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9:58pm May 11 2009

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Posts: 3,642
Ah. I've never really understood the whole 'Anime Roleplay' thing. The only thing the 'anime' element really seems to affect is the characters' appearances, and that's only if the roleplay's creator asks for images to show appearance; otherwise, they hardly seem to be any different from any other sort of roleplay.
In fact, it doesn't even make sense to say there's such a thing as an Anime Roleplay, since roleplays have nothing to do with animation.
Yeh... It's only happened to me a couple times, but.. Roleplays where no one wants to step forward and decide anything bother me. I really don't like having to be a leader or anything, and I can hardly keep going when I'm the only one making any roleplay-directing decisions. It's no fun without that divided influence, the feel that you really don't know where the story's going to go and what each character will do. :c


9:20pm May 12 2009

Normal User

Posts: 177

I know,right?Its hard making decisions.I mean,come on.Everyone needs to help out in the plot. I alot of rps Ive been in,i would get a message asking if such and such was ok.Or of their character could do this.It gets annoying after a while.Its ok to plan out plots every now and then,but not after only a post or two.

 And seriously.Whats the worst that can happen if you dont ask if your plot twist is ok?Sometimes those are good things.Roleplaying is writing stories with other people for pleasure,and we rp because the combining of many peoples idead and unique characters is what makes the story unique.

I owe my roleplaying exprience to my friend.She dragged me onto a warrior cat rp one day,and just asked if her friend could join in.I knew nothing,but i caught on soon enough.I still have my first characters.I found a love for roleplaying that I've shared with many fiends,and my roleplaying ability has even come in handy in my school assignments,I found a new love for writing that I never knew i could posses.

 Ok now I feel really cheesey about saying all that....


10:04pm May 12 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,731

It makes total sense. x3 You shouldn't feel cheesey at all.

I'm still working on a plot so far. :3 It has it's guidelines, but for the most part you can go any which way you want with it. I've got a cool idea, and it might take a while before I can actually get the board up and running. :D I'm hoping to make this roleplay somewhat of a 'big hit' or something of the sort.


10:32pm May 12 2009

Normal User

Posts: 145

Screw my idea, I want to see what you come up with~


I can't wait, I haven't roleplayed in forever~ over 3 years? I'm probably really rusty X3


1:45am May 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 177
*sigh* Im not rusty.I roleplay all the time,especially with summer getting closer and closer.Me and my friends stay up into the wee hours of the morning roleplaying.Its the only time we're all on the computer.


12:52am May 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 419

*pats Uwi's back*

I hardly ever roleplay, yet Uwi's starting to teach me. ;x
Though I haven't roleplayed, I'm tired of the one-liners and illiterate-ness of the current roleplays.

I do really want to rp, but looking at the topics in the forum, none just fits my liking; aka fantasy, adventure, or something just ordinary.

I'm also looking for a rping partner ~ Want to try c:

There should be a "How to RolePlay" guide. It could help.

Official art/coding slave of Kirsti, Uwi, an' Josh xD
Won't be active often- have too much to do! Dx

4:27pm May 18 2009 (last edited on 8:58pm May 18 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

I recently saw someone link a roleplay in the Shoutbox that had a ti
tle.. consisting entirely of chatspeak. D| Ridiculous.

And that. Is a brilliant idea. |O Someone should write a good roleplaying guide. Or maybe a collaboration guide, a bit like what they appeared to do on the Wajas roleplaying board but with more.. equal input, maybe. :3

... Dawn. x3 Your signature is awesome.


8:04pm May 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 177

Chatplays can be fun,but only with friends that actually know your characters.My friends and I do it all the time.But it gets old after a while,and its certaintly not fit to be posted in the SB. Chatplays are what we do on neopets when theres absolutely nothing better to do.

 Yeah,a roleplaying guide would be nice.That way we can link those noobs to it and maybe try to raise a better generation of roleplayers.


11:05pm May 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 165

Oh cool! Uwi's teaching me too Dawn ^.^

It's fun isn't it? But somehow, our roleplay got all serious...


