Okay, I felt like I had to put this out there.
If you play either sims 2, and/or 3, and you have pictures or funny glitches or stories, or cheat codes, c:/ feel free to post them here.
Well, I was playing Sims 2, double deluxe yesterday on my new computer, and my sims were stuck in bed. No, not sick, not lazy, they were stuck. I clicked on the action, the X came up over it. They were stuck. So, I had to start my game over because the 6 kids I had were abducted by Social Services. ;c
Sims 2
Sims 3
testingcheatsenabled true- turn on testing cheats. Then hold shift and click the mailbox, you can drag the hunger or other needs up and down, change your career level, or bring people to your house.
jokeplease- A free joke.
~Happy Simming