10:57pm Feb 27 2010
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Got to agree, unfortunately. There is a huge influx of the same rps. @_@ I do miss the old ones...I remember joining this good rp before (Strawberry Blitz; forgot the exact name), and wish I could find it again. I mean, I don't mind all those rps (ie. Warriors, vamps, etc.) because there are people who do like those genres...it's just that, why are there so many of them? It wouldn't be harmful to have a little more variety in there [with a decent plot]. I'm not fond of "straight pure romance" rps either. What happened to developing your character with others and such before starting relationships? D: Maybe it's just me, but... >_<
*Same art as my DA ID. Check out my rancher shop. <3
11:34pm Feb 27 2010
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Personally, i think the roleplaying forum should be cleaned out a little, like 38 of those 42 pages are dead roleplays, and most of them being wolves, warriors, and highschool romance... but hey, that my opinion
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
11:50pm Feb 27 2010
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There are WAY too many wolf roleplays. It annoys me immensly because 1) I don't even like wolves and 2) They are all the same plot!!! Please, if you want to make a wolf roleplay, check out all the other ones then make yours unique!
5:08am Feb 28 2010
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I think you're a man, yoshi. ;/ You rant like one. I don't rant, I'm perfect. But not a Sue. Yus, milo. I joined (and left) one recently - merely, because I was bored, and wanted to be involved with more roleplays - and almost every single character, except for maybe two (not including my own) had some form of death in their histories. D8 Almost all of them had families that were slaughtered by humans, with "them being the only survivor". It was so ridiculous, I didn't even laugh. C'mon, everyone. Come up with some originality in your character's pasts. I mean, really - people seem to think that wolves are getting the worst of it absolutely everywhere. Yes, they're under threat in some countries - but in others they're perfectly fine. It annoys me when people seem to think that having a dead family will make them better felt sorry for, or provide them with a reasonable excuse for them being so common solitary and predictable lonesome. And it's not just people not coming up with decent roleplays, it's also a matter of... "faithful" roleplayers to the thread? I made a parody Sue roleplay once (and resurrected it again), and after posting a variation of interesting bios and having fun making up characters, they quit almost instantly. That annoyed the heck outta me. They took the time to make the characters but didn't even bother roleplay. They didn't even point out that they wanted to leave already. People enjoy appearing creative and funny, but don't manage to actually start writing. The solution? I don't know. Sometimes people get bored with new ideas (not trying to make mine appear all "Oh, everybody hates my ideas D;"), or dislike originality because it's not what they expect. They don't (or refuse to) adapt, so they leave. Thus the increase in wolf/vampire/Warrior roleplays, because they're all familiar with it. But threads with actual plots and originality? Heck, no! They're out of their element there a bit. They're not in charge. It's the thread owner who knows it all.
7:44am Feb 28 2010 (last edited on 7:45am Feb 28 2010)
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I remember that one, Neiru! x3 I think that was one of Bree's roleplays. She always did make awesome ones, even when they were romance-based. It's probably long gone now though; wasn't it part of the old Forum? And no, it's definitely not just you. I usually can't help but roll my eyes at a lot of them. Really, I'd be fine with some sensible romance here and there, but most of them are just.. yee. Hurr. I couldn't even do wolves back when there was more thought put into it. x3 I tried joining wolf roleplays a couple times, mostly because of a good friend who liked inviting me to her roleplays, and sometimes they were wolf-based.. but I could never really get into it. I think it was just too routinely and inevitably repetitive. Didn't work at all for my mindset of the time - always wanting thrill after thrill, fight after fight. I had a terribly short attention span. xD Omg. I am not a man. >8( Yer a man, I says. Gary! Fffff. Dead families are just so original, dontchakno? 8D Ah. I s'pose I've grown to ignore those; they make me wince at the poor character development, but I can live with having one in a roleplay. Just don't expect my characters (especially the grumpy ones *cough*Korr) to have pity. :3 ... I'm starting to fear that fate is befalling Ravaged Sky. Yet another dead roleplay, and this time it isn't even my fault, as it usually is. Argh. :c
8:11am Feb 28 2010
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Actually, some romances are quite nice. :o I actually sometimes like them if they develop over a period of time (*coughcough* Random Roleplay *coughcough* xDDDD), but eh. I hate it when bios have this "Crush: OPEN" thing. I mean, what's that all about? It's practically saying "Hey, I'm single but I'm available to everyone! 8D Feel free to love me!". I was kinda liking the one I was in, but... eh, it was going too smoothly. No fights, no hostility, not a lot of trouble. And too many people were posting, and sometimes had way too many characters so I struggled to catch up. xD In respect, they were very literate. That was one thing I felt comfortable with. I'm not a man, you n00b. D8< I'm a bit of both a girl. SUE!
