Spriters, writers wanted~

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3:52pm Sep 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 284
Ta daaaa!

The bottom one is a slightly more detailed one that I thought would be nice to show you, but dont really suit the pokemon color scheme <:3


3:59pm Sep 14 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
I really like these holy butts ;n;

Bless you friend <3 I'll work on some concepts tonight now that I have a bit more free time :D


2:18pm Sep 23 2014 (last edited on 2:18pm Sep 23 2014)

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Posts: 284

My computer broke and while i can go on a computer I cant use GIMP to make stuff.


3:58pm Oct 2 2014

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Posts: 284
Soooo my moms computer now has Gimp, soooo daily spriting shall continue :V

9:41am Oct 3 2014

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Posts: 68
i see i have been mentioned in previous posts :3
i helped omega make the following pokemon
Felmos: A star cat, has potential for a mini legendary
Fiall: A little fire spirit, with twirling ribbons around it. 

im not good and spriting and all that stuff but ill be happy to help as much as i can ;3

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1:10pm Oct 11 2014 (last edited on 1:11pm Oct 11 2014)

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SO I remade Fisea, who was, in my opinion, the worst of my sprites.
(Terrible, flat pose, over-done texture,distorted eyes... the reasons go on and on as to why it aint great)

The new look took a while (Bout 3 hours!)
But it more closely resembles that Pokemon style.
(So...hard...to make...)

AAAAND I am in a few minutes beginning to make one of it second evos.

Specifically, Sirene, the Mermaid Pokemon.
(Get it? Serene and Siren? Im so good at making puns...)

And then ill be making the other second evo,
Sharkab, for lack of a better name.
(Shark puns are hard....)

Edit: And hello, Catsmaid! :D

4:25pm Oct 11 2014 (last edited on 1:45pm Oct 12 2014)

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Posts: 284

Gee I am on fiyaaaa


FINALLY gonna be doing the fire starter remake tomorrow hopefully.

Rabbits were never my strong point...


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Well, its not amazing, but its better than the other one!

DOUBLE EDIT: For the sake of conserving space:

Old                 New

Neeew Fiall!!

2:49pm Oct 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 284
So im currently in the middle of almost completely redoing the design of the three legendarys.

I have a few ideas for their designs:

 Coatlique, who, from my crappy research gave birth to Xolotl and Quetzalcoatl, right?


Coatlique=Middle legendary of ???, some sort of Skeltetal Life Serpent I dont know I really have no idea what to make it look like

Xolotl=Legendary of ???, a lightning salamander dog maybe?

Quetzalcoatl= Legendary of ???, a feathered serpent, no wings, but can fly, like a chinese/eastern dragon. 

I kinda think they should all be mostly serpentine?

(Please help on what theyll be the legendary of, I still want it to be colour vs monochrome, or something, butt I need help on the final big dude)

5:46am Oct 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 68
the new Fiall is SO CUTE

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3:05pm Oct 17 2014

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Posts: 284

Waaaaaaaah I dont like iiiit

Its meant to be the 2nd evo of the buttergon... or maybe 1st?

IDK I cant sprite bugs XC

4:17pm Oct 17 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Omg omgomgomg I need to download all the coding stuff to my new computer oops

But these look incredible and I am super pumped and??

Yeah I can maybe doodle up a design or something here in just a second :> And some more since I've been thinking lol~


6:24am Oct 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 98
oh yeah i know I haven't been active in a while but I can make trainer sprites for people if they want!

http://q.pokefarm.org/user/pokefan1300 Click my eggs!

8:32am Nov 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 284
Wowza I havent been doing these for way too long ;_;

I have faaailed!

At the moment im finishing up those recolours.


11:11am Jan 24 2015

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Posts: 284
So  quite soon I will be continuing with making all the sprite (I just havent been in the mood to make them as of late :C)

But for now I am making lore for our legendarys: 

(Here are temp names)

Quetz(Big legend)
Harp(Rainbow Harpy)
Naga(Dark Pterodatyl naga thing)
and two other legends
Azdog(Azted death lightning thing cant remeber the name)
Panther(Star Cat Little Legendary)

Long ago there existed a land. This land was populated by Pokemon of strange colours created by 2 tribes, a Light tribe and a Dark tribe. The light tribe worshipped their colourful land and bright Pokemon, the Dark tribe worshipped the colourless Pokemon that hid in their night. They often argued over land, fighting to bring Pokemon into the light or back into the dark. This fighting was usually stopped by Quetz, an Ancient Pokemon formed from Light and Dark.

One time however, the Dark Princess and Enlightened Prince-future rulers of the two kingdoms-fell deeply in love with each other. However, this bond was frowned upon by the tribes, and many wars began to stir. To stop the tribes from fighting, the prince and princess called Quetz. Quetz turned them into Pokemon and allowed them the power to control the power of Colour-one giving it and one taking it.

With their power, they merged the land letting Light and Dark coexist.

When their powers collided however, it created another pokemon with a fraction of their power. This pokemon was a shadow in solid form, called Panther. A small beast that plays tricks on the mind, that danced with the stars, and  snuck in the shadows.


Azdog and more Quetz Lore

Quetz and Azdog were hatched from an egg nestled deep in the Eaths core.
When a surge of energy struck the egg, out burst two spirits that rushed to the surface out of two volcanos on opposite sides of the earth. Then the firsst spirit opened its eyes it saw the sun and its light blue sky. It was shaped by these things into Quetz, the Link between the Earth and sKy. On the other side, the other spirit emerged and saw the Nigh sky through rain and thunder. These things shaped it into Azdog, A dark beast of Fire and Lightning.


5:14pm Jan 24 2015 (last edited on 12:52am Jan 25 2015)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Ooh that sounds neat o: We'll have to incorporate a story teller somewhere!

(hi sorry college makes life hectic)

Also, quick question - do we want to make nonbinary protags too? Pokemon Reborn had six choices in player - three light skin, three dark skinned; two male, two female, and two nonbinary.


Bleed made us a trainer

Normal type using Elite 4 ouo


8:32pm Jan 24 2015

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
also ur gonna love me i done went and put i think all the sprites except raptree's on the first post

ur welcome <3


9:01am Jan 25 2015

Normal User

Posts: 284
Oh m gosh thank you! :V

Though if it helps im making a sortof Pokedex with all the Pokes ith type and names~ (why no raptree?)

And now for my evil plan...

1. Make all starter front sprites
2. Remake all too big sprites
3. Make back sprites for current poke's.
4. Make all evolutions for current ones.
5. Make new poke sprites.
6. Make tile sets.
8. Relax

11:16am Jan 25 2015

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
I didn't put Raptree because I'm a lazy ass B) I'll crop the sprite later tho~


12:48am Jan 26 2015

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
tle="" target="_blank">YOOOOOOOOOOO

The sprite's a little small - dunno if it's the program or what but yO progress!


9:17am Jan 26 2015

Normal User

Posts: 284


I hope the sorites arent too small XD
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