10:18pm Apr 4 2014
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Posts: 3,135
Let's see... I carved out some Eeveelutions today;
Aveon - Air - basically really poofy and cloudy and kyoot Veneon - Poison - it looks like an eared frog ngl Allumineon - Steel - it's... Spiky? Rlly spiky. Armadilleon - ground - it loOKS LIKE AN ARMADILLO AND I LOVE IT SOBS
Also doodled up a saiga/llama thing - I'll shove the link up in a second~
As for the other concepts -
I'm working on the design for a toucan pokemon, as well as something tropical-ish; maybe not a Bird of Paradise, but more like a macaw. Macaws are rad.
And I LOVE the idea of a ghost type aye-aye! :D maybe ghost/grass?
And the region.. I don't have exact specifications in mind right now, partly because my version of AdvanceMap doesn't let me edit the region map. But if you want to kinda start making the tilesets a little more tropical, that'd be wonderful! :D <3
4:33am Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 98
Wispeon for ghost type eeveelution
http://q.pokefarm.org/user/pokefan1300 Click my eggs!
5:06am Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 284
How about... Drakeon/Draconeon - Dragon Breezeon/ Tornadeon - Flying Spectreon/ Ghouleon - Ghost Toxeon/ Cyanideon - Poison Ironeon/ Steeleon - Steel Bouldeon/ Pebbleon - Rock Quakeon/ Soileon - Ground (I love the armadillo concept!) Brawleon/ Puncheon - Fighting Buzzeon/ Insecteon- Bug
Also, there could be like a mesa area? Kinda like that one soot place in RSE but with red dust.
6:59am Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 284
Not really a redo or anything but... I brightened them up, made them more tropicalish/ American
8:23am Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 3,135
I don't want to go for too obvious names regarding Eeveelutions, aye?alli
Aveon - Aves - Birds Veneon - Venom Allumineon - Aluminium (I could probably cut that down to one L, hm? |D) Armadillion - I do admit this one is stretching it a bit. Perhaps give it a Spanish twirl and go Armadeon, so it sounds like Armadillon (AHR-ma-DEE-yon)
God I love the double L pronunciation. ;u;
8:27am Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 284
How exactly are they Obvious? <:3 Nyoorn~
Do you like the Tilesets and Mesa Idea? :3
8:53am Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 284
Hmmm.... Heres some more obscure ones?
Zephyreon/ Ozoneon - Flying Graniteon - Ground Bactereon/Baneon - Poison Bansheon/ Ectopleon - Ghost Scaleon/ Mytheon - Dragon Alumineon is fine!- Steel Armadeon is Best! - Rock Arachneon/ Cicadeon - Bug Clasheon/Ruckuseon/ Dukeon/ Feudeon - Fighting
8:58am Apr 5 2014 (last edited on 8:59am Apr 5 2014)
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Posts: 3,135
I guess not obvious, but totally pointing towards the typing. Like... Okay Jolteon. Every ten year old kid could figure that Jolteon are Electric type. Umbreon and Espeon are a little more difficult, but then it bounces back to Glaceon and Leafeon.
Sylveon is by far the best named - who the hell thinks of fairies with a name like that? "Sylva" typically refers to woods and forests.
I do like Buzzeon and Puncheon though o: I'll have to whip up some doodles for the two
And the mesa concept sounds awesome o: We'll have to see how we can roll with that~
9:06am Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 3,135
Yeehaw concept time!
http://imgur.com/ya1lr04 http://imgur.com/p22ssFZ http://imgur.com/mv7veuh http://imgur.com/fjVyuH8 http://imgur.com/rX2Jo6a http://imgur.com/eyKY4ru http://imgur.com/q4XCuzJ http://imgur.com/4dnVbXN http://imgur.com/5HhkKJW http://imgur.com/XFPjpST
There may be a few there that repeat - sorry ;u; Just something Imgur likes to do for some reason.
The one that looks like Girafarig is intended to be an evolution. I meant to make it more antelope/okapi ish, but that kinda went down thw drain ;u;
9:38am Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 284
Dat Dolphin tho :O
I love zem! *O*
He looks a little 2nd stagey... so far. http://imgur.com/5YGRm7v
'e's a lil big but... yeah! Boom!
9:44am Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 3,135
Oh man you even made the tail a little flame hOW RAD ARE YOU ;u;
9:54am Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 284
Oh stop it you! OuO d
And... what colours would the... tapir, snout guy be?
11:12am Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 284
I myself... am stunned by how gorgeous this one turned out D8
No srsly, just... woah...
I dub thee Rafefar!
Tapir colours?
12:10pm Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 3,135
Rafefar is gorgeous holy bums
And yeah man, a tapir scheme would be super neat o:
1:25pm Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 284
But... what... colours should he be? I was thinking... Now im going to sound incredibly dumb but... Banana colour scheme?
3:23pm Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 284
I Just found the most HILARIOUS thing! Yesterday, I downloaded Pokemon Sienna you see?
Guess what I found.
Oh man... Now I see why people dont like Fakemon...
...And back on subject, Banana color scheme? Yeeees?
4:53pm Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 98
Im starting to run out of ideas lol. I think there should be a swamp/marsh area where you can find water, poison, ground types etc. A volcano or mountain would be pretty cool too. I was also doodling random things today and one of them was a butterfly dragon. I think that could make a cool bug/dragon type.
http://q.pokefarm.org/user/pokefan1300 Click my eggs!
5:48pm Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 3,135
I'm a little limited by what kinds of tilesets are used in each area, but I might could manage a volcano somewhere.
Also yeehaw butterfly dragons! Definitely throwing those in~
And dude a banana color scheme would be amazing. We don't have very many "bright" Pokemon yet. (Also yeah sienna scares me a little - I greatly prefer Pokemon Fuligin. No Fakemon but a decent storyline o:)
5:56pm Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 284
Sienna's very overrated in the hacking world, sure, the story line is advanced but the fakemon are cookie cutter freaks with disgraceful names.
I mean, MOOCANO?!? Why not, Volcow or Bullava or...
Just - MOOCANO?! BURAM?!? BOMBSECT?! SQUIRREN?!? WHAT?!! < (What is unfortunately not a name, but it might as well be.)
5:44am Apr 6 2014
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Posts: 98
I'm really happy with butterfly dragons head ( I think Flutterdra is the best name i can come up with) But its arms and body are not working. I gave it lil t-rexy arms, then i gave it 4 arms now im wondering if i should just give it butterfree hands. its legs look kinda like flygon's.
http://q.pokefarm.org/user/pokefan1300 Click my eggs!