I know. 8D If the world suddenly went all funny, and everyone had to become a prime character they created, a whooolleee lot of families are gonna get killed off - just for the effect so that everyone will feel sorry for them, and sympathize with their current beliefs and actions. I mean, where's the respect? Your charas will hate you for making their childhoods so painful. It's getting tragic, but not in a sympathetic kind of way. 8( The lore of character-making is getting spoiled by crappy, predictable histories and sniffly teenagers that can summon the elements and make the Prime Minister dance using mind-control... or whatever. Where's the believeable-ness? Where's the ability to make a proper OC that people can relate to? 8( I won't relate to Sues or godmoding wolves, damnit. And if they kill me, then I'll die laughing at their... predictable-ness. Imma keep Ravaged Skai alive, don't you worry.
10:52am Feb 28 2010 (last edited on 10:54am Feb 28 2010)
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That's what I meant by sensible. xDD Gradual and unplanned ftw. But oh, our poor characters.. If they ever really became anything more than friends, they'd probably suffer a world of jeering. I can just imagine Nias laughing her head off and making Shade say immature things. And yeh. That's one of the most annoying things about it. The.. pairings are all laid out - too predictable, too overly smooth, just like the world isn't. And once everyone has a boifrand or a gurlfrand or an itfrand (aha.. I just imagined Mewtwo going out with some schoolgirl; it's genderless in the games xD), it always plays out the same. 'I love you forever, Sheniquarubeekymbyrleemyst (/referenceslol)! Kiss me!' And then they cuddle and act all mushy for the rest of the roleplay. Yeh.. 'S exactly why I couldn't handle them then. x3 I hated the lack of issues. I'd probably still dislike it now - struggle is one of the best causes for arisen emotion, and emotion is a lovely thing - but I could probably keep from fidgeting in my seat. xD Homg. im not a boob noob. 8( And I never knew that about you.. *pokes the crossed-out part* ;o Those poor families. x3 It would be a very chaotic, tear-filled world, I imagine. And yah, lots of characters would probably be all mad at their creators. To heck with sending revenge upon the killers; steer the anger toward your cruel masters! Well t'ank ye. x3
11:38am Feb 28 2010
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Just a little something to inject: Staff are usually really busy with moderating and taking care of tickets. If you want some stuff deleted in the RP forum, you should go post the links on the Cleaning Forums thread. ;) They'll get to it there. They don't have time to go through page after page.