6:23pm May 19 2009 (last edited on 6:25pm May 19 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,731


I've been busy lately and haven't been on the computer much. D; Hopefully this thread won't just die or anything. x3

I'm thinking the roleplay I'm planning might be up and running in a few months. I know that seems like a while, and generally there's not that much so it takes /months/ to set up, but I think it would be better for me to start it once summer break starts, as school won't be in the way.


Mn, a roleplaying guide would be quite nice. I'm willing to help out, if someone decides to create a collaberation for one.


8:52pm May 19 2009

Normal User

Posts: 145

I think I'll start a thread in the roleplay section titled "Roleplay Guide" and put that it was Dawn's lovely idear, and we could have every (good) roleplayer add in a rule and I'll put it neatly together on the first post~

And I don't mind waiting a few months for your roleplay to come out :3


7:21pm May 21 2009 (last edited on 8:04pm May 21 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

Yus. We really need to do that. *stares at a ridiculous explanation of roleplaying to a newb* Urgh. No wonder none of them know how to roleplay well; they become roleplay noobs by learning from roleplay noobs. D; Glad I learned from one of the best. *clongzto Fen*

:D Just the thought of a Uwehroleplay is amazing. ♥

*edits* Oooh. You already made the guide-thing. x3 *fails*


10:33pm May 23 2009 (last edited on 10:36pm May 23 2009)

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Posts: 1,731

I've been working on it slightly and decided to post something of my works. It's more of a prolouge into the roleplay, or an insight, although not revealing much. And there is no set time setting; it may sound medieval, but I'm looking forward to this world having guns, self moving carragies and flying ships.

Tell me what you think...? This may not remain as I am highly self critical of my work. But if anything, it's a plot in the work.


There was a light fluttering from his decent, though consisting of minute sound. Large, powerful feathered wings folded onto the back in which they had spread from, the darkness of night concealing him from the slumbering world. His caramel eyes peered warily into the darkness before he continued his quest on foot, shoes making the faintest clicking sound against the rough cobblestone of the inner city walls. For his own feeling of protection he slipped one hand out of his cloak, using it to pull the fabrics closer to his being. He was almost there. He knew it. Glancing up, the person observed silently as the castle walls seemed to appear closer and closer in the limited light.


He endured a moment of hesitation as he neared the towering walls of the castle and the gate before it, for he was sure guards were coating the area. And surely they wouldn’t let him pass, being an unknown presence. But the book; he had to get it there somehow. If the guards caught him with it he would be thrown in prison. Not really the fate he wanted to look towards, but it was always lingering. Crouching behind the covering of a nearby building, the man began to murmur slightly to himself. There was a moment of silence, and then an odd flash of light before there was nothing more but a cloak left in a heap where the man had once been.


The light, however, had not gone unnoticed. A guard who had been patrolling the streets happened to notice something about the flash, and, curious, ushered another soldier to come investigate with him. The two edged towards the building cautiously, lances pointed forward. But these weren’t just normal lances. A strange crystal topped the tip of the spear and it glowed with an odd light, sparks of electricity dancing from it down the pole. It stopped at a certain point where rubber was covering, crafted so that the user would not be hurt.


When the clothing was overturned there was nothing there, just an old rugged cloak. As the men murmured to one another in their momentary confusion the sound of wing beats echoed through the heart of the air. If one were to look up, however, they would only see the dark silhouette of a bird climbing through the regions of the sky.


The bird smirked quietly, almost wanting to laugh from how easily the mind of some humans could be fooled. His wings strained against the might of gravity, talons locked on the binding of a very large book. Runes coated its surface and gave off an odd glow in the light, almost as if to show the magical properties that it housed. Once he had managed to flutter into one of the windows of the castle the man turned back to himself, book grasped lightly in his hands. His clothing, though merely visible, was simple black hide pants and a long sleeve cotton shirt. Turning, the man wandered down the lonely passageways before stopping in front of a certain door—one that anyone could easily see was the King’s.


A loud creaking echoed as the door was pushed from its normal resting place and he jumped slightly, worried that someone might hear and come to check about what was happening. Instead a voice from inside the room called out to him and he moved inside, making sure to close the door as quietly as possible.


“Xaer. You have brought me the book, have you not?”


