Oh mai, teh loop holes D: But washing machine is for clothes silly X3
- Do not poke a guy in the ribs. He won't like it and may cause him to be moody or it might end up in a poke war which goes on for months on end ._.
- Do not let your mother speak over you when you visit the doctor. Mothers always make things seem worse than they are and end up wasting time which should not have been wasted.
- Do, look on top of wardrobes for lost Aligator heads. They usually lurk around up there.
- Do not sit on you curtains Usually this makes them fall down. in Nias' case, it brings out a chunk of the wall too.
- Do, nag your parents for guitar esons. If that dosen't work, your gran will always side with you on getting them (specially if you go t the trouble of learning the national anthem on the guitar from playing by ear and convincing her you have "talents" that should not be wasted XD)
Whew, lotsa tips o3o silly silly tips wich are pretty useless really. Just as useless as white cayons ._.