12:09pm Feb 28 2010 (last edited on 12:18pm Feb 28 2010)
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Yes, gradual and unplanned ftw. Just like real life. :D Yoshay. xDDD I have tummy pains now... I think, since Knives has such a big issue with it, it'll be a world full of violence, betrayal, and stuff for them... Oops, I feel like I'm quoting for some cheesy trailer. xDDDD Violence! *crash bang mas-sacre* Betrayal! *"Ogfm I thought you loved me! D8<" crash bang trout-slap* Microwaves! *hidden scene with the Chief patiently waiting for his beans to warm up* But yah, I know what youmean. ^^ I think. I prefer the "Let's go with the flow! Start off as aquaintances!" instead of "Your character; and mine. Together. FOREVER! And don't you forget it!" Yus. There's no bils problems, no issues with how the man never does the laundry, or how the woman's obsessed with cleaning the house. Or temple. Or nest. Or whatever the heck they live in. There's no awkward arguments that pretty much every marriage or relationship has. No problem with the hunting. Most of the time, one gets killed off trying to save the other, and the other one finds out it's pregnant with their first child and the partner never knew... Cheese. Mushiness is alright, s'long as they can be reasonable about it, and not all... "I'll go! You stay and watch the grill!, "Oh no, Flimbob! It's too dangerous to go alone! Take my pas-sport!", "Never!" Yeah. I love torturing characters.... It makes the story so much more interesting when a Brute Chieftain turns up out of the blue, or a Gung-Ho-Gung, or my sister. No. Not a lot of people do. They as-sume I'm freemail, but... eh. Now you now the truth. Please don't put me down. 8(
Yeh yeh. "C'mon, y'all - let's ignore Wallis the Wicked, and go for whatever mongrel decided to make my life awful!" I wouldn't like to be a Sue or Stu's mother (or father; I never know my future...), or maybe even their cousin. Heck, being their hamster could be a matter of instant life and death for you. Yeah, well - R.'s good an actual cool plot. Plus I've wanted to use Rydesa for months. ^^ Whoo. My post's full of quotes. :D
12:23pm Feb 28 2010
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ahh, i see LeTainted, thanks ^^ i know i'll find quite a few of my roleplays in those pages... hehe *guilty of making tons of fail roleplays*
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
3:26pm Feb 28 2010
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Wolf: Lets make a awesome roleplay together. You are like one of the only people who I actually agree with about roleplays. I try so hard to make a creative and unique roleplay, and then a page later it dies. I look at the other roleplays that live for a long time and they are either wolves or warriors or something like that. I really don't get it. O.o
7:28pm Feb 28 2010
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@Yoshi: Ahh, now I remember now. :D I liked that particular rp; it was interesting. And yup, it was part of the old forums. I wish I could go and just read it sometimes. D: It was my first time playing a lil' bratty/charmer boy character too. xD @Wolf: I used to have a 1x1 rp with betrayal and stuff--it was amusing coming up with replies. XD And I dislike rps that pair your character instantly. It sometimes just sucks out all the fun. :( I think characters can survive being friends for a while and not go off marrying in the first page.
*Same art as my DA ID. Check out my rancher shop. <3
7:54pm Feb 28 2010
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*too lazy to actually reply to Wolfeh's post at the moment* xD Maybe this is why I can never make my postehs very long. I'm so darn lazy. I'll try to respond later, 'fore the night's over. Ohmai. Ye's been chosen by the Milo, Wolfehdood. ;o! And yah, I always hate that, Milo. People need to be more faithful. Cheaters.. 8( Yeh.. I get that feeling a lot. x3 It would definitely be nice to look back on old roleplays. 'S so aggravating that the old Forum was taken down. I only managed to record one roleplay, and I end up missing all those others that I loved so dearly. All those experiences and grown friendships, just wiped away.
10:10am Mar 1 2010
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I know how this sounds - but wolf roleplays can actually be fun. I watched that DVD my parents got me for my barfday about wolves, and watching it aroused my fingers to start writing and my brain to start thinking. Wolf roleplays could be much better respected and enjoyed, if only it came with originality and a bit of realistic-ness. I'm more of a birdy fan now, but they're still admirable animals to me. :3 I wanna roleplay a wolf tracking a really mad bison for a week then eating it to death instead of catching dinner in the first post. 8( 'S'no fun if the world's perfect... Jack London and Michelle Paver are both gifted writers in the canine world - not only because they actually make likeable characters, but their perspectives from a wolf's eyes are infinite. They're sensible, realistic, mature. They're legendary in my world. If you want authors who really, really know what they're scribbling about when it comes to the wild, check out their books, even though Paver's stories are equally halved between the main characters - two of which are human. I was hooked. Milo. D: Thank goodness you were born. What've you got in mind? D'you want to send me an Rmail? And can we do a Forum roleplay? *grinny face* I are the chosen one. I feel so special... In your face, Harry Pawter! Hey. I have an idea. Since us old, miserable old men (and a heshe me) are getting so ranty, should we just start a roleplay that we guys can agree on, but one that we're all interested in? Since quite a lot of us share a few similar perspectives, like particular storylines in some certain threads, I wonder if it'll help us get hooked on a really interesting roleplay, but without the... oddities, that we've so clearly whined about? :3 Like a group roleplay, with the only real trouble existing in the world of our chosen ones characters? We could organize a plot, decide who'll be co-owner, ect... Oh gosh, I sound so pathetically hopeful. xDDD I always do.