The winged man nodded, unsure if the other being could even see the motion in the darkness. “Yes, you’re Majesty. The book of Sorrow is within my hands.”


A smile crept across the King’s face as he stepped forward, only the swishing of his robes allowing Xaer to comprehend that he was reaching out. Without any resistance he allowed the book to be taken. An old, musty smell filled the air as the King flipped through the pages of the book. An odd, faint light also seemed to come from the pages. It was almost as if it was living.


“Ah, yes. And the monster is still here… Wonderful. Sorrow is now under my control.” He chuckled, as though slightly amused. “How many more does that leave, Xaer?”


“Seven, you’re Majesty. We have three of them so far.”


“And which ones are they?”


“Peace, Gales and now, Sorrow.” He answered with a strictly even tone, as if not allowing his voice to falter.


“Good… and soon the others shall be here as well. Go, my faithful servant. Bring me the rest of the Skren.” The King turned now, shutting the book with one hand and saying no more, as if proving that he was done with Xaer for the time being.


“As you wish.”

 The winged man paused a moment, reciting the same spell as before. Moments later he took the form of a winter falcon and soared over the King’s head, wings pushing him farther and farther into the cold night air.


12:47am May 24 2009 (last edited on 1:09am May 24 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 583

I keep editing this for some reason. Oh well :D

I'm not a role-playing person but I always wanted to. You more or less took the words right out of my mouth though, every single role-play I see is about romance and heck, I tried doing an rp once and in the end just sat there watching two people fall in love with each other :/ Now I'm actually a sucker for romance, I see a pairing that I think is really cute and I more or less gush and cart them off to the nearest chapel. But yeeeah, it's sort of odd when it's romance-centric. The only way a find your true alpha/beta/delta/something mate can be interesting in my opinion is when it's in the Forbidden palace but that's because concubines kill each other and there's no actual love involved it seems xD

And as Balet pointed out, characters are all somewhat cliche and good looking it seems. I'm no artist but I even I like something interesting to imagine for once.

I'd do some other rp but they all have these stock topics that people must choose from or something o3o

And it's sad that someone who knows little to nothing about Rps can be turned off at first sight. I keep hearing about the excitement of rps and I do want to learn to work with more writers (becausethereisnowritingbuddiesforRaruwhereshelives).

It's hard because I always wanted to try roleplaying with more people, only done one decent one with a friend and that's it really for all my roleplaying experiences.

And I'd soooo do that rp idea of yours, Xemmy xD Really, I would.


6:46am May 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 145

This. THIS.

I've been playing Fable II lately so I've been talking like the game characters "Git away from me ya nutter" (if you've every heard the random characters)

It's kind of the same era...sorta...similiar.

I'm so excited now :D

Automatons woot. 


8:05pm May 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 72

h'omigawsh. Why have i never found this thread before? O_o people should link to it.

i've always loved roleplaying--ever since i discovered it waaaay back when i was a young 'un, i saw it as something really amazing. I wasn't actually taught by anyone, just picked stuff up gradually from rules and hints dropped here there. (and yes, i'm still... Sort of a newb at this. *epic fail*) i've never been big on forum roleplays, though... Maybe because of the one-liners. I only tolerate one-liners when characters are talking and nothing much is happening, and even then i still request a paragraph. I think that's why i only roleplay with, oh, some of my friends and my sister. O3o 

and the romance. It's always romance. Don't people ever get bored of it?! I do like romance, whether it's het or slash or whatever, but a roleplay centered around romance? That's just overboard. I find this especially true with high school role-plays--they're nearly always romance-oriented, and it gets boring. I mean, my sister and i may love slash, but even when we roleplay, we have a concept if not an entire plot. And we take our time... Because it's just weird to have characters fall in love within the first few posts. It doesn't make sense. It takes us days, if not weeks, building everything up. We still love that part--or at least, i do.

and the characters! Now that bothers me just as much. Guys, how much effort can it take to create a believable character who isn't a walking doll with pretty hair and big eyes? It's like balet said, characters like that are superficial. Developing the character is half of the plot, what's the whole point of a role-play without interesting characters? I've always been of the opinion that the most interesting idea would fall flat with boring characters, but a perfectly normal idea could perk up and be interesting if the characters are. The plot can be normal; i don't mind it as much because i concede that just about every idea has been done somewhere. But to me the characters are probably the most important--maybe because i've always been more focused on character-building in my stories, rather than plots with big happenings.

whoa, that was one long rant. Xd that felt good, to get it all out. And now i have to take a few minutes off to squee at uweh's spazztastic writing. (if you ever start that roleplay... I'll love you forever. 8d i don't suppose you'd be nice enough to let me join? *pleading look*)

Azure's writing commissions: Click here!

