The Last Airbender?

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10:43am Aug 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 102
Ok so I'm a huge fan of the show and I'm thinking about seeing the movie. I've heard that it was just awful so I wanted to know is it worth spending my money on lol...or will I be disappointed.

Please disregard my terrible avatar. It won't let me edit it...but apparently that's being worked on -_-

11:31am Aug 6 2010

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Posts: 3,642
I thought it was decent enough. Not really good in the ways it meant to be good in though - it was mostly just so bad it was hilarious. xD So if you do decide to go see it, keep a light attitude and expect some laughs. It probably isn't worth it otherwise.


12:51pm Aug 6 2010

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Posts: 4,093
I thought it was absolutely abysmal.

It was the first time I ever actually wanted to leave the theatre during a movie. I was depressed for like two days afterwards because I thought it had ruined the show for me.

But if you just watch a few episodes afterwards you'll get it out of your system. ;D

Like Yoshi said, half of it is so horrible that it's hilarious. xD Just go there for the laughs.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

4:02pm Aug 6 2010

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Posts: 509
The movie was AMAZING!! I loved it <3 Especially Noah Ringer :)


4:14pm Aug 6 2010

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Posts: 2,556

i isn't like the show(tv) at all,or so i hear.

if you love the show,then expect some big diffrences.

katara isn't even a waterbender!

ZZAZZ the Level 153 Charizard 'M
Adopt a glitch pokemon at glitch city labs!

4:36pm Aug 6 2010

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Posts: 102

Yoshi and Dust I'll keep that in mind xD...

Kitten no way...are you serious. What is she then xD...I mean she wasn't ever a favorite but she still needs to be kinda close the original. Favorite is Azula by far xD

Please disregard my terrible avatar. It won't let me edit it...but apparently that's being worked on -_-

6:46pm Aug 6 2010

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Posts: 17,364

Well, honestly, I diddn't really like it......

I thought it was Horrible Bad :for MANY reasons.

One that ticked me off is that they called him 'Ong' Instead of 'Aang'.




6:53pm Aug 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 508

It was bad,  I would sudgest going if you want a good laugh or just want something to complain about. :P


Kitten, Katara was a waterbender just she didn't have as NEARLY as much waterbending-y action as in the show. :P


7:22pm Aug 6 2010

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Posts: 102
zozane yeah I heard about the weird pronunciation thing xD. I'll probably go see it but not take it seriously.

Please disregard my terrible avatar. It won't let me edit it...but apparently that's being worked on -_-

11:02pm Aug 6 2010

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Posts: 79
its terrible, none of the actors have any emotion, sokka is not funny, anng is not cute and they give momo no signifcance. for me it was a terrible movie it just made me wonder if the director purpously messed things up or he did not watch the series

call me hoshiko or hoshi. DANKS!

11:38am Aug 7 2010

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Posts: 354

HORRIBLE. My cousin dragged me to see that movie. Lucky I wasnt paying. its too dramatic, and too staged. Like Youkai said Sokka was not funny at all he was way too serious. If your going to watch it have someone pay for you so you wont waste your money or watch it online

-Sighes- Rant over...felt good too

Eastern Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

4:32pm Aug 11 2010 (last edited on 4:33pm Aug 11 2010)

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Posts: 1,708
Don't see it if you want to mantain your good health. After seeing the movie it should come with an apology and a box of chocolates or something. It was really aggravating for a big fan of the TV series. As said before, I wanted to leave the theater. Also when I was in the theater there was an earthquake and this kid behind me kept saying "Mommie? Is that prince Zuko." That little also was kicking my friend's chair.  They mispronounced  alot of names with gets annoying too. The bender did alot of unnesesary movemnts and then the element would begin to move. The were all bad actors too, especially Noah ringer.
Azula looked like she was 12. Too dramatic. Harruu looked like a girl. Avatar was pornounced Awvatar. Katara didn't have her little hair loopy thingies.
For sake of your sanity DON'T SEE THE HORRID MOVIE!
My venting is now over, you can take your hands off your ears now.

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