *tries to keep calm* Oh, roleplaying board. You cause me such frustration. *ragefais*
10:49pm Feb 26 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/25.gif)
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Yes. not many Medieva rps are otu there anymore...*Dramatic music*
11:23pm Feb 26 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/32.gif)
Posts: 258
I wish I could find some good-quality roleplays out there. It's all warriors, vampires and wolves.... What If I'm a harry / cat person who is sick of warriors? You know what, I'm going to make a harry potter roleplay sometime... or even a party :D mwahaha! Take that you sparkly vampires!
10:09am Feb 27 2010
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My. o3o *turns down the dramatic musics* 'S crazy how so much has died out.. Like how Ribun said she's never been in a roleplay that involved a journey-adventure. That used to be the basis for.. a darn lot of roleplays. Our poor characters never got a rest - and they still haven't, in the one roleplay I have that's survived since 2008. xD Every moment of peace ends up wiped away by yet another crisis. Poor guys.
11:46am Feb 27 2010
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Harry Potter rp? I will join dat!XD Me, Killerstar, and fullmoon sometimes make warrior cat rps where the clans have split up and now are Killclan and Burnclan. Those are kind of based off the warrior cat series because of the clans and stuff but it can be different sometimes.
1:39pm Feb 27 2010
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hmmm, i know something i haven't seen in a while >:D lolz, well, i'm going to be busy thinking of a plot ^^
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
1:44pm Feb 27 2010
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I've had a very complex roleplaying idea in my mind that I think would be a hit... I just need to draw stuff out for it and stop being lazy first, hurdurp. I don't seem to last in roleplays anymore... Oh, and it would be in a medieval-ish time frame... or a better example of the time would be Final Fantasy... some technology here and there but still in the past.
3:23pm Feb 27 2010
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The closest some people can get to sci-fi is humans being inserted with animal DNA. For starters, that's not always easy to understand. Just because you have a bit of funny blood in you, doesn't mean you can shapeshift, or are in a perfect, ideal balance between human and animal. You'd most likely be some hideous mutant that needs to be shot. And besides, unless you're prepared to become a total sci-fi nerd, you have to understand the language and science of it all first. D; I love a bit of fantasy, but I like some science involved, too. Somebody shoot me, plz. Eh. Likewise here, dudes. )8 Plus people can be incredibly unrealistic in their roleplaying. For starters, wolves can't move around like cats, damnit. They can't jump on a deer's back and kill it with a bite. Their paws are not made for gripping and clawing in the way a feline's are. And you suffocate an animal to death by gripping the windpipe, not the spine - and even then dogs aren't really made for killing like that. Wolves continuously injure their prey until it's too weak to even stand, then they move in and start eating alive (at times). I don't have anything against them, I'm not trying to spread hatred. But please. Hunt right, people. 8( Although I'm, frankly, very tired of seeing the constant wolf/Warrior/vampire roleplays, I don't mind them being there so long as they're actually roleplayed right. If I joined a sc-fi roleplay, who's to say it's going to be brilliantly written? The roleplayers might be... very bad, at it. I wouldn't mind being in a Warriors, vampy or wolfish one so long as it's nicely played, and no Sues or art theft is included. But yus - we need more original roleplays, or, at least, people who know what they're writing.
8:02pm Feb 27 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/15.gif)
Posts: 28
Geez role-plays officially suck on this site, I wish the stupid fad of warriors, vampires, wolves and all the other retarded things out there would p*censored* already!
8:34pm Feb 27 2010 (last edited on 8:41pm Feb 27 2010)
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Cheese. Even your rants are crazy long, Wolfeh. xD Best way I can imagine to hurry it along is to gather a team of people or something and start some awesometastic roleplays. P: From what I've seen, these sorts of things last a long time around here, when left to go their courses. Like that freakin' surge of 'Win my character's heart! Make me feel special! 8D' roleplays. That lasted several months if I recall, and I hated it.
9:07pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 1,210
Thats why the forums should have their own staff and not just the supports being forced to scroll through a few threads that look like trouble.Those are for support tickets and helping players. OR something. At least,the forums arent all that nicely watched. Swears and all that still go unnoticed quite a lot and over PG-13 rps go on once in a while without anybody pointing anything out. And yeah,ive seen em o__o its scary. especially when done by one-liner loving n00bs. And it should have more categories too. I think i even suggested it once. Like,advanced section,semi-advanced and beginner, and also one for those who are looking for one-on-ones.Seen it on another petsite,and it was epic. N srsly doods, Res's rolepaly board started crumbling about a half-year before the v2. After v2 it really went down the gutter. It was like the last stage of destruction. And i know. I used to be an rp-celebrity here on res,beign on 15 rps at a time and all.Those were the days. Those were the days when you knew all the good rpers and when every rp had a plot of some sort. But now,its all warriors,vamps(curse you twilight) and high-school or plain romance. The wolves have pretty much been there since the beginning of time,so i dont see a point in bashing those. Theyre like time. They'll outlive you,darnnit. The stupidest part is that there are barely ever any actual creatu rps anymore. o__o blasphemy!But this a pet site! /rant you heard it here first /notrly but ha,ive always been whining about this,Yoshi knows xD
9:47pm Feb 27 2010 (last edited on 9:48pm Feb 27 2010)
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Those were definitely the days.. even though I was a bit of a noob then. I really thought I was hot snot sometimes. x3 And are there really overly graphic roleplays that go unnoticed? o3o I've never seen any around Res.. and I should be glad for it, I'm guessing? xD
Ah, I've been right there whining too. x3 Heck, in just about every one of my posts in this thread, I've almost done a rant, then thought better of it and tried to make it more positive. 'S all just so aggravating. I feel like an old man, looking back on his glory days. Well. Even though I'm not a man. I swear. 8(