3:07pm Jul 15 2014
Normal User
Posts: 284
Hmmm, so if there are any problems with the size, should I resize them? Or leave them be??? I dont want them to all be different sizes XD
7:25am Jul 19 2014
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Posts: 284
I have made a small, but annoying mistake- the majority of the Swamp Tiles were accidentally 17x16 instead of 16x16. Im quite angry.
I attempted to make a tiiiiiny animation of the swamp water. I think it turned blurry so these are the seperate frames:
9:49pm Jul 19 2014
Content Manager
Posts: 3,135
omg that's such a super cute animation tho ;A; <3
6:42pm Aug 16 2014
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Posts: 284
So, if you're quitting Res soon does that mean you wont be working on the hack anymore? :(
Super sad to hear you go, wish you all the luck with that B12 thing. c: It sounds really awful for you. :(
11:30pm Aug 16 2014
Content Manager
Posts: 3,135
I plan on working on it when I have some spare time (not near as much as I need lmao) I've also recently gotten a new computer so I've had to redo EVErYTHING AHA But I'll still log in a few times a week to check progress and update what I can and get some of the sprites LOL
So no worries, I'll still stick around a bit<3
5:51pm Aug 17 2014
Normal User
Posts: 284
Redo all of it? wow, that sucks. Wish I could help with that somehow.
Also, any recommendations on the color/design changes? I was looking over them and I was wondering if you had some better color choices for some of them?
(Should I try and make some of my sprites smaller or are they fine for the hack?)
10:03pm Aug 17 2014
Content Manager
Posts: 3,135
I never got around to checking all of them, but I think the only one I had trouble with was the color-legendary.
I do need to check colors too though :U Make sure they all work fine - otherwise everything looks really good! :D
5:44pm Aug 20 2014
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Posts: 98
aww ashton sorry to see you leave :( Good luck in whatever you go on to do in life :)
http://q.pokefarm.org/user/pokefan1300 Click my eggs!
5:07pm Aug 27 2014
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Posts: 284
Soooo my phone is broke but look look (sorry if the links don't work, typing on an I pad is frustrating) http://imgur.com/g4XNLH9 http://imgur.com/0aoXaZ2 http://imgur.com/l2EmHWn http://imgur.com/4c2DjAd http://imgur.com/01CdguU http://imgur.com/C3HaQku McKay I'll try and explain these in the right order... 1. You know how I said there could be a little magpie bird that steals spoons or some thing like that a while back? We'll there it is! 2. The somewhat silly evo of the magpie, which, yes, is standing on a rake (I was running out of ideas so I picture the rake to be a sort of weapon like how the previous evo held a spoon?). 3.its meant to be a sort of.. Scorpion that steals wall panels out of factory's/ scrap heaps and uses it as a shield? It looked nice on paper so I thought it would be a nice steel type. 4. A back view of the scorpion so you can see its body. 5. Big scorpion! Also I forgot to mention that they're tails are plug sockets. I imagined they'd be a bit of a pest because they look like panels in walls so they could steal electricity whilst hidden if that makes spence. 6. Side view of the big guy because the anatomy of him looks a little wired from the front. Okey dorky I apologise if you can't make heads or tails out of what I just said. The iPad has probably jumbled it all up. I won't be able to turn these into sprites for a week or so because I'm on.holiday.
12:12am Aug 28 2014
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Posts: 3,135
8) Is it bad to say I am in love with all of these? ;w;
2:13pm Sep 4 2014 (last edited on 2:17pm Sep 4 2014)
Normal User
Posts: 284
Found these on my computer, mustnt have uploaded them? Did I? Anyway i almost forgot i made em
HHOPING to make 1 sprite per day since ive been slacking off at making the sprites :<
Starting to make the magpie~
ALSO from now on all the rest of the sprites will be 64x64 juuuust in case i make them too big and have to redo them again.
(Should we maybe advertise on the SB for this thread or no?)
2:27pm Sep 4 2014
Content Manager
Posts: 3,135
I think maybe we could advertise for creative input and stuff since I haven't been able to focus much in that area for a while.
I'd also like to maybe open up a new thread and see about someone who's willing to organize the Pokedex for us. ;u;
(Your sprites are awesome btw - love the water starter evo<3)
3:00pm Sep 4 2014 (last edited on 3:05pm Sep 4 2014)
Normal User
Posts: 284
I could organise it if you mean making the pokemon deions?
some perspective~ (still looks tiny)
so tinyyyyy X3
the background isnt transparent unfortunately, but that shouldnt be a terrible inconvenience.
probably gonna try to make some backsprites tomorrow.
3:03pm Sep 4 2014
Content Manager
Posts: 3,135
Nah, havin' 'em nontransparent is no big deal<3
But like, having it sort of the way I do in the link on the first page, just going numerically. It'd be super tedious but if you want to try, be my guest XD
(also that magpie is super cute what)
7:06pm Sep 5 2014
Normal User
Posts: 284
Look what I finished~
I tried to limit the colours to make it more... pokemon... styled?
It actually turned out quite nice.
2:24pm Sep 6 2014 (last edited on 3:29pm Sep 6 2014)
Normal User
Posts: 284
Perhaps the pokedex should be done by someone else...
Im going to redo those 7 pokemon at the bottom and 3rd water starter since theyre waaaay too big.
3:26pm Sep 6 2014
Content Manager
Posts: 3,135
yeLLS THIS IS REALLY CUTE I"M??? ;A; I love it
3:35pm Sep 6 2014
Normal User
Posts: 284
Yaay you like it ^.^
Im trying to make an ad for this thread, does this look okay?
(You can totes test it out if it works)
4:34pm Sep 11 2014 (last edited on 3:59pm Sep 13 2014)
Normal User
Posts: 284
Hnnng lookie look
http://imgur.com/6PrtGxK http://imgur.com/W40lQxY http://imgur.com/SEfFqHb http://imgur.com/w9rgIPE http://imgur.com/PAjLZRf http://imgur.com/q14Ws1J http://imgur.com/SliKaXM http://imgur.com/gnB3z0R http://imgur.com/Y5IneNr http://imgur.com/8TZ0atc http://imgur.com/tOLaS32 http://imgur.com/uadfxxC http://imgur.com/cDtuRiZ http://imgur.com/PhrIqeB http://imgur.com/CTrBs7E
4:02pm Sep 13 2014
Normal User
Posts: 284
Mkay I dont know how but the picture of the legendary dog thing managed to delete the quick reply for me so I deleted that humongous image /:I
oops buuuuuuut
2nd Evo, Redoing the 3rd Tomorrow probably~