2:02pm Mar 1 2010
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Wolfeh: quite ironic XD consider just before readin your post, i was thinking of starting a literate realistic wolf roleplay. Y'know, where they can't speak actualy words and such? There'd be a lot more to write than just one line whne you have to think of how wolves communicate, and it would be intresting to see an actually pack of wovles hunt in a roleplay for once... And yeah, sure, but you won't get much help from me in thinking of what we could Rp XD so many plotless rp's have ened up brain-washing me =P
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
2:31pm Mar 1 2010 (last edited on 2:35pm Mar 1 2010)
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Yeah. Wolves can obviously communicate, but they don't use words. Some people seem to think these days that a simple woof means "Come on - play with me! God, I'm bored!" whereas it would just mean "Play!", 'cept, without the proper English translation. It's the sound and motion that counts, and not how we perceive it in a familiar form of speaking - words and sentences. That's how Paver writes, the wolves' language being in Italiccs. They don't have silly conversations - they "speak" with one grunt or yip, and, depending on the situation, it speaks the language for them. Deer! Close by. Stay close. And yeah, I prefer the thought of "talking" in the true manner of a wolf, and not with essays of English versions of how they speak. They communicate through warnings, greetings, threats, and affection. Nothing more. No commenting on how lovely the day is, or how warm the sun is. Hell, they don't ask each other, "And how go the hunts with your Pack?" Words mean nothing to them when almost all of their language is made up of physical actions, like ear flattening, motions with the tail, ect. I'd love to try and imagine how it would really seem to be a true wolf. I've got the knowledge of it all from books, I just need to start testing it out. But I couldn't do it in front of the other roleplayers because I'd look like such a dork. xD They wouldn't understand it in the way I see it, I think. They'd be confused. Gosh, I rant. xD
3:04pm Mar 1 2010
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Yoshi: If Wolfeh doesn't mind, you can come and roleplay with us too :D Coz you are so awesome as well *Pokes your random roleplay* Wow. 0-0 it's long ^^ Wolf: Yus, you are zee chosen one... Chosen by me! :D
3:08pm Mar 1 2010
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Wolf- lol, you do rant XD Then again though... we'd probably all look liek dorks while trying to mimic wolf behaviors in a roleplay XD i know i get strange looks when i growl at my friend O.o Anyways... you get the point XD i might set one up, just out of my curiousity... if i can think think of a legit plot, that is XP I'd also be curious to see how things would work if i wrte in a POV kind of format, y'know?
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
9:23pm Mar 1 2010
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Hm. I'd never really thought of it like that; that would actually be quite interesting to try out. An entire roleplay without a single spoken word.. o3o It would definitely do wonders for one's describing skillz. Rly? :D That'd be pretty epic. Like Wolfeh said, maybe we old doods/wo-doods can all band together and make something awesome happen. Yah.. We've had that thing going for ages. xD I'd say it has 'round five or six thousand posts in total by now, if memory serves right. Kinda makes me iggle to myself, when I see people jumping up at two thousand and being all, 'Dood, we have the longest roleplay. 8D' O rly nao? A point-of-view format? Like, first-person or something? o:
1:02am Mar 2 2010
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I remember when I first started Res many years ago, and it was V1. I joined an awesome roleplay. I think it was Harry Potter. Anyway, it was completely 1st person. It was good, but I couldn't remember the names of every character because it never said it because it was 1st person... But it was very interesting. Yoshi: I have a weird idea and I don't know if it has ever happened before on res: A drawring roleplay. Like, we have to draw every time we post. Words are allowed in the picture... And it could be like a comic. With speech bubbles and things :D Whaddya reckon? But yeah, lets start a roleplay ^^ It'll be so awesome. :D