10:39pm May 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,731
Lol, good to see this thread caught another eye and didn't just die. I'm sure you'd be able to join, azure. Xd i might ask for an example from you, but i'm really not that critical. As long as you have proper grammar and spelling and refrain from one liners, i'm sure you'd be fine.


4:21am May 31 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,210


hurhur,i read everything on this thread and i would like to speak as one of the lower-leveled literates,who tend to post a paraghraph or two,maybe three per post aka the lazy bums who know they can do better,but of course,are too lazy for that

sure this wont be a rant as long and fun to read as the others,maybe you'll just skip without reading,but for the first time on this site,i feel like ranting as well.And not just about fried pickles and cotton candy.

its just sad to see the roleplay board going down the drain. I remember the time when it seemed like heaven for me.Every second rp had a nice plot and more or less literate people.That was some year,maybe a few months less ago.But it slowly started going down of course.And even an epic roleplay created by an immensly literate person once i na while didnt help.

weirdly enough,i noticed that the most drastic change of roleplay quality was after the rollback.It seemed to me as if suddenly everybody had been brainwashed with chatspeak. 

and then a thing about romance rps. Ive found out that the best way to fulfill a lust for romance in an rp.Romance is best done in one-on-ones.That way you wont need to spam up the rp boards,because i admit,i like to roleplay some plain romance once in a while.But.I usually do it with a certain friend of mine i already have my own 'oc family' with cx   soemtimes we even trhow our 'lovebirds' in the same rp on the boards,but its not like all they do is snuggle and crap like that.They try to follow the plot.Sure,their love for eachother might spark up every now and then,but nothing that would scare away the others.


oh wow,this is the first time that when i feel even the littlest hint of a ranter in myself,i actually say something nobody else has already kept reapeating for a gazillion times <3 (i hope at least...)

oh,mind if i kick  a dead horse?I really hate those types of rps where you end up to be the main plot-twister.I was in an roleplay like that a long time ago.The other rpers pissed me off numerous times,but every time i wanted to leave they started beggining and promissing that they wont do it again.Its kind of annoying.But sotemes ive gotten  the opposite too.Where i do a small plot twist and the other person goes all 'what?!You cnat do that!Then my huge self-centered plot-twister wont work!'


ah,this remind me of the self-centered kind of roleplays too.I havent seen much lately,but still.Im already in a very ranty mood.

iv seen rps where the plot is all about the roleplays hosts oc and everybody else are just minors,so that the hero(but more often heroine) can get their lover,a bunch of friends adn enemies who the hero seem to be stronger by far.Thank god those have went silent.


now i'll apologize for any typos you'll find.My spell-check is weird and i write too fast for my own good.I should follow my fingers rather than depend on my memory of where which letter was*pokes keyboard*

 gosh,i feel so embarr*censored*ed.I probably have said something stupid,or just started whining,havent i?Xd;  but i guess its too late to go back now*takes a deep breath*>w<




12:19pm May 31 2009

Normal User

Posts: 815

uwi, i agree with you and everything. That's why i don't rp here... Too many people posing themselves to be lits, and too many one-liners litter the boards.

i've made literate rps before, but all i've gotten were people who say they're lit but truly aren't. I don't think they know the difference between semi-lit, lit, and advanced. =/

i reeeeally want to rp here too, but i wanted to find more people who are lits like myself. 8d or at least decent at rping. Romance rps can go boom in light of my apocolypse plots >d

=o would anyone here join if i made one?


2:44am Jun 2 2009 (last edited on 2:46am Jun 2 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 583

i'd join, feni :3 but heck, i'd join any rp right now o3o




...Like xemmy's o3o

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