Spriters, writers wanted~

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3:07pm Mar 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 284

My harpy im doing looks pretty much like that phew...

That Nagas just like:

Y YU DO DIS MASTER?? "Cries" He looks so sad ;-;

3:09pm Mar 30 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
And one more before I throw my pencil -

It's a very basic concept for the "big guy" - it's basically a sun with a creepy-ass mouth and two giant stone hands xD

im bad at this ahah


6:29am Mar 31 2014

Normal User

Posts: 98
I we're going with greekn mythology here's a few ideas


They'd be cool also maybe a gargoyle even though I don't think their greek

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7:16am Mar 31 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135

It's not Greek, it's South American :U


9:19am Mar 31 2014 (last edited on 9:22am Mar 31 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 284
The trouble with Mayan and Aztec gods and mythical creatures is that theres not a lot of them, and theyre all messed up! Seriously, type in "Mayan mythological creatures" in to google images and you'll see what I mean.

I mean... What ARE they?!?!


EDIT: I do like Quetzalcoatl though, maybe the big sun guy could be him? A draconic feathered serpent?

12:55pm Mar 31 2014 (last edited on 12:55pm Mar 31 2014)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
See, the male ex-human is supposed to be based off of the Quetzlcoatl.
The female is based from Chia
And the sun I posted is Tonatiuh -

I'm absolutely more than willing to allow small interjections (such as the pretty Kelfin hee<3)
and I have a gryphon-based line planned out, but I don't want to use "massive" characters from European mythology such as the Gorgons and the Fates.

I'll also absolutely handle - at the VERY least most - of the research needed. My biological mother is pursuing a degree or something in South American history, so it's no big deal to call her up and ask questions.

(i hope i made this clear omg im sorry)


1:01pm Mar 31 2014

Normal User

Posts: 98
Ok well i had an idea for a pokemon based on the chupacabra. 2 stages
Stage 1: Chupacub (chupacabra+cub)
Ghost/Ground or Ghost/Dark maybe?

Stage 2: Terrocabra (terror+chupacabra)
Same types

http://q.pokefarm.org/user/pokefan1300 Click my eggs!

3:09pm Mar 31 2014

Normal User

Posts: 284
I was looking at the Xolotl too, and I thought that maybe we could have a Dark/Fire type Axolotl Pokemon based off him? Because he was the god of fire and death? (And of course because of his name sounding like Axolotl. Im not very original okay?!)

Another cool mythological creature - while not Aztec or Mayan - is the Enfield. I mostly like it because it originated in Ireland. (Paddy Land yeah!) and because of how complex it is. Look it up!

And Poke, I was doodling a Gorgon pokemon. It was cool. :3

2:48pm Apr 1 2014

Normal User

Posts: 98
there's an enfield on my family crest

http://q.pokefarm.org/user/pokefan1300 Click my eggs!

3:05pm Apr 1 2014 (last edited on 3:06pm Apr 1 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 284
Beautiful. Majestic. FoxWolfLionBird Creature. Yess.


There seems to be some lines on it? I dont know how that happened? Nor can I see them?

EDIT: Its the Harpy by the way. RAINBOWS

3:15pm Apr 1 2014

Normal User

Posts: 98
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! I just had a great idea!
Water/fairy amazon river dolphin pokemon
Amadelf or Delfazon or something

http://q.pokefarm.org/user/pokefan1300 Click my eggs!

4:33pm Apr 1 2014

Normal User

Posts: 98
A dolphin would be cool but a new type isn't being put into the rom file
The dolphin's a good idea though

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1:07pm Apr 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 284

This is the Fisea: http://imgur.com/zocl0pH

He's a bit of a SparklePants...

Also, for the Kang, is your sprite final? (A sabertooth kitty is awesome!)

Also, regarding the Legendarys...

Big Guy: Quetzalcoatl, correct?
Harpy Owl: Self Explanatory.

For the Naga fellow... Now, this may seem a little odd, because it was what I first thought of when you said Quetzalcoatl a good few posts ago...

Maybe.. Mostly because I think he should look a little like the Harpy...

A Quetzalcoatlus? And Naga? Like an Amphiptere?

And would making them to be based Colour and Monochrome be a good idea? With the Big guy being Harmony between the two?

If you like that idea, maybe the Legendary Trio for the region could be of the Primary Colours?

1:32pm Apr 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 98

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2:00pm Apr 2 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Apologies for disappearing!
The sprites are looking fantastic :D I can fix up the Harpy with no trouble at all~

The quetzlcoatl... thing (a quetzlecoatlus is a dinosaur? idk) would... okay, look fantastic. o:
Heh, I only said naga for lack of better term.

And I love the idea of having them chromatic/achromatic. That does make a bit of a pickle regarding the sun-god-thing, but I'm sure we can figure something out~

And, having a primary color trio? *o* You're brilliant, Omega
Kind of an homage to the first Pokemon games too~

And... All I really did for Kang was splice Delcatty with Glameow, draw in a tail, and recolor. XD The quality won't match what you're doing, so you can redo it if you want to.

And good idea! I'll get to work on a dolphin concept as soon as I get home. Baja dolphins ahoy!
(whispers did I hit everything)


3:07pm Apr 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 284
Holy Roly Poly, Did you say...

"Kind of an homage to the first Pokemon games too~"

I was gonna make them A turtley thing, Salamander, and a Brachiosaurus!
See what I was gonna do?!?!

Also, I WILL MAKE Quetzy! As soon as the fire starter (LOL Unintentionall Pun.) Is done and dusted.

And the Big guy could be a sort of Draconic Chinese Dragon Adorned in Tribal Feathers?
And it Could be... THE HARMONY TRIO!

And now... Bad guys! Considering the Aztecs and Mayans were tribalish people, the bad guys could be a cultish ancient tribe? Maybe of the Monochrome guys? And they could be all like: Whats Black n' White is ours yo! And then there could be the tribish guys of the Harpy fellow who are all like: What U Doin?!?!? Colour Colour Colour! And then the last tribe of the big guy could be all like: Guys, Harmony Plz, stop it.

Also... Names!

Harpy: Owletreum. Owl and Spectrum!
Naga: Monoqeutz. Monochrome and Quetzalcoatlus.
Big Guy: Quetsolar. Quetzalcoatl and Solar. BIG AND YELLOW. >o<

You likey?

And Fisea could turn into a Dolphin! He was gonna be a Shark but... nAh.

3:17pm Apr 2 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
;u; Those are super rad ideas.

I'm gonna do some practicing with ing and all that and try to make events better (right now it's pretty much see player->run and talk->plot deVELOPM ENT


3:39pm Apr 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 98
Omg Omega if u make your sparkly fishy evolve into a sparkly fairy dolphin i will love u 5eva

http://q.pokefarm.org/user/pokefan1300 Click my eggs!

3:41pm Apr 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 98
Oh yeah i made myself a trainer sprite :)
ta:image/png;base64,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" alt="" height="172" width="108">
I'd prefer to be a water type trainer as its my fave type and i want sparklez dolphinz :P

http://q.pokefarm.org/user/pokefan1300 Click my eggs!

3:47pm Apr 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 98
So will the fish be like a magikarp or feebas and evolve into something amazingly awesome and completely different or will it be more similar to the fish?
Also since it can't be part fairy why not make it part psychic instead

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