The RAYGE thread D:<

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5:34pm Nov 4 2010

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Posts: 1,003
detneth-i agree, and i think that you cant win when adopting in this sense, if you adopt from a kill shelter, you save a life, but no kills remain full and it is harder for them to continue working but if you adopt from a no kill then a kill shelter animal might die DX

Adopting is good...go adopt a three legged dog or a one eyed cat, you'll save a life...*uses mind powers to will people


3:50am Nov 5 2010

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Posts: 9,641
Humane Society got a revamp though. Hopefully euthanising isn't as...much as a liberated action nowadays.


7:18pm Nov 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 134

Okay, so there was, like, this girl, right? Two, four years old. She was talking/whining/babbling to her father about getting a puppy, so of course I was interested, having always wanted a dog myself. However, her father instead managed to tell her that she could have a dog when she was older, 'cause it turns out that they were getting a goldfish today, and if she took care of it for a while without killing it that would mean she was responsible.

So, yeah, she liked this idea. But then, she says, and I quote;

"And when I'm done with the goldfish, we can give it to the poor and I can get a puppy!"


I mean, she's little, but you can't be done with an animal. Goldfish need love too! 

5% of the internet loves Twilight. 94% hate it. Only 24% have actually read the book.

12:43am Nov 8 2010 (last edited on 12:47am Nov 8 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 853

I can't rage to much on what little ones say/do. Because they are dumb and don't know any better yet.

If the kid was ten or something, yeah, maybe.

But hey, at least she wanted to give it to the poor.

And I am not really on the PETA boat for saving the sea kittens. But goldfish are pretty rad. They're a whole heck of a lot smarter than people think they are.

 photo 40 - DSZVXzV_zpsj5zwxtwe.jpg

4:15pm Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,685
*revive* D:<